![Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks List [July 2022]](https://www.ggrecon.com/media/vwwgailg/lickitung-field-research-breakthrough-pokemon-go.jpg?width=500&height=700&v=1daeee2c1503650&quality=60)
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks List [July 2022]
Here are all the Pokemon Go Field Research tasks that have an encounter reward, as well as which Pokemon you can find.
The Pokemon GO Field Research tasks have changed because it's July now, meaning new rewards. There are a bunch of new tasks, and there are also some new Pokemon available as encounter rewards. For earning seven stamps, you'll unlock the Field Research Breakthrough encounter in Pokemon GO.
Here are all the Pokemon GO Field Research tasks in July that reward you with a Pokemon encounter, sorted by their overall category.
- July is also having some Pokemon GO Spotlight Hours and Pokemon GO Raid Hours, so be sure to check those out for some (potentially) new Pokemon!
Pokemon GO Field Research Breakthrough [July 2022]: Lickitung
For July, the Pokemon you'll encounter is Lickitung (perfect CP=604)!
This pink Pokemon is a Normal-type that can evolve once, into Lickilicky. This can be done with 100 Lickitung candies and a Sinnoh Stone.
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks [July 2022]: Catching Pokemon Tasks
Task | Pokemon | Perfect CP | Shiny Available? |
Catch 5 Pokemon | Zubat | Natu | Wingull | 285 | 472 | 328 | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Catch 7 Pokemon | Magikarp | 117 | Yes! |
Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon | Yanma | Murkrow | Stunky | 630 | 669 | 493 | Yes! | Yes! | No :( |
Catch 5 Pokemon with Weather Boost | Vulpix | Poliwag | Hippopotas | Snover | 378 | 355 | 582 | 497 | Yes! (all) |
Catch 5 Normal-type Pokemon | Kantonian Meowth | 320 | Yes! |
Catch a Dragon-type Pokemon | Dratini | Bagon | 430 | 495 | Yes! | Yes! |
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks [July 2022]: Throwing Tasks
Task | Pokemon | Perfect CP | Shiny Available? |
Make 5 Nice throws | Dunsparce | 724 | Yes! |
Make 3 Great throws | Snubbull | Lileep | Anorith | 530 | 553 | 655 | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Make 3 Great throws in a row | Onix | 472 | Yes! |
Make 5 Great throws in a row | Kantonian Persian | 724 | No* |
Make 3 Excellent throws in a row | Gible | 477 | Yes! |
Make 5 Great Curveball throws in a row | Spinda (pattern #1) | 523 | Yes! |
*Kantonian Persian can be shiny in Pokemon GO, but only when evolved from a shiny Meowth.
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks [July 2022]: Battle Tasks
Task | Pokemon | Perfect CP | Shiny Available? |
Win a Raid | Togetic | 732 | Yes! |
Win 5 Raids | Aerodactyl | 1193 | Yes! |
Win a level 3 or higher Raid | Omanyte | Kabuto | 662 | 587 | Yes! | Yes! |
Battle in the GO Battle League | Cottonee | 300 | Yes! |
Battle a Team GO Rocket grunt | Wailmer | 629 | Yes! |
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks [July 2022]: Interacting With Pokemon Tasks
Task | Pokemon | Perfect CP | Shiny Available? |
Earn 2 candies walking with your Buddy | Bunnelby | 237 | Yes! |
Earn 3 candies walking with your Buddy | Unovan Stunfisk | 926 | No :( |
Take a snapshot of your Buddy | Aipom | 578 | Yes! |
Earn 3 hearts with your Buddy | Girafarig | 877 | Yes! |
Evolve a Pokemon | Eevee | 459 | Yes! |
Power up Pokemon 3 times | Bulbasaur | Charmander | Squirtle | 477 | 420 | 405 | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Power up Pokemon 5 times | Chikorita | Cyndaquil | Totodile | 400 | 420 | 485 | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Power up Pokemon 7 times | Treecko | Torchic | Mudkip | 451 | 468 | 483 | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Pokemon GO Field Research Tasks [July 2022]: Other Tasks
Task | Pokemon | Perfect CP | Shiny Available? |
Hatch an egg | Mantine | Chansey | 903 | 537 | Yes! | Yes! |
Hatch 2 eggs | Beldum | 418 | Yes! |
Trade a Pokemon | Abra | 575 | Yes! |
Send 3 Gifts and add a sticker to each | Hoothoot | 290 | Yes! |
Spin 3 PokeStops or gyms | Sudowoodo | 920 | Yes! |
Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms | Ralts | 231 | Yes! |
Take a snapshot of a wild Pokemon |
Hoppip | Murkrow | Yanma |
257 | 669 | 630 |
Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
Take a snapshot of a Normal-type Pokemon |
Glameow |
400 |
Yes! |
That's all the Research encounters available in July 2022 in Pokemon GO! Be sure to check back next month for the new list. Happy hunting!
July is chock-full of events. Check out our guide to the July Community Day, including the start date, time, featured Pokemon, bonuses, and more.

About The Author
Michael Christopher
Michael is a long-time journalist who has spent years writing about games and other media. He loves writing about Pokemon, sometimes more so than actually playing it. He also plays a lot of hack 'n slash games, indie platformers, and Stardew Valley.