MW2 DMZ Forward Operating Base: Season 4 rewards, objectives & Urgent Missions
MW2's DMZ mode is introducing the Forward Operating Base in Season 4, so here's everything you need to know about the FOB including rewards, objectives & Urgent Missions.
The Forward Operating Base is coming in MW2's Season 4 DMZ update and is definitely one of the most significant additions in the patch.
Acting as a centralised hub for all communications and Operator upgrades within DMZ, the FOB will offer objectives for you to complete and rewards to earn.
As a result, it's key you fully understand the Forward Operating Base if you want to maximise your power in DMZ and complete as many objectives as possible.
So, here's everything you need to know about the Forward Operating Base coming to MW2's DMZ in Season 4.
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What is the Forward Operating Base in DMZ Season 4?
According to the Call of Duty Season 4 roadmap blog, the Forward Operating Base is a new menu system that allows Operators to complete objectives to earn a variety of upgrades that can be used all across DMZ.
Overall, the FOB is designed to streamline the DMZ experience and make it easy to see what you're working towards as well as what new upgrades are available.
What DMZ upgrades can you earn in the Forward Operating Base?
The upgrades available to earn in DMZ's Forward Operating Base come in four different categories and are all listed below:
- Weapons Locker: Insured and contraband armaments and upgrades
- Stash: Wallet and Key Stash size increases
- Communications Station: Allowing Urgent Mission Access
- Bounty Board: For Exfil, Bartering recipes, and Buy Stations discount
It's worth noting that all the Operator upgrades in the Forward Operating Base are passive and do not need to be equipped. This means the menu isn't very hands-on, but is perfect for tracking your DMZ progress easily and efficiently.
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What are Urgent Missions in DMZ's Forward Operating Base?
Urgent Missions are a new type of Faction-requested task that can be unlocked inside the Forward Operating Base.
These are a brilliant way to earn Faction Reputation, unlock more story missions, and are relatively fast to complete. Keep in mind, all of your Faction Reputation can be viewed inside the FOB, so it's extremely simple to track all of your progress.
So, there you have it, that's everything you need to know about the Forward Operating Base in MW2's DMZ.
Hopefully, this new menu system will make tracking progress easier and give you plenty of opportunities to complete useful objectives.
For more DMZ, stay on GGRecon.

About The Author
Alex Garton
Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.