How to beat Mitra in Ghostrunner 2
Here's our coverage of the best Ghostrunner 2 Mitra boss strategy, so you know how to beat the final boss of the game and can hit the credits.
You may need to know our Ghostrunner 2 Mitra boss strategy if you've found yourself on the final boss of the game and are struggling to get the killing blow.
Ghostrunner 2 features far more boss fights than the original game, and it ups the difficulty to match, with it peaking during your final fight with Mitra. I found it to be the most difficult boss of the game, with it taking much longer than the other fights. However, there are some things I picked up on that can make your attempt a little easier.
So, if you need a primer on how to beat Mitra in Ghostrunner 2, read on below.
How to defeat Mitra in Ghostrunner 2
Like all the bosses in Ghostrunner 2, you just need to reduce Mitra's health to zero to beat him, but you'll need to make it through three phases of increasing difficulty, along with some cyberspace segments that break up the fighting.
Phase one
When the fight begins, Mitra will likely attempt to dash at you with an attack straight away. You can dodge, block, or parry this, but we recommend attempting to parry it and learning the timing, as he will continue this attack through all phases of the fight - plus it does a lot of damage to him.
Another attack he may perform will see him leap into the air and fire two projectiles into the floor. These will then pulse, sending out a shockwave you need to jump over.
These are simple to deal with, and you just need to get close to the projectiles and press the grapple button when prompted to remove them. After removing both, Mitra will attempt to attack you from behind, but time will slow down giving you the perfect window to parry and do damage.
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In his third move during phase one, Mitra will jump to the other side of the arena, and send energy waves at you. These will alternate between high and low, so you need to move toward him while crouching and then jumping to dodge the attacks.
It's important to get close to Mitra during this phase so you can trigger one of his first two attacks, as they allow you to deal the most damage when successfully parrying.
After getting his health down to roughly two-thirds, you'll enter into a cyberspace segment, where you need to platform forward to Mitra while dodging balls of energy. Attack him once to reach phase two.
Phase two
When phase two starts, Mitra will hit you with a blast of air that sends you flying backwards. Just dodge forward instantly after this, and if you're quick enough you can attack him a few times before he goes into another attack.
He uses the same three attacks in phase two as phase one. The dash sword attack is still exactly the same, but the other two are slightly different.
If he jumps into the air, he will now fire an additional projectile you'll need to deal with, but this is still one of the best moves for him to do due to the essentially free parry at the end.
For the third attack, he still jumps across to the far end of the arena, but this time he sends energy in the shape of x's toward you. Just dash right or left the second you see a green x to avoid this and get in close to deal more damage with your sword.
The strategy for phase two is pretty much the same as the first, and you'll want to parry as much as possible to deal big chunks of damage.
Once you get Mitra down to a third of his total health, the second cyberspace segment will begin, once again challenging you to platform towards Mitra while he fires balls of energy at you.
Phase three
For the final phase of the fight, there is only one major difference from the previous phase. A machine will begin firing lasers into the arena. These are telegraphed by a blue target on the ground, which turns red just as the lasers are set to fire.
For this phase, you just need to keep avoiding the same attacks while also staying away from these lasers.
The second the phase stars, you can get in some free damage by dashing back at Mitra and hitting him a few times. He may try the dash attack too, so be ready to parry, and you can lower his health by a good chunk before the phase really even begins.
Once again, you'll want to try and trigger the projectile attack, so you can remove them and get the free parry off.
After you get Mitra to a slither of health, one final cyberspace segment will take place, tasking you with once again platforming over to Mitra. This time, when you strike the final blow, the fight will end and a cutscene will begin - signalling the end of the game.
That's all for our explanation of the Ghostrunner 2 Mitra boss strategy, and now you know how to beat him.
Check out our Ghostrunner 2 homepage for more guides. Alternatively, learn more about the Ghostrunner 2 Roguerunner.exe mode.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.