How to get red, blue, yellow, white, & orange Flabebe in Pokemon GO
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about how to obtain red, blue, yellow, white, and orange Flabebe in Pokemon GO.
As part of Pokemon GO’s 2023 Valentine’s Day event, Flabebe will be appearing more frequently than usual. Trainers will have the chance to catch five colour variations of this floral Fairy-type Pokemon, each with differing spawn rates.
This guide will walk you through how you can acquire a red, blue, yellow, white, and orange Flabebe.
Where can you catch Flabebe?
- White and Orange flower Flabebe spawn everywhere
- Yellow flower Flabebe spawns in the Americas
- Red flower Flabebe spawns in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
- Blue flower Flabebe spawns in the Asia-Pacific region
Flabebe will retain the distinct colouration of its flowers after evolving. However, as you can see from the list above, colour variations are region-locked. Unless you’re planning on travelling across the globe hunting down Flabebe, you’ll have to rely on trading.
But if you want enough candy to evolve your Flabebe into Floette and Florges, we recommend taking advantage of this Valentine’s Day event to catch as many as you can.
How to catch Flabebe in Pokemon GO
If you want to catch Flabebe, there are a number of ways you can increase your chances of encountering it during the Pokemon GO Valentine's Day event.
You can set off an incense or lure module to increase spawn rates around the player and local Pokestops
There are a number of Pokemon featured during the Valentine's Day event, so increased Flabebe appearances aren’t guaranteed.
If you want a shiny Flabebe, we have some unfortunate news for you. Shiny Flabebe is, at the time of writing, unavailable in Pokemon GO. This also means that its evolutions, Shiny Floette and Shiny Florges, are also unavailable. But with so many colour variations, you’ll be spoiled for choice!

About The Author
Sara Heritage
Sara is an Eevee enthusiast who writes about games, tech and entertainment. Reviews, guides, news, features? She's your gal! You can often find her hanging out with Raymond in Animal Crossing, or playing any Nindies she can get her hands on.