Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17 schedule, rewards & end date
Whether you want to brush up on the latest attack buffs or see the schedule, we've got all the details about the new Pokemon GO Battle League season here.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17: Timeless Travels has arrived, meaning there's a new three-month schedule to prepare for and loads of important attack changes to study.
if you're looking to test the competitive viability of your favourite Pokemon, the GO Battle League is the place to go. As well as the traditional Great League, Ultra League, and Master League, there's a sprinkling of themed cups with their own special rulesets to enjoy.
With the lineup rotating each week, and attack changes often having an impact on the meta, we've rounded up all the important information about Season 17 below including the schedule and important event dates.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17 start & end date
Season 17 of the Pokemon GO Battle League begins on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 1PM PT / 4PM ET / 9PM GMT. It will run for three months, coming to an end on March 1, 2024.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17 schedule
Here's the full schedule of Leagues and Cups in Season 17 of the GO Battle League:
Dates | League and Cup |
December 1 - December 8 | Great League & Retro Cup: Great League Edition |
December 8 - December 15 | Ultra League & Retro Cup: Great League Edition |
December 15 - December 22 | Master League & Holiday Cup: Great League Edition |
December 22 - December 29 | Great League, Ultra League & Master League |
December 29 - January 5 | Great League & Holiday Cup: Little Edition |
January 5 - January 12 | Ultra League & Great League Remix |
January 12 - January 19 | Master League & Fantasy Cup: Great League Edition |
January 19 - January 26 | Great League, Ultra League & Master League |
January 26 - February 2 | Great League & Hisui Cup: Great League Edition |
February 2 - February 9 | Ultra League & Hisui Cup: Great League Edition |
February 9 - February 16 | Master League & Evolution Cup: Great League Edition |
February 16 - February 23 | Catch Cup: Little Edition & Catch Cup: Great League Edition |
February 23 - March 1 | Great League, Ultra League & Master League |
The Hisui Cup is a brand-new addition for Season 17, where only Pokemon found in the Legends: Arceus Pokedex are eligible to take part. The Great League ruleset means they must also be below 1,500 CP.
We'll have team recommendations closer to the time, but in the meantime, catch up on our best Great League team and best Ultra League team guides to make sure you're prepared for their return in the new season.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17 events
There are two big events to look forward to during the Timeless Travels season, which you can see below:
GO Battle Week: Timeless Travels
Taking place from January 19 to January 24, 2024, this GO Battle Week will feature 4× Stardust from win rewards and the maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase from five to 10.
There will also be free Timed Research with rewards including the Ingo-Style Hat for your Avatar, as well as paid-for Timed Research (costing $1) with rewards including Stardust, Rare Candy, and one Star Piece.
Timeless Travels: GO Battle Day
Taking place all day on Saturday, February 10, 2024, this GO Battle Day will feature 4× Stardust from win rewards and the maximum number of sets you can play during the day will increase from five to 20.
There will also be free Timed Research where you'll be able to earn various battle items and XP for taking part.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 17 ranks & rewards
Here are all of the rewards you can unlock for reaching each rank in Season 17 of the GO Battle League:
Rank | Rewards |
Rank 1 | Hisuian Sneasel encounter |
Rank 1+ | Machop, Marill, Gligar, Spheal or Skwovet encounter |
Rank 6 | Machoke encounter |
Rank 6+ | Frillish or Carbink encounter |
Rank 11+ | Alolan Vulpix, Lickitung, Drilbur, Phantump or Mareanie encounter |
Rank 16+ | Vullaby, Wooloo or Falinks encounter |
Rank 20+ | Current 5-Star Raid Boss encounter |
Ace Rank | Goomy encounter, Ingo-Style Gloves and Ingo-Style Shoes |
Veteran Rank | Deino encounter and Ingo-Style Pants |
Expert Rank | Jangmo-o encounter and Ingo-Style Shirt |
Legend Rank | Pikachu Libre encounter and Ingo-Style Pose |
The avatar clothing items and the pose that you can unlock during Season 17 are based on Ingo, the Pearl Clan warden from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. As always, you can encounter Pikachu Libre at Legend Rank.
Attack buffs & nerfs
The following moves will receive buffs or nerfs in Trainer Battles this season:
- Mud Slap – Energy generation increased
- Fire Spin – Power increased from 9 to 10
- Incinerate – Power increased from 15 to 20
- Blaze Kick – Power increased from 55 to 60
- Breaking Swipe – Chance to lower opponent's Attack is no longer guaranteed
- Iron Tail – Energy generation increased and Power increased from 9 to 10
- Steel Wing – Energy generation increased
- Astonish – Power increased from 5 to 9
- Bubble – Power increased from 7 to 8
- Scald – Power increased from 75 to 80 and a greater chance to lower opponent's Attack by one stage
- Psychic – Power decreased from 85 to 75
Attack availability updates
Here are all of the attack availability updates that have been made this season:
Attack | Pokemon that can now learn it |
Icy Wind (Charged Attack) | Wigglytuff, Polwriath, Abomasnow, Avalugg, Hisuian Avalugg, Frigibax & Arctibax |
Parabolic Charge (Charged Attack) | Dedenne |
Trailblaze (Charged Attack) | Raichu, Alolan Raichu, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Persian, Ariados, Cacnea, Cacturne, Oranguru, Greedent Nyble, Lokix, Smoliv, Dolliv & Arboliva |
Aerial Ace (Charged Attack) | Alolan Sandslash |
Fly (Charged Attack) | Delibird, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Rufflet, Braviary, Hisuian Braviary, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame & Vikavolt |
Scald (Charged Attack) | Slowbro, Galarian Slowbro, Politoed, Slowking, Galarian Slowking, Qwilfish, Suicune, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Wailmer, Wailord, Barboach, Whiscash, Corphish & Crawdaunt |
Rock Slide (Charged Attack) | Vigoroth |
Shadow Ball (Charged Attack) | Toxicroak |
Astonish (Fast Attack) | Palossand |
Triple Axel (Charged Attack) | Articuno, Delibird, Froslass & Cryoganal |
It will be interesting to see how these buffs, nerfs, and availability changes affect the meta going forward.
That's everything you need to know about Season 17 of the GO Battle League! We'll update this page if anything changes mid-way through the season, but for now, you should be ready to hit the battlefield.
While you're here, check out our Pokemon homepage for more guides like the upcoming events, this month's Spotlight Hour schedule, or the current Raid Bosses you can take on.

About The Author
Daniel Megarry
Daniel is GGRecon’s Deputy Guides Editor. He graduated from university with a degree in Journalism & English Language before covering video games and LGBTQ+ culture at publications including Gay Times and Dexerto. His favourite games include Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, and anything Nintendo. You can reach him on [email protected].