How to get the Mag of Holding Schematic in MW3 Zombies
The Mag of Holding Schematic is a new legendary schematic you can find in MW3 Zombies, so here's how to get this one for the next time you deploy in the game.
Season 2 Reloaded has added a lot of new content in Modern Warfare 3, including the Zombies mode. One of the new things added to MW3 is a few schematics that look to spice up the gameplay.
One of these new schematics is the Mag of Holding, which adds a new edge to the mode's gameplay - so here's how you can get it in the game.
What is the Mag of Holding Schematic?
The Mag of Holding is a craftable schematic that removes the reload animation when firing a weapon and instead supplies all the rounds available continuously.
This is a pretty useful schematic to have, especially when you're in the higher threat zones. In some cases, you'll be swarmed with zombies, and reloading can significantly hamper your progress in taking down the hordes after you.
With this schematic, however, you won't have to reload, and the hordes can be taken down much faster.
How to find & get the Mag of Holding Schematic
The Mag of Holding can be earned as a reward in the reward rifts by completing the tasks in the Dark Aether Rift.
To access the Dark Aether Rift, you'll have to complete the Act 4 mission 'Countermeasures'. Completing contracts within the Dark Aether Rift has a high chance of rewarding you with the Mags of Holding as well as other schematics like the Blood Burner Key and the V-R11 Wonder Weapon.
To make sure the schematic is permanently unlocked, you'll have to exfil out of the map with it. Afterwards, it should be available for you to use the next time you deploy. After using it, there is a specific cooldown time before you can use it again.
How good is the Mag of Holding in MW3 Zombies?
The Mags of Holding is a great schematic to have when you deploy into the game, but it's more useful in higher-threat zones where you'll be chased by more powerful and special zombies.
The hassle of reloading while you're being chased by a huge number of zombies is definitely irritating, and the Mags of Holding looks to remove that problem.
Now that you know all about the schematic, check out our Modern Warfare 3 homepage for more guides like defeating the Warlord Keres and the Containment Levels in the mode.

About The Author
Samam Hasan
Samam Hasan is a freelance writer with a strong love for video games. He enjoys playing sim racing and RPG games in his free time, along with the occasional FPS. When he’s not writing about or playing video games, you’ll find him watching classic Japanese and European movies or learning about medieval history.