MW2: Farm 18 Map Guide
Farm 18 in Call of Duty MW2 is an absolute ruckus. Here's how to master this close-ranged terrain and succeed on this map.
Farm 18 is a hellacious map with many close-quarters engagements and tight corners that will make even the most hardcore Modern Warfare 2 player sweat. Once you get to know the map, however, the Modern Warfare 2 Farm 18 map isn't as tough as it first seems to be.
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MW2: Best Tactics For Farm 18 Map
Farm 18 is a particularly tough map, especially if you like long-ranged battles. It is mostly filled with short-range encounters, similarly to Call of Duty Black Ops' Nuketown. For Modern Warfare 2's Farm 18, we recommend equipping the Sniper Perk package. It will give you double time, which doubles the duration of your sprint and gives you one more tactical. In addition, the Bird's Eye Ultimate perk gives you a zoomed-out minimap, letting you see more of what's going on around you; the perk also lets you ping enemies on the minimap.
For Domination, there are three points that each provides different challenges in Farm 18. The A point is one of the more open spots. You can get attacked from many locations. One of the best ways to go about this spot is to capture it and then run to an abandoned apartment building on the right. Inside, go up the stairs and head to the second level. From there, you can target enemies from the porches. Not many people hang about this area as it's not so obvious, so use the apartment complex to the best of your ability. Equipping one of the best guns in the game would help too, of course.
Another awesome line of sight you can gain on the A point is from behind the flag. Go behind the metal doors near the lab and you can climb onto the top of the crates. There's one crate that faces the A point directly, while another faces the doorway out from inside the shoot house (B point). Constantly switch between them to get a good angle of the action and have some decent cover.
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While we're on the topic of the A point, a good way to travel towards it is through the Operations Building. It's at the back of the stage. After you make your way through the training course on the right side of the map, don't go through the open road. Instead, go through the building on the right. From our experience, not many people run through the Operations Building, so it's a fairly easy way to access the A point from behind enemy lines.
The B point is where most of the action takes place as you'd expect from a Domination match. It's directly in the centre of the shoot house. Never, ever linger at this point for too long, however. Instead, hang out in the opposite rooms of the area. On the left side of the building facing out towards the A point, there's a crate that is shaped like a rectangle. Go to the back edge of the unit, and it will cover most of your body. This is the perfect way to counter forces that come in from A.
For enemies popping up from C, go to the room on the other side of the crate we just mentioned. Hug the wall and stay there as you shoot foes that arrive from that hallway. Be sure to keep an eye on which side the enemy has taken, A or C, and switch places accordingly.
Lastly, C is probably one of the more difficult spots to protect. There isn't as much cover to speak of, and the situation is arguably more long-ranged than the others. The best choice of action in this spot is to hang out at Wess Hell, which can be accessed by going up some stairs right next to the C point.
You can get an advantage point of those heading to the point from the A position and then once you see the C point getting taken over, you can pop up outside on the roof to take out foes from above.
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MW2: Best Weapons For Farm 18
There are a few sniping opportunities, such as the apartment buildings and the crates behind A, but other than that, it's mostly short to a medium-ranged affair on Farm 18. Equip shotguns like the Expedite 12 and the lightweight SMG Kastov-74U to succeed in this map. A Munitions Box may be a good Field Upgrade to take with you as well if you intend to protect these points for a long period of time.
- Unfortunately, our progress with this map during the beta will not carry over to the final game.
For more Modern Warfare 2 guides, keep reading GGRecon.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.