Where are the Ley Line Blossoms Genshin Impact
Genshin Impacts Ley Line Blossoms are created when activating Ley Line Outcrops and completing their challenges. To learn what rewards you can get from Ley Line Blossoms, read on.
Ley Line Blossoms in Genshin Impact is a resource created by activating Ley Line Outcrops in Teyvat. Once you interact with a Ley Line Outcrop in Genshin Impact, enemies will spawn, and you’ll have to defeat them to transform the outcrop into a blossom. To find out what the different Ley Line Blossoms are in Genshin Impact, and what rewards they yield, read on.
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What are Ley Line Blossoms and how to find them
Ley Line Outcrops spawn in each region of Teyvat daily as a chance for XP rewards and resource drops. These Ley Line Outcrops will appear as orbs on your map and are fairly simple to navigate. They look like balls of either gold or blue energy which, when approached, can be interacted with to spawn enemies. Defeat the enemies and you’ll be able to transform the outcrop into a Ley Line Blossom, by spending Original Resin.
Original Resin is the moon-like energy resource, that is used to complete Ley Line Outcrops and Domain Challenges, acting as a type of stamina meter that limits the number of challenges you can complete daily. This resource does replenish over time, approximately 1 unit every 8 minutes, until the cap is reached. Once Original Resin is used to complete challenges, the player will receive XP points equal to 5 times the rate of Original Resin units used.
The two main Blossoms that can be created from completing outcrop challenges are Blossom of Revelation and Blossom of Wealth. One of each Blossom will spawn in each region of Teyvat as part of your daily tasks.
Trounce Blossoms are another type of blossom that is obtained from beating bosses, the reward for doing so will vary depending on the type of boss that was beaten and their level of difficulty. Although Blossoms usually require 20 Original Resin to activate, Trounce Blossoms require 60 Original Resin due to their increased difficulty and reward rate.
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Ley Line Blossoms rewards
All types of Ley Line Blossoms yield XP, used for advancing in the Adventurer Ranks and unlocking access to main story quests. Additionally, Blossoms of Revelation yields additional character upgrade materials and Blossom of Wealth will gift the player with a sum of Mora. As mentioned, the rewards received from Trounce Blossoms will depend on the boss spawned.
- If you want to travel the world of Teyvat with your friends but don’t know how, read our guide on how to unlock Genshin Impact multiplayer.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.