How to get a Hellhound in MW3 Zombies
Dogs are man's best friend! Learn where to find and how to get Hellhounds in MW3 Zombies. You can even get an achievement for petting your four-legged buddy!
You're probably used to fending off Hellhounds, but in MW3 Zombies, you can tame Hellhounds! These powerful demonic creatures are loyal to whoever feeds them, and in Modern Warfare 3's Zombies Mode, they happen to crave Chunks of Flesh. This primer details where to find and how to get a Hellhound in the game's Zombies Mode, plus how to get the You Can Pet The Dog achievement for petting a Hellhound!
Where to find friendly Hellhounds in MW3 Zombies
Hellhounds in MW3 Zombies reside in Doghouses. You can find Doghouses throughout all of Urzikstan. It's believed that there are at least 16 different spots where Doghouses can appear, but no particular Doghouses is guaranteed to spawn in any given round of Zombies.
Conveniently, the majority of Doghouses are situated in the Low Threat Zones along the outskirts of Urzikstan. You can find Doghouses in the Medium and High Threat Zones, but they're harder to come by.
Doghouses are appropriately marked with an icon of a Doghouse. You can't see Doghouses on your Tac-Map, but they will appear on your minimap when one is nearby.
How to get a Hellhound in MW3 Zombies
You can find as many Doghouses as you'd like, but the Hellhound lounging inside won't show itself without some convincing. As it turns out, Hellhounds have an appetite for Chunks of Flesh.
To lure a Hellhound out of a Doghouse and gain its favour, you must feed it Chunks of Flesh. You can get Chunks of Flesh from killing zombies with explosives like LT53 Kazimir Grenades or an RGL-80 Grenade Launcher. High-damage weapons like Sniper Rifles and Shotguns can generate Chunks of Flesh sometimes, too.
The number of Chunks of Flesh you need to satisfy a Hellhound depends on the Threat Zone the Doghouse is positioned inside. For example, you only need a single Chunk of Flesh for Doghouses in Low Threat Zones, but you need at least two Chunks of Flesh for Doghouses in Medium Threat Zones. However, the more Chunks of Flesh you feed your Hellhound, the stronger the infernal companion will be.
Once you secure a few Chunks of Flesh, visit a Doghouse and deposit the Chunks of Flesh into it. After that, a friendly Hellhound will burst out of the Doghouse hungry for more zombie meat. These hellish dogs will remain by your side until death, charging into battle against the undead and even reviving you and your allies with their blood-curdling howls.
How to pet a Hellhound
While crafting MW3 Zombies, the developers were acutely aware that despite how terrifying Hellhounds look and sound, players would still want to show their mutated canines some love! In fact, you can unlock an achievement for petting your friendly Hellhound. To pet your Hellhound, simply approach it while it's sitting and interact with it to give it a couple of pats.
So, that's how you get a Hellhound in MW3 Zombies! Next time you see a burning Doghouse while exploring Urzikstan, go up to it and insert a Chunk of Flesh to call forth a Hellhound. And if it's fond of you, it might even let you pet it for an achievement!
MW3 Zombies is the most in-depth Zombies Mode in Call of Duty history. Check out our Modern Warfare 3 homepage for more Zombies-related guides, tips, and tricks!

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.