How to unlock the Empowered Monolith in Last Epoch
Have you heard of the allure of the Empowered Monolith but are not sure how to access this endgame content in Last Epoch? Find out how to enter Empowered Timelines!
There's no better place to farm for high-end items in Last Epoch than the Empowered Monolith. After you beat Last Epoch's Campaign, your goal should be to prepare your character for the Empowered Timelines.
This primer explains how to unlock the Empowered Monolith and everything you need to know about the game's primary endgame activity.
What is the Empowered Monolith?
The Empowered Monolith is an enhanced variant of the Normal Monolith of Fate. The Empowered Timelines are even more challenging than the Normal Timelines, tailored as an endgame activity specifically for vets of Last Epoch.
How to unlock the Empowered Monolith
To unlock the Empowered Monolith, you must progress through the Campaign to the End of Time and complete the Spirits of Fire, The Last Ruin, and The Age of Winter Timelines in the Monolith of Fate.
After that, you'll find a chest on the tiny island centred between the three Timelines you can interact with to gain access to the Empowered Monolith.
Now, when you select a Timeline in the End of Time, you'll have the choice between Normal or Legendary. Normal is the default Area Level that you're used to, but if you choose Legendary, you'll enter into the Empowered Timelines in the Empowered Monolith.
What rewards can you get?
Inside the Empowered Monolith, you can discover exclusive rewards you can't find anywhere else in Last Epoch.
For starters, the Blessings from the Normal Monolith of Fate drop in the Empowered Monolith, too, but they can roll higher in the Empowered Monolith. So, to get the best Blessings, you must venture into the Empowered Timelines.
Additionally, the Bosses in the Empowered Timelines drop powerful Uniques only available in the Empowered Monolith. On top of that, the Shade of Orobyss possesses more Uniques that only drop at certain levels of Corruption achievable solely in the Legendary Area Level.
Lastly, the Empowered Monolith allows you to raise your Corruption infinitely, while in the Normal Monolith, Corruption is capped at 50. The higher the Corruption, the more XP you earn and the higher the potential Item Rarity, aka an increased likelihood that top-tier loot like Exalted items and Uniques will appear. Furthermore, you'll find that your Echo Rewards are also better as you increase your Corruption.
Increasing your Corruption and starting the Empowered Monolith comes at a cost, though. The Empowered Timelines are naturally tough, and as you increase your Corruption, fighting through the Empowered Monolith will get more and more difficult. You'll have to work hard to reap the rewards of high Corruption and the Empowered Monolith!
The Empowered Monolith is a true test of skill and the viability of your build, so don't expect to jump right in and clear the Empowered Timelines. Spend some time grinding the Normal Monolith, and when you think you're finally ready, enter the Empowered Timeline for a chance at the best rewards in Last Epoch!
If you have friends to help, the Alternative Levelling Path will get you into the Empowered Monolith faster! Check out our Last Epoch homepage at GGRecon for more news, guides, and features on the action role-playing game by Eleventh Hour Games.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.