Roblox Islands Value List (April 2023)
Read here for all Roblox Islands Values, included is a full values list of the most popular and expensive items to kit out your islands.
Islands is one of the many popular games that you can play on Roblox. In Roblox Islands, you can customise your own island bases and decorate them how you like. You can even raise animals, sell items and more.
Whether you wish to sell items or buy them, you'll need a full list of Islands Values to know how much money to save up. Read below for a full-value list of the most requested and expensive items in the game.
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Roblox Islands Value List (April 2023)
Here's what you're looking for, an Islands Value list of all the most popular and expensive items in the game. This list will change frequently with each game update to include the newest values. Below, the items are sorted by update and Island type.
Witch Update
- Witch Trophy: 6,000,000
- Formula 86: 150,000
- Jack O’ Lantern: 20,000
- Pumpkin Seeds: 120,000
- Pumpkin: 3,000
- Candy: 10,000
Cow Update
- Rage Blade Blueprint: 25 million
- Rage Blade: 10 million
- Cheesemaker: 550,000
- Red Bronze Refinery: 35 million
- Red Bronze Ingot: 150,000
- Milk Bucket – 25,000
Factory Update
- Gearbox: 10,000,000
- Plate Factory Mould: 10,000,000
- Rod Factory Mould: 8,000,000
- Bolt Factory Mould: 3,000,000
- Copper Press: 1,000,000
- Drill: 1,000,000
- Fish Tank Castle Blueprint: 600,000
- Fish Tank Anchor Blueprint: 600,000
- Fish Tank Shipwreck Blueprint: 600,000
- Fish Tank Treasure Chest Blueprint: 600,000
- Fish Tank Treasure Chest: 250,000
- Fish Tank Anchor: 100,000
- Fish Tank Castle: 100,000
- Fish Tank Shipwreck: 100,000
- Steel Press: 30,000,000
- Steel Mill: 1,250,000
- Steel Plate: 125,000
- Steel Bolt: 25,000
- Steel Rod: 40,000
- Steel Ingot: 4,000
- Gilded Steel Rod: 60,000
- Copper Plate: 130,000
- Copper Rod: 150,000
- Copper Bolt: 50,000
- Copper Ore: 1,000
- Copper Ingots: 3,000
- Medium Fish Tank: 1,000,000
- Small Fish Tank: 500,000
- Weapon Stand: 20,000
Firefly Update
- Red Firefly – 50,000
- Green Firefly – 20,000
- Blue Firefly – 100,000
- Yellow Firefly – 10,000
Bee Update
- Bee Jar – 20,000
- Honey Press – 50,000
- Honey Jar – 10,000
- Flower Seeds – 5,000
- Honey Block – 6,000
Obby Update
- Obby Kit – 10,000
- Obby Flags – 60,000
- Purple, Orange, and Green Disks – 100,000
- Obby Leaderboard – 100,000
Desert Island Update
- Vamp Bow Blueprint– 200,000
- Vamp Bow– 100,000
- Artefact Bow– 250,000
- Ancient Slime String– 50,000
- Ruby Skorp Stinger– 250,000
- Ruby Skorp Scale– 1,500
- Golden Skorp Claw– 250,000
- Golden Skorp Scale– 1,000
- Iron Skorp Scale– 500
- Desert Island Key– 50,000
- Arrow– 750
Buffalkor Island
- Buffalkor Crystal– 500,000
- Buffalkor Island Key– 5.000
Crystallized Items
- Crystallized Aquamarine– 375,000
- Crystallized Gold– 185,000
- Iron Crystallized Iron– 150,000
Wizard Island
- Tidal Blueprint– 200,000
- Tidal Spellbook– 100,000
- Spellbook– 500,000
- Green, Red, or Blue Page– 100,000
- Wizard Island Key– 7,000
Slime Island
- Pink Sticky Gear– 750,000
- Blue Sticky Gear– 30,000
- Green Sticky Gear– 5,000
Fishing Items
- Pearl– 50,000
- Propeller– 1,000,000
Industrial Items Values
- Industrial Washer– 1,500,000
- Industrial Chest– 30,000
- Food Processor– 200,000
- Industrial Oven– 150,000
- Industrial Sawmill– 200,000
- Stonecutter– 750,000
- Industrial Smelter– 2,000,000
Crafted Items Values
- Workbench Tier 3– 125,000
- Jukebox– 100,000
- Jukebox Disk (Yellow, Blue, Red)– 75,000
- Vending Machine– 200,000
- Basic Sprinkler– 100,000
- Water Catch– 500
Secret Items Values
- Purple Firefly:10,000,000
- Test Blueprint– 200,000
- Test Totem– 100,000
- Slime Island Key– 50,000
Seed Values
- Starfruit Seed– 100,000
- Berry Seed– 10,000
Weapons & Tools Values
- Gilded Steel Pickaxe– 200,000
- Gilded Steel Hammer– 1,000,000
- Aquamarine Sword– 400,000
- Gilded Steel Axe– 500,000
- Iron War Axe– 250,000
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About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.