What are Haptics in Pokemon GO & how to turn them off
If you enjoy Vibration in Pokemon GO, you'll love Haptics. Learn all about the brand-new Haptics feature, plus how to disable it if you find it unpleasant or distracting.
Niantic loves to innovate and try new things, and the latest addition to Pokemon GO is Haptics. This interesting feature is an extension of Vibration, offering Pokemon GO Trainers haptic feedback when they toss Poke Balls or try to catch Pokemon.
This guide details the game's brand-new Haptics feature and how you can disable it if you're not a fan.
What are Haptics?
Haptics is a brand-new feature that adds vibrations to different actions in Pokemon GO. When this setting is enabled, you'll receive subtle feedback whenever you interact with Poke Balls and Pokemon.
Haptics offers a more immersive Pokemon GO experience and can be especially intriguing for Trainers with disabilities.
How to disable Haptics in Pokemon GO
By default, the new Haptics feature is enabled in Pokemon GO. However, not everyone wants their phone to constantly vibrate while they try to catch Pokemon, and using this feature also consumes extra battery.
To disable Haptics, launch Pokemon GO and press the Poke Ball at the bottom centre of the screen to open the Main Menu. Next, tap Settings. Finally, press the slider next to Haptics to disable the feature. Alternatively, you can turn off Vibration, and Haptics will get disabled automatically with it.
Feel free to navigate back into Settings and enable this feature if you ever have a change of heart. While it can be annoying, it can also make catching Pokemon more satisfying - the feedback you receive when you perform an Excellent Throw feels great!
So, that's the basics of Haptics in Pokemon GO. Give the new feature a fair shot, and if it's not for you, you can always disable it in the Settings!
Get a head start on the new season of Pokemon GO, Timeless Travels, by reading GGRecon and checking out our guides for the Spotlight Hour schedule and current Raid Bosses you can battle!

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.