Best MW2 Killstreaks
Here's a complete breakdown of what we think are the best Modern Warfare 2 killstreaks that you can use right now.
When customising your Loadout for Multiplayer, it's important to equip the best MW2 Killstreaks. Killstreaks have been a critical component of Call of Duty Multiplayer matches throughout the franchise's history and serve as an incentive for players to string together kills. And since you can only have three equipped at a time, you will want to ensure you're using the best MW2 Killstreaks.
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5. Best MW2 Killstreaks: Care Package (5 Kills Or 625 Points)
The classic Care Package is one of the better Killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2 because it gives you a chance to access the top-tier Killstreaks prematurely. While there's always a possibility you get stuck with a Bomb Drone or Cluster Mine, you also might luck into a Stealth Bomber or an Advanced UAV.
If you struggle to chain kills together without dying, the Care Package and its mystery rewards might be right up your alley.
- If you have a hard time securing Killstreaks, try using the MW2 Meta Weapons.
4. Best MW2 Killstreaks: UAV (4 Kills Or 500 Points)
The UAV is an iconic Killstreak that has existed since the dawn of Call of Duty. The UAV is especially useful in MW2, as Ghost is less common than in previous titles. As an Ultimate Perk, Ghost isn't available to players until midway through matches, so when you call in a UAV, everyone on the enemy team will be visible on the in-game minimap. Available after just four kills, the reconnaissance offered by UAVs cannot be overlooked.
3. Best MW2 Killstreaks: VTOL Jet (8 Kills Or 1,000 Points)
The VTOL Jet, commonly referred to as a Harrier Strike, has long stood in the upper echelon of Call of Duty Killstreaks. The VTOL Jet can be described as a combination of a Precision Airstrike and a Sentry Turret. First, you target two locations for airstrikes. After that, the VTOL Jet will hover over the destination of your choice for a limited time and mow down any enemies wandering around below without cover.
The VTOL Jet is usually good for at least three to four kills, if not more. Not bad for a Streak that you can get for only eight kills or 1,000 Points!
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2. Best MW2 Killstreaks: Chopper Gunner (10 Kills Or 1,250 Points)
Arguably the most fun-to-use Killstreak in MW2, the Chopper Gunner puts you in the driver's seat of an Armed Helicopter with full control of its movement and firepower. With this best MW2 Killstreak, you can manually manoeuvre to angles where you have a clear sight of enemies and then unload on them with Hydra Rockets and Cannon Rounds.
While not as durable or outright deadly as a Gunship, the Chopper Gunner can deal quite a bit of devastation when operated by a skilled pilot.
1. Best MW2 Killstreaks: Gunship (12 Kills Or 1,500 Points)
Speaking of Gunships, the Gunship Killstreak is the absolute best Killstreak in MW2. If you can pull off an impressive 12 straight kills or 1,500 Points in a single life, you'll enter into what's essentially a heavy-armed fortress in the sky. In the Gunship, you have access to a laser-guided missile, plus 40mm and 25mm Cannons. The Gunship can completely turn the tide of battle and is capable of destroying ground troops, vehicles, and even opposing Killstreaks like VTOL Jets and Overwatch Helos.
Usually, it's easier to get Killstreaks in MW2 Playlists like Hardpoint and Headquarters.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.