Overwatch 2 Baptiste guide: Abilities, tips & how to unlock
Baptiste is an effective healer in Overwatch 2, who can also eliminate foes in front of him when it seems necessary, so check out everything you need to know.
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The 36-year-old Haitian Baptiste is an excellent support hero who provides exceptional defensive assistance. With his Biotic Launcher and Immortality Field, he can really make a big difference in every Overwatch 2 match. Here's an explanation of everything Baptiste has to offer.
Abilities explained
Name | Type | Effect |
Biotic Launcher | Primary and Secondary Fire | The primary fire on the left mouse button is Baptiste's three-round burst fire gun. The secondary fire has the gun sending a healing projectile that can heal multiple allies at once if they're in the vicinity of the blast |
Exo Boots | Hero Passive | If you hold crouch before jumping, Baptiste will leap into the air higher |
Regenerative Burst | Ability | This skill will give health to everyone around Baptiste, including himself. If someone is below half health, however, the effect is doubled |
Immortality Field | Ability | Baptiste throws a device out that will prevent all allies within its area from dying |
Amplification Matrix | Ultimate | Baptiste creates a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of friendly projectiles that pass through it |
Role: Support | Role Passive | Begin regenerating health more quickly |
Baptiste is proficient at healing his allies and protecting them from fatal attacks. He can also jump high in the sky, which can help him get an overlook of the action.
With all these skills in mind, you should try to balance his offensive capabilities with defending your pals from certain doom.
Tips for playing Baptiste
Baptiste has become one of the best support heroes. If you need more of an offensive edge against a tough team, he can provide some decent damage against them that may give your squad a slight edge with the three-round burst gun.
Make sure you're supporting your team as well. Whenever you hear an enemy ultimate getting activated by an opponent like Cassidy's Deadeye or Reaper's Death Blossom, use your Immortality Field immediately, as that can protect your team from certain death. It's up to them to reach this gadget fast enough.
The Amplification Matrix can be hard to time. If placed incorrectly and not in front of the enemy team, it will be next to worthless. Try to position the Amplification Matrix in a tight corridor or within an area where the opponents can't hide.
Also, try to team it up with a great ally ultimate like Soldier:76's Tactical Visor, so the Amplification Matrix causes even more damage to your foes. It can demolish a team if you communicate effectively with your squad.
If you see your team has really low HP across the board, activate Baptiste's Regenerative Burst as soon as possible. As we previously mentioned, it will double the healing for those who have less than half their health.
How to unlock Baptiste in Overwatch 2
Baptiste is one of the harder characters to unlock for free-to-play users. You'll need to complete at least 100 matches to get this Haitian healer. However, if you've already played the first Overwatch on the same account as you play Overwatch 2, he'll be instantly unlocked for you.
Those free-to-play players who get tired of the grind can also get the Watchpoint Pack, which comes with 2,000 Overwatch Coins, the Season 1 Battle Pass, and most importantly all prior 35 characters from the original game.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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