How to get Orange Essence in League of Legends & what it's used for
Orange Essence is an important resource in League of Legends, particularly for the fashion-conscious, so here is everything you need to know about it.
League of Legends has multiple ways to earn Champions and skins, such as Blue Essence or Champion and skin shards. Orange Essence is one of the more consistent methods for unlocking cosmetics in the game, but you will need plenty of it.
Here is everything you need to know on how to get and how to use Orange Essence in the game.
How to get Orange Essence
There are two primary sources for garnering Orange Essence: events and disenchanting shards. Usually, League of Legends events have event passes through which you can earn various rewards. Orange Essence can be picked up this way, and it is a great way to add a decent chunk of OE to your stockpile.
Disenchanting is the other major source of Orange Essence. As we will go into below, Orange Essence is used to unlock skins and other cosmetics through shards.
Shards are acquired from chests, and can either be unlocked, or disenchanted. The rarer the shard is, the more Orange Essence you will receive for disenchanting it.
Another great source of Orange Essence is watching LoL tournaments. Events like Worlds or MSI usually grant rewards for your viewership, so be sure to tune in whenever one is happening. The rewards can vary, but usually, you can gain some Orange Essence either directly or by disenchanting duplicate items.
How to use Orange Essence
The purpose of Orange Essence in LoL is to unlock items from shards. When you receive a reward in League of Legends, it often comes in the form of a shard. This means you do not actually own the reward itself, as it must be unlocked.
Each shard comes with an Orange Essence price. The more important or rarer the item is, the higher the Orange Essence cost. As such, OE is an incredibly important resource when it comes to unlocking new skins and other cosmetics.
The items that can require Orange Essence include:
- Champion Skins
- Ward Skins
- Summoner Icons
- Emotes
- Eternals
For more, head to our League of Legends homepage, or check out how to remove challenge tokens in League of Legends.

About The Author
André González Rodríguez
André is a Freelance League of Legends Journalist at GGRecon. He has written about his state’s local esports teams such as the Florida Mayhem and the Florida Mutineers on the Valencia Voice (Valencia College’s online newspaper). André has been watching esports since 2013 spanning different titles such as Call of Duty, League of Legends, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Ultimate, as well as other FGC titles.