Everything we know about Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands

Everything we know about Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands
Images via Blizzard Entertainment

Written by 

Amy Eastland

Last updated 

18th Oct 2023 17:49


The latest expansion for Hearthstone is on the horizon and has been revealed as Showdown in the Badlands, and along with this new expansion comes new mechanics, cards and legendaries. If you want to know what to expect from the latest expansion, make sure you keep reading.

Hearthstone is a card game where you battle it out against the computer in Adventures or against other real players in competitive online modes. You have to craft the ideal deck using whatever class you pick and make sure it’s the best it can be to come out on top.

For this expansion, the cards will be themed around the Wild West and will have characters such as a dastardly Sheriff, Outlaws and more, so continue reading to find out how about Showdown in the Badlands below.

New Keywords

Elise, a legendary 8 cost card in Hearthstone
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With the new expansion, there will be new keywords for the new cards that are released. One of the keywords is Quickdraw. Cards with the Quickdraw keyword get a bonus on the turn that they are added to your hand. Use cards as soon as you draw them for the most optimal outcome.

The second keyword is Excavate. Cards with the Excavate keyword get you treasures from the Azerite mine. You’ll get a randomly excavated treasure from what tier you are on, then move to the next tier. The evil townsfolk are represented by Death Knight, Mage, Warlock, Rogue and Warrior. By the time you excavate a fourth time, you will get a new legendary for the respective class.

Legendary Outlaws

Elise pulling a rope in Hearthstone
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The good guys are represented by Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Priest and Shaman. You will receive a powerful legendary minion that gets a bonus effect from not having any duplicates in your deck. 

Season of Twist

Five allied minions on the board in Hearthstone
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Un’Goro makes a return in the November Season of Twist. You can build decks using the Un’Goro and Wonders sets. However, there will not be any Demon Hunter or Hunter classes available for this Twist.

Halloween events

Legendary Elise card in play in Hearthstone
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The Hallow’s End event makes a return. Hosted by the Headless Horseman, get your hands on some Wild West cosmetics for your heroes. You can also participate in special Blizzcon quests to get your hands on a new cardback.

For more on this title, check out our trending homepage. Or, check out our guide on how to use the Ping system in WoW.

Amy Eastland
About the author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.
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