Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation Exclusive Explained
Hogwarts Legacy is taking us to the Wizarding World, but PlayStation owners will be able to explore an exclusive area. Here's everything we know about the Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation exclusive content.
If you're an Xbox player, then you might want to know how the Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation exclusive content works. Hogwarts Legacy will send us to a magical school and allow us to explore a world many of us dream about going to.
However, PlayStation players will gain some extra insight with their Hogwarts Legacy exclusive. Here's what it entails, so you can make a judgment on which console to buy the game for.
- Interested in getting Hogwarts Legacy on PlayStation? The developers have discussed the DualSense features for the game.
Disclaimer: While the creator of the Harry Potter franchise was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, their comments on social media around transgender people are hurtful and dangerous given the size of their platform.
We’d implore you to read our explainer of the controversy so far, and consider supporting trans rights charities where possible.
- UK:
What's The Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation Exclusive?
The Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation system exclusive is a mission that's set in Hogsmeade. The premise is that a store owner named Madam Mason wants to sell her shop in Hogsmeade. However, you must see what's underneath the store and investigate a creepy environment before that happens. "Watch your step - not everyone who enters is able to escape the darkness," says the video description for the content's trailer.
The tone is definitely set with a haunted theme in mind. There are hung mannequins that are on the ceiling like dead bodies, and then the trailer reveals them attacking you as you try to explore the dungeon. It seems like you'll need the spell "Incendio" to succeed during this mission. Otherwise, it may be hard to deal with these typically inanimate beings.
- WB Games has confirmed whether or not microtransactions will be in Hogwarts Legacy.
Are There Other Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation Exclusives?
There are two other exclusives that come within the "Haunted Hogsmeade Shop" pack. First, there will be a Shopkeeper's Cosmetic Set, which will add a slick new style to your character. The cool brown coat with the top hat looks fantastic on these wizards. Second, you'll be able to utilize the Hogsmeade Shop in some shape or form. These two aspects of the content will likely be unlocked after finishing the mission.
If you pre-order Hogwarts Legacy, you'll also gain a few extra goodies like the Onyx Hippogriff mount and Felix Felicis potion recipe. Something else to consider is the various special editions for the game. Unfortunately, the Collector's Edition is already sold out; here's hoping they make more.
- It has been confirmed that Quidditch will not be playable in Hogwarts Legacy. Are you disappointed?
Will The Haunted Hogsmeade Shop Content Ever Release On PC And Xbox?
Thankfully, it has been confirmed that this DLC will only be exclusive for a year. Players on Xbox platforms, PC, and other systems will likely be able to gain access on February 10, 2024 if the end of this DLC's trailer holds true. The mission does look extensive, so you may want to consider if it's worth waiting a year to play the content on your preferred system.
For more Hogwarts Legacy guides, keep reading GGRecon.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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