MW2 Atomgrad Raid Walkthrough
Everything you need to know to complete the MW2 Atomgrad Raid.
The MW2 Atomgrad Raid is perhaps the most challenging co-op activity ever introduced in Call of Duty. This three-player co-op experience requires Modern Warfare 2 players to work together without a hitch to tactically defeat powerful enemies and solve puzzles. So, if you think you have what it takes, below is a complete walkthrough of how to beat the MW2 Atomgrad Raid.
How To Get An MW2 Raid Assignment
You can't just hop on Modern Warfare 2 and jump into a Raid right away. To access the Atomgrad Raid, you first need a Raid Assignment.
To get a Raid Assignment, you must do one of the following:
- Complete a specific Daily Challenge either in Multiplayer or Special Ops.
- Place within the top 20 in any Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale Playlist.
- In MW2 DMZ, use the final extract helicopter with at least $30,000 in Cash.
Raid Assignments offer access to the MW2 Raids for a full week. After that, you'll need to get another Raid Assignment. Only one member of the party needs a Raid Assignment.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Prep List
As long as you have a Raid Assignment, you can go straight into the MW2 Atomgrad Raid. However, it's worth taking a look at the Kit System before booting up the Raid.
In Raids and MW2 Spec Ops, players have the choice to load in with one of three Kits. These Kits are:
- Assault Kit
- Medic Kit
- Recon Kit
As you play Raids and Spec Ops, you will level up your Kits. Therefore, it can be beneficial to practise in Spec Ops before taking on the more advanced Raids.
Each Kit offers passive and active benefits. For example, players with the Assault Kit can toss down Armour Boxes while Medics revive faster and get a Revive Pistol. It's a good idea to have each squadmate run a different Kit. That way, you can all share and enjoy the various benefits of the different Kits.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Open The Submarine Doors
Okay, it's time to get serious. Upon venturing into the MW2 Atomgrad Raid, your first task is to open the Submarine doors. But first, you must make your way down a lengthy water channel.
You can go about this stealthily or with guns blazing — it's your choice. Carefully take out the AQ Soldiers and march forward until you get to the closed Submarine doors. Watch out for Claymores!
To the right of the Submarine doors is a room with multiple machines and CCTV monitors. Across from the entranceway is a roll-up metal sheet door with a red button beside it. One player can press the red button to lift the door, granting access to a second room with more CCTV monitors.
To open the Submarine doors, you must use all of the equipment in these two rooms to decipher and enter three lines of code into the numeric keypad on the sizable green machine in the corner of the first room.
To the left of the CCTV monitors is a red bar displaying three letters from the Russian alphabet. Cycle through both sets of CCTV monitors until you get to Control Rooms with letters and numbers displayed on a projector.
You must work together with your squadmates to match the letters from the red bar with the letters on the Control Room projectors. The numbers on the projector that are listed below the corresponding letters make up the code for the keypad.
You should have one player on each set of CCTV monitors and one player reading out the letters on the red bar. Figure out which numbers correspond to which letters and have the teammate that isn't looking at the cameras enter them into the keypad in the order they're displayed on the red bar.
Each squadmate can only enter a code into the keypad once before getting locked out, so you will all need to take turns swapping roles. Continue deciphering codes for the keypad until the Submarine doors open.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Navigate The Flooded Area
Proceed through the Submarine doors and grab the Air Tank sitting on a table that's along the walkway. Now, you and your two squadmates must dive below the submarine and enter the flooded area through an opening in the concrete wall.
The flooded area consists of a series of extended hallways and rooms. The alignment of the area changes each playthrough of the Raid too, so you can't just watch a video and copy their route. It will be on you and your squadmates to navigate these dark waters!
Traversing the flooded area can be challenging, as there aren't many spots to catch your breath. To survive, you and your two teammates will need to share the Air Tank. Stick close and pass it around whenever someone needs air.
Last but not least, look out for tripwires!
- Warzone Cup and Mini Royale are new additions to MW2.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Survive The Ambush In The Armoury
After trekking through the underground waterways, you will arrive at a stocked Armoury. Loot up, and when you're ready, regroup with the squad at the Fence Gate. Now, prepare to fight a ton of AQ Soldiers, including two Juggernauts.
After eliminating all the foes lying in wait, enter the room with a crater in the floor and pass into the vents. Continue onward until you drop into the flooded tunnels.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Investigate The Flooded Tunnels And Solve The Cypher Puzzle
The flooded tunnels are where the final portion of the MW2 Atomgrad Raid takes place. Inside the tunnels, you will find two Control Rooms like the ones you saw in the CCTV monitors and a Receiver.
First, find the Control Rooms and establish a connection to the Receiver by activating the terminals in each room. After that, head to the Receiver and activate it.
With all that out of the way, it's time to take on the Cypher Puzzle. The Cypher Puzzle is identical to the puzzle you solved to open the Submarine doors, except this time, you don't have CCTV monitors to aid you, and you'll be on the clock.
You'll want to sit a player in each Control Room and another player at the Receiver. The player at the Receiver will need to call out the symbols in front of them while the players in the Control Rooms relay back the corresponding numbers. The teammate at the Receiver will then need to input the correct sequence code into the keypad to their left.
After solving each Cypher, a new squadmate will need to take their place at the Receiver. With each Cypher you solve, more and more AQ Soldiers and Bomb Drones will appear. Additionally, the symbols and numbers in the Control Rooms and on the Receiver will shuffle faster. You must solve three Cyphers in all to open the Blast Doors.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Wait For The Keypad Blast Doors To Unlock
With the Cypher Puzzle solved, all that's left is to wait for the Blast Doors to open. You will need to rally your squad to the Blast Doors and fend off an onslaught of AQ Soldiers, Bomb Drones, and Juggernauts for four minutes.
This is where your Kits can really come in handy. Toss down Armour Boxes, get teammates back in the action quickly with the Revive Pistol, and pull out all the stops to survive the waves of enemies. Clear the area and regroup at the Blast Doors to complete the Atomgrad Raid.
- Understanding the MW2 different aim assist types might make your experience in the Raid a bit smoother.
MW2 Atomgrad Raid: Rewards
When you beat the MW2 Atomgrad Raid for the first time, you will get the Gaz "Convoy" Operator Skin. Additionally, you'll receive one of seven random Raid rewards, which include:
- Graphic Price Loading Screen
- Graphic Gaz Loading Screen
- Eye on the Prize Emblem
- Gaz Emblem
- Forest Price Player Card
- Gaz’s Gaze Player Card
- Enforcer Kastov 762 Weapon Blueprint
To get all the Atomgrad Raid rewards, you must beat the Atomgrad Raid several times.
Furthermore, when you first complete the Atomgrad Raid, you will unlock Veteran difficulty. If you can manage to conquer the Atomgrad Raid on Veteran, you'll get The Punchline Bryson 800 Weapon Blueprint as a prize.
That about sums up the MW2 Atomgrad Raid. Grab two of your most reliable buddies and see if you can get three Stars!
Want to spice up your new Weapon Blueprints? Find out how to unlock Weapon Charms in MW2.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.