3 ways to increase your regional wealth in Manor Lords
Increase your settlement's regional wealth in Manor Lords with these three simple methods, as they'll let you continue to grow your city without any sacrifice.
Increasing your regional wealth in Manor Lords is the key to unlocking many new features and also keeping your settlement thriving - but it can be tough to come by if you don't take the right steps in-game.
While you start off with a fair amount, that can quickly evaporate if you're not careful, and it's somewhat tricky to build it back up with nothing in the bank and a whole lot of villagers to feed.
How to get more regional wealth
#1: Exporting products
By far the easiest and most consistent way to increase your regional wealth is by creating export routes for products through the Trading Post. This means that an outside trader will come once in a while and buy items that you have designated to export for a fixed fee.
Even the 'cheapest' items can make you decent bank if exported in vast quantities, so if you find yourself in a significant surplus then you might want to think about offloading what you don't need.
This is particularly useful if you have a rich deposit of stone, iron, or clay nearby - as this can give you a lot of each resource, and can eventually be turned into an endless mine when unlocking the right Development Nodes.
I also found that turning upgraded Burgage plots into cobblers was also an excellent route for export, as even one cobbler makes far too many shoes for a small to medium-sized village, and with no input required the supply is truly endless!
#2: Increasing and upgrading your population
Another way which will be more useful from the start is increasing your population, and then upgrading your Burgage plots. Every family generates regional wealth at the end of each in-game month, and this amount is increased when their Burgage levels are higher.
While, like anything in Manor Lords, you'll have to manage your growth accordingly as increasing too fast can leave you in trouble, you'll naturally find yourself with more regional wealth over time as your settlement grows.
#3: Raiding bandit camps
The final method you can employ to increase your regional wealth is a bit more aggressive, but raiding bandit camps is definitely an option to consider. This will not only increase your stocks but also allow you to avoid any potential danger down the line.
You'll need to make sure that your army is strong enough though, and I always made sure that my numbers exceeded the bandits at the very least before setting forth. Furthermore, you'll also need to be careful that you're not leaving your own settlement unprotected, as I have unfortunately gone off on a conquest only for some raiders to attack me from the other side!
What's the difference between regional wealth & treasury?
Regional wealth is the currency that you will use for most of your settlement-related upgrades and purchases, whereas you'll use the treasury to hire mercenaries and settle new regions.
You can only start earning treasury once you have built your first Manor - unlocked after the first town development. Then you'll be able to go into the Manor's menu and set a percentage of taxation, converting regional wealth into treasury.
Furthermore, you can also use your treasury for your own diplomacy, and, as mentioned, it can also be used to settle a new region with a camp once you've taken it over. This is essential for expansion - especially as your regional wealth understandably does not transfer between the regions that you control.
Don't forget to check out our Manor Lords homepage for more tips and tricks as you expand your settlement. You can find out how to get more food and firewood, or you can even read my own glowing review of the game!

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.