How to find all the gifts in the Covenant Mission in Neon White
Look no further than this guide if you're on the search for all the Neon White mission 6 gifts, as we have all the locations and how to get them.
Risk versus reward is the balance you'll want to achieve when striving for the Neon White gifts in the trap-filled sixth mission. There is a surprising amount of additional optional content in Neon White that is separated from the speedy main missions, and the gifts are the key to unlocking a lot of that. So, if you're stuck looking for some mission 6 Neon White gifts, then look no further than below for the locations of each and how exactly to get your hands on them.
Getting a lot of the gifts in the later levels is something you're going to need to tackle at some point if you're gunning for the Neon White secret good ending. You can use these gifts to enhance your insight with your fellow Neons, unlocking new dialogue, and side missions, and uncovering your forgotten memories.
Read on below for our full breakdown of the mission 6 Covenant Neon White gift locations.
Where are all the gifts in the Covenant Mission?
Mission 6 Level 1 Gift: Violet
Once you get to about halfway through the level you should see the gift to your left on top of a high building. All you need to do is go past it until you get to the two Purify soul cards and then use them one at a time to climb up the two vertical levels required to reach the gift.
Mission 6 Level 2 Gift: Raz
You will need two Fireball cards to get your hands on this gift as it is quite a bit above where you are going. To do this, just jump off the edge to the left of the first destructible door down to where there are two laser demons and a chest. Take out the laser demons so they don't take you out, and make sure to pick up the other Fireball card from the chest next to them. All you need to do now is take the two balloons and then use the two Fireball cards to dash up to where the gift lies.
Mission 6 Level 3 Gift: Violet
This gift is hiding in plain sight, as it is technically right in front of you when the level starts. To get your hands on it though you will need to get past the first set of traps and go outside the first destructible door. Immediately turn right after that door and use the Elevate card to hop up to the area above. From there, use your jump to get to the semi-raised platform on the right at the end, and then use a Godspeed card to get across to where the water is running off. Now just head down to the end of the water runs and jump across to collect your gift.
Mission 6 Level 4 Gift: Mikey
This gift is a little bit less obvious than it seems at first. It is slightly hidden too - you can see it right at the start of the level, but you'll miss it if you're actually going past it, so we've circled it in the photo above for convenience. Although it is halfway through the level, you will actually need to go all the way to the end to complete it as you need three Elevate souls cards which you can get from a vending machine right by the final checkpoint.
Once you've collected your cards, just use them to head back and jump up to the level above where the gift resides, so you can collect it.
Mission 6 Level 5 Gift: Red
After you've survived falling down the long chasm, you'll past the gift behind some glass to your right. Keep heading down until you get to the green demon and kill it to collect a Stomp soul card. Head back up to the bottom of the chasm, making sure you still have a Fireball card alongside your recently acquired Stomp. By the bottom of the chasm you should see a gap in the ceiling that you can use Fireball to dash through. After that, all you need to do is Stomp through the destructible floor to your right and the gift will be right there.
Mission 6 Level 6 Gift: Mikey
Despite the gift being right in front of you at the start of this level - and there is a pesky removal of collision for the overhang next to it - you'll have to make your way right to the end of the level in order to receive the gift. Progress until you come across the Fireball soul card, and then use it after the jump to dash on top of the starting building. From there you can just drop through the gap in the roof to collect the gift, but it's probably best to jump from one of the sides to grab it because the roof hangs over.
Mission 6 Level 7 Gift: Raz
The gift in level seven is found on a raised platform to the right of the finish checkpoint, but we will get to it from about halfway through the level. On the fourth launchpad demon, instead of speeding off from the green section, use any of the black ones to stay on the platform. If you look over the edge of the platform towards the finish line you should be able to see the gift there. All you need to do now is use a Purify bomb jump to clear the gap.
Mission 6 Level 8 Gift: Red
All you need to do to collect this gift is to pick up a Godspeed soul card from the blue demon at the beginning and then use it after hitting the direction on the launchpad that takes you toward the gift. We found that the arrow to the left of the green one works well.
Mission 6 Level 9 Gift: Yellow
You'll want to get to the section just after you use stomp on the laser demons and get your hands on a Godspeed soul card. Just down the water from the blue demon, you'll find a yellow demon too which you'll need to kill to get an Elevate card. Head back to where the blue demon was, hop on top of the glowing cube outline structure, and jump off it towards the gift. We used Godspeed and then Elevate as the alternative wasn't working for us, but that is not to say that it wouldn't work with the right timings.
Mission 6 Level 10 Gift: Violet
The final gift in the sixth mission is thankfully an easy one. You should see it about halfway through, and all you need to do is jump to the left building just before the one with the gift, use the plant pot to hop up to the top, and then use a single Godspeed soul card to dash over to the gift for Neon Violet.
So, that completes our guide for the mission 6 Neon White gift locations and how to get to them. A couple of these were quite tricky, but if you're stuck elsewhere, why not also read our guide on the Neon White mission 5 gift locations.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.