How to find all the Thousand Pound Butterfly Gifts in Neon White
Don't miss this guide for all of the tips and tricks to find the Neon White mission 11 gift locations, detailing where to find them on each level, and how to get to them too.
If you're on the lookout for Neon White mission 11 gift locations then you're in no better place to find them, as we've got all of the locations and tips on how to get to all the gifts in each level. It is unsurprising that the last full level of Neon White serves up some of the toughest challenges, both in speedrunning and in gift-collecting too. So, if you're a bit stuck and want to find out the Neon White mission 11 gift locations, then look no further than our complete guide below.
Where are the Thousand Pound Butterfly gifts?
Mission 11 Level 1 Gift: Mikey
You'll be introduced to the Book of Life soul card for this level and the rest of this mission, and it is critical to finding a lot of these gifts. For this first one, you'll want to head right to the end of the level, but instead of blasting into the end, take out all of the laser demons from right to left, leaving the yellow demon on the right until you're done.
Once you've taken all the lasers out, zip back to the yellow demon and go through the gap in the wall behind it. Outside there should be a couple of balloon demons which you can hop up with and claim the gift at the top.
Mission 11 Level 2 Gift: Red
This next gift is a super easy one as it is found right at the start, and takes very little skill to get hold of. Use the Book of Life soul card to dash into the first chest and that should give you a Fireball card. Immediately use the discard of that to dash upwards on top of the building in front of you, and up there you will find the next gift.
Mission 11 Level 3 Gift: Yellow
A bit of ingenuity and platforming is required to get your hands on this gift. You'll first want to get to the Purify card, and instead of using it to blast through the breakable wall in front of you, bomb up to the overhanging planks on the right-hand side.
Just after that, you should see a chest that holds a Fireball soul card inside. Immediately turn around once you've picked that up and head back to the stacked box by where you hopped up. Stand on either set and use the Fireball dash to get up on top of the tall wall you're standing by.
Once on top of that wall, you will be able to see the gift - all it takes now is just a bit of clever jumping and using the right path. We find that moving along the right-hand side is the best way to get there but feel free to try another way if that suits you better.
Mission 11 Level 4 Gift: Red
When you get the Dominion soul card, instead of grappling to the blue mark, rocket bounce three times up the building so you reach the chest. Use the Book of Life soul card to open the chest, and then rocket bounce again up the building until you only have one ammo left. At that point, use the two ziplines to reach the gift at the top.
Mission 11 Level 5 Gift: Mikey
You'll need to bust out your parkour skills for this one as you will need to save the first three Elevate cards you get your hands on. For the first card, just turn around and follow the debris up to the next level. The second one is probably the trickiest, but you'll want to climb to the top of the spike on the right and jump back but facing forward, and you should be able to zip to the next demon with the Book of Life.
For the last Elevate, you'll want to turn back around, and there should be three rocks sticking out of a wall on the left that you can use to jump up. Once you've climbed that you should be able to see the gift near the beginning of the level, and then just use the three Elevate hops to clear the gap.
Mission 11 Level 6 Gift: Violet
You can grab this gift right out of the gate, as it is sitting above your head when you start the level. All you need to do is jump so you're slightly beyond the directional dash demon, and then zip into it with the Book of Life so that it sends you back towards the gift.
Mission 11 Level 7 Gift: Red
Get to the point in the level where there is a single laser demon and a Fireball vending machine. Take out the demon with the Book of Life soul card, preserving the Fireball, and then collect a second Fireball from the vending machine.
Hop on top of the machine and the debris behind it, and then jump over to the rocks surrounding the platform. Jump to the flat part to the left, and then traverse over to the next flat section to your right and over the breakable wall. Make sure to only use the Book of Life card as we continue, getting to the point soon after where there is a yellow demon on its own. Do not kill this demon, but simply walk past it and you should see the gift in a floating building ahead. This building has a breakable floor, so just use one Fireball to get underneath this floor, and then the other to blast through it.
Mission 11 Level 8 Gift: Violet
Continue through the level until you get to the wide-open area with all the laser heads on sticks. Take out two blue demons, making sure to switch back to the Book of Life card after killing the first one, and then use your two newly acquired Godspeed cards to dash over to the right where the arches are.
From there you should be able to see a ledge to drop down to, and that is where the gift for the level sits, ready for you to collect.
Mission 11 Level 9 Gift: Raz
This gift is found at the start of the level, but it comes with a lot of hazards you'll be keen to avoid. Once you get to the second set of three breakable walls, take out the middle one with your Katana soul card, remembering to stay either to the right or left of the door so that the incoming traps don't hit you.
Wedge yourself just inside the opening, and use your Katana again to take out the traps, leaving the gift free to be collected.
Mission 11 Level 10 Gift: Green
As is fitting for the last gift in the game, this is easily the hardest and longest gift run you'll have to undertake. First, you'll have to make your way through the entire level - which is a task on its own - and then, take out all of the laser demons surrounding the finish checkpoint. Once you've done that, head out the opening at the back and claim the first Neon Green gift token.
After picking that up, you'll have to progress through a number of challenging jumps and dashes, until you reach a platform with a large handful of Dominion cards. Pick them all up, and rocket bounce your way up the tall building in front of you. At the top, all you need to do is zipline to a couple of balloon demons, and the second token will be right after that.
The secret side mission that follows is slightly more challenging than the previous Neon Green ones, as it integrates exploding barrels into the mix, but it still remains fairly short. Collect your strange coin at the end and that should be it.
So that wraps it up for the Neon White mission 11 gift locations list, and completes your gift collection if you've been following along with our guides so far. If you've got some catching up to do, however, don't miss this Neon White mission 10 gift location guide.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.