How to find Wandering Merchants in Lies of P
If you want to find all seven Wandering Merchants in Lies of P, we will tell you everything you need to know to find them, including the stock they have.
Wandering Merchants can be incredibly helpful in Lies of P, as they sell a variety of items that can be useful to you - from Throwing Cells to Fable Catalysts. You come across them fairly early in the game, but they also pop up in a variety of places in Krat.
Equally, you can sell to them as well as purchase goods from them. Each vendor sells something slightly different, so it’s worth checking out their stock to see what they have for you. For example, some sell weapons and some sell amulets as well as defensive parts for P.
Here is where you can find every Wandering Merchant in Lies of P.
Where are the Wandering Merchants in Lies of P?
#1 - Carasani Alley
The first Wandering Merchant is found very early on, and you can’t miss him. Once you get into Carasani Alley, you will find him standing next to some cardboard cutouts. This merchant comes just before the Parade Master.
Item | Cost | Type |
Electric Blitz Abrasive | Consumable | 250 Ergo |
Fable Catalyst | Consumable | 400 Ergo |
Greatsword of Fate | Weapon | 300 Ergo |
Puppet's Saber | Weapon | 300 Ergo |
Throwing Cell | Throwable | 200 Ergo |
Wintry Rapier | Weapon | 300 Ergo |
#2 - Elysion Boulevard
Once you’ve defeated the Parade Master, you’ll find the second Merchant in Elysion Boulevard. When you reach the Stargazer named Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard, the merchant room is on the left side of the Stargazer.
Item | Type | Cost |
Attribute Resistance Ampoule | Consumable | 180 Ergo |
Electric Blitz Abrasive | Consumable | 440 Ergo |
Electric Blitz Canister | Throwable | 390 Ergo |
Electric Coil Stick | Weapon | 1200 Ergo |
Gemini's Emergency Protection | Consumable | 390 Ergo |
Gemini's Iron Protection | Consumable | 390 Ergo |
Legion Magazine | Consumable | 180 Ergo |
Throwing Cell | Throwable | 280 Ergo |
#3 - St. Frangelico Cathedral Library Rooftop
The next Merchant you can come across is Alidoro. He plays a very important role in the game, as he allows you to exchange Rare Ergo for Boss Weapons. In order to find him, you’ll need to go to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library and use the elevator that will take you up to the rooftop where you will find him.
For each new Rare Ergo, his inventory will update to reflect the new weapons and amulets you can purchase.
Item | Type | Cost |
Arm of God Amulet | Amulet | Reborn Champion’s Ergo |
Awakened God’s Amulet | Amulet | Fallen One’s Ergo |
Conquering Amulet | Amulet | King’s Flame Ergo |
Dancing One’s Amulet | Amulet | Parade Leader’s Ergo |
Etiquette | Special Weapon | Broken Hero’s Ergo |
Extreme Modification Amulet | Amulet | Broken Hero’s Ergo |
Frozen Feast | Special Weapon | Reborn Champion’s Ergo |
Ghost Walk Amulet | Amulet | Puppet Devouring Green Hunter’s Ergo |
Holy Sword of the Ark | Special Weapon | King’s Flame Ergo |
Item | Type | Cost |
Impregnable Fortress Amulet |
Amulet | Sad Zealot’s Ergo |
Nameless One’s Amulet | Amulet | Twisted Angel’s Ergo |
Noblesse Oblige | Special Weapon | Fallen One’s Ergo |
Piercing Hatred Amulet | Amulet | Nameless Puppet’s Ergo |
Proof of Humanity | Special Weapon | Nameless Puppet’s Ergo |
Puppet Ripper | Special Weapon | Burnt-White King’s Ergo |
Seven-Coil Spring Sword | Special Weapon | Parade Leader’s Ergo |
Trident of the Covenant | Special Weapon | Twisted Angel’s Ergo |
Triumvirate Amulet | Amulet | Burnt-White King’s Ergo |
Item | Type | Cost |
Two Dragons Sword | Special Weapon | Puppet-Devouring Green Hunter’s Ergo |
Uroboros’ Eye | Special Weapon | Sad Zealot’s Ergo |
#4 - Red Lobster Inn
The next Merchant you find is in Malum District. You can find him at the Red Lobster Inn. In order to find him, go to the upper floor of the Red Lobster Inn, and behind some barrels will be a hidden ladder.
Go up the ladder and there you will find the Merchant hiding away. However, in order to access him, you either need to beat the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, bribe him or find the Smiling Bunny Mark to give him.
Item | Type | Cost |
Acid Abrasive | Consumable | 620 Ergo |
Acid Canister | Throwable | 550 Ergo |
Arch Shock Cartridge x1 | Cartridge | 1,400 Ergo |
Bramble Curved Sword x1 | Weapon | 2,000 Ergo |
Carcass Body Fluid Bottle | Throwable | 400 Ergo |
Cluster Grenade | Throwable | 470 Ergo |
Electric Blitz Abrasive | Consumable | 620 Ergo |
Electric Blitz Canister | Throwable | 550 Ergo |
Fire Abrasive | Consumable | 620 Ergo |
Item | Type | Cost |
Fire Canister | Throwable | 550 Ergo |
Saw Blade | Throwable | 470 Ergo |
Sawtoothed Wheel | Throwable | 90 Ergo |
Sharp Pipe | Throwable | 470 Ergo |
Shot Put | Throwable | 470 Ergo |
Someday | Record | 3,800 Ergo |
Thermite | Throwable | 400 Ergo |
Throwing Cell | Throwable | 400 Ergo |
#5 - Lorenzini Arcade
The fifth Wandering Merchant is in Lorenzini Arcade. In order to find him, you will have to meet him at the Fountain. In order to do so, it’s easiest to follow the path from the quest where you obtain Wine for the Old Lady at the Window. By doing this quest, it will take you to the fountain, where you can find the Merchant standing close to the fountain.
Item | Type | Cost |
Attribute Purification Ampoule | Consumable | 260 Ergo |
Circular Electric Chainsaw | Weapon | 3,200 Ergo |
Fire Abrasive | Consumable | 440 Ergo |
Fire Canister | Throwable | 390 Ergo |
Indomitable Amulet | Amulet | 2,400 Ergo |
Special Purification Ampoule | Consumable | 200 Ergo |
Thermite | Throwable | 280 Ergo |
#6 - Krat Central Station
The next merchant is found at Krat Central Station. In order to find him, you first have to find the Abandoned Apartment Stargazer. Once you’ve found the Stargazer, follow the stairs upwards and he will be in the next room to your left.
Item | Cost | Type |
Acid Abrasive | Consumable | 440 Ergo |
Acid Canister | Throwable | 390 Ergo |
Carcass Body Fluid Bottle | Throwable | 280 Ergo |
Cluster Grenade | Throwable | 330 Ergo |
LADA Large Capacity Corrosion Resistance Converter | Converter | 2,200 Ergo |
LADA Large Capacity Insulation Converter | Converter | 2,200 Ergo |
LADA Large Capacity Radiation Converter | Converter | 2,200 Ergo |
Legion Caliber | Enhancement Materials | 4,000 Ergo |
Military Shovel | Weapon | 3,500 Ergo |
Item | Type | Cost |
Shot Put | Throwable | 330 Ergo |
Stabilised Alchemical Booster | Special Materials | 1,600 Ergo |
#7 - Arche Abbey
The final merchant is found towards the end of the game, in Arche Abbey. You can first meet him near the Arche Abbey Outer Wall Stargazer, but he won’t be acting as a merchant. In order to access his shop, you need to defeat Laxasia the Complete. He will then relocate to Rosa Isabelle Street.
Unlock the front doors of the Arche Abbey, and find him on the bridge that looks over the street where the battle with the Mad Clown Puppet took place.
Item | Type | Cost |
Sawtoothed Wheel | Throwable | 60 Ergo |
Saw Blade | Throwable | 330 Ergo |
Sharp Pipe | Throwable | 330 Ergo |
Carcass Crystal Axe | Weapon | 3,700 Ergo |
LADA Disruption Cartridge | Cartridge | 2,300 Ergo |
The White Lady’s Hunting Apparel | Costume | 5,000 Ergo |
That’s everything you need to know about how to find all seven Merchants in Lies of P and where they are in the game, as well as what items they sell.
For more Lies of P guides, keep reading GGRecon. Check out our guide on how to change your handle and blade in Lies of P.

About The Author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.