MW2 Different Aim Response Curve Types Explained
Reviewing the different aim response curve types available in MW2.
Are you trying to figure out the difference between the MW2 aim response curve types? The in-game tooltips don't really offer a whole lot of information on how the aim response curve types work, leaving it up to the Modern Warfare 2 community to do their own research. Below you'll find detailed explanations of the MW2 different aim response curve types, along with which type you should use!
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MW2 Aim Response Curve Setting Explained
In layman's terms, the aim response curve is the exchange between the inputs on your controller's analogue sticks and the resulting response in-game. Each aim response curve type in MW2 responds to inputs differently, leading to different outcomes when aiming.
MW2 Different Aim Response Curve Types Explained
Standard employs a curve from your aim stick to your aim rate. With Standard, your aim rate will gradually speed up as you apply force to the analogue sticks. Standard is a great choice for novice Call of Duty players as it's more forgiving when you accidentally administer too much pressure on the sticks.
Linear offers a one-to-one exchange between the aim stick and the aim rate. Whatever force you apply on the aim stick is reflected directly in-game. For this reason, Linear is the most consistent type of aim response curve and perfect for those that like to build up muscle memory with their aim settings.
Dynamic fuses the Standard and Linear aim response curve types with a reverse S-curve mapping for fine aim rate control. When using Dynamic, light force on the sticks feels very snappy, so Dynamic is ideal for players that like to quickly flick between targets. However, applying heavy force on the aim stick with Dynamic will result in much faster and less gradual acceleration of your aim rate.
MW2 Aim Response Curve: Which Aim Response Curve Type Is The Best?
Unlike the different MW2 aim assist types, the aim response curve type you choose comes down largely to personal preference. There are competitive MW2 and Warzone 2 players that use all three variants.
The Linear aim response curve can be sensitive to beginner players, but the consistency of Linear is unmatched if you can handle it. Vice versa, Call of Duty vets might not like the artificial resistance built into Standard, but it's undoubtedly beneficial if you tend to accidentally apply too much force to your aim stick. Finally, the Dynamic aim response curve type siphons some of the finest traits of Standard and Linear, but it's difficult to get used to.
In the end, there are arguments to be made for each aim response curve variant, so it's best to try all three out and use the one that feels right to you!
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About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.