All costumed Pokemon in Pokemon GO Fashion Week & how to get them

All costumed Pokemon in Pokemon GO Fashion Week & how to get them

Pokemon GO's Fashion Week 2023 event offers Trainers a chance to catch new and old costumed Pokemon like Dragonite, Wooper, Quagsire, and more.

15th Nov 2023 15:20

Images via Niantic

Fashion Week in Pokemon GO brings together a range of Pokemon all dolled up in their most stylish garments, and this year's event introduces brand-new costumed creatures and provides an opportunity to capture some old favourites, too.

The event kicks off on November 15 and runs until November 19, 2023, so let's take a look at all of the costumed Pokemon you can encounter in the game and how to get them so you don't miss out!

Costumed Pokemon available via wild encounters

The three brand-new costumed Pokemon available in Fashion Week 2023

Trainers will frequently encounter the following Pokemon in the wild during Fashion Week 2023:

  • Pikachu with summer flair
  • Diglett wearing a fashionable costume
  • Wooper wearing a fashionable costume
  • Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume
  • Gothita
  • Frillish (F)
  • Furfrou
  • Mareanie

And while not as common, you can run into Absol wearing a fashionable costume and Frillish (M), too!

Fashion Week 2023 introduces a few brand-new costumed Pokemon, including Wooper wearing a fashionable costume. You can evolve Wooper wearing a fashionable costume into Quagsire wearing a fashionable costume by using 50 Wooper Candy.

Fashion Week 2023 also marks the first time Trainers can encounter Shiny Gothita in Pokemon GO. Now, all the Pokemon you can encounter during Fashion Week 2023 have a slim chance of appearing in their Shiny variants, except for Mareanie.

Costumed Pokemon available via Raids

Some of the raid Pokemon in Fashion Week 2023

The Pokemon listed below will occupy Raids during Fashion Week 2023:

One-Star Raids

  • Diglett wearing a fashionable costume
  • Wooper wearing a fashionable costume
  • Sneasel wearing a fashionable costume
  • Furfrou

Three-Star Raids

  • Butterfree wearing a fashionable costume
  • Dragonite wearing a fashionable costume
  • Kirlia wearing a fashionable costume
  • Absol wearing a fashionable costume

Fashion Week 2023 coincides with the debut of Dragonite wearing a fashionable costume in Pokemon GO!

Costumed Pokemon available via hatching Eggs

An assortment of Eggs in Pokemon GO

Hatching 5 km Eggs during Fashion Week 2023 will produce a variety of costumed Pokemon:

  • Pichu with summer flair
  • Wooper wearing a fashionable costume
  • Smoochum wearing a fashionable costume
  • Shinx wearing a fashionable costume

You can also get Gothita from 5 km Eggs! Gothita hatched from Eggs are more likely to be Shiny than Gothita that appear via wild encounters.

Costumed Pokemon available via Field Research tasks

A few of Pokemon GO's costumed Pokemon

Fashion Week 2023 features a selection of Field Research tasks that Trainers can complete in exchange for encounters with the following costumed Pokemon:

  • Butterfree wearing a fashionable costume
  • Diglett wearing a fashionable costume
  • Wooper wearing a fashionable costume
  • Kirlia wearing a fashionable costume
  • Shinx wearing a fashionable costume
  • Blitzle wearing a fashionable costume

Costumed Pokemon available via Collection Challenge

Some of the Pokemon you will need to capture as part of the Fashion Week 2023 Collection Challenge

Pokemon GO is hosting a Fashion Week–themed Collection Challenge during Fashion Week 2023. Trainers that capture all the listed Pokemon before time is up will earn an encounter with a Dragonite wearing a fashionable costume, XP, and Stardust.

Costumed Pokemon available via Timed Research

Some of the costumed Pokemon you will encounter in the Fashion Week 2023 Timed Research

Lastly, Fashion Week 2023 offers a Fashion Week–themed Timed Research, but to participate, you must shell out $2 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency). The Timed Research tasks consist of assignments related to catching Pokemon and taking snapshots of wild Pokemon - and each task you finish will net you an encounter with a different costumed Pokemon!

That's everything there is to know about Fashion Week 2023 in Pokemon GO. Join in on the festivities starting November 15, 2023, and add some new costumed Pokemon to your Pokedex.

Check out our Pokemon homepage for more content relating to Pokemon GO, Scarlet & Violet, Pokemon Sleep, and other titles!

Coleman Hamstead

About The Author

Coleman Hamstead

Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.


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