Pokemon GO Rogue of the Jungle Special Research tasks & rewards
Zarude is back in Pokemon GO, but you'll need to purchase a ticket for the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research story to get the chance to catch it.
The ticketed Rogue of the Jungle Special Research story has arrived in Pokemon GO, giving Trainers another chance to catch the Mythical creature Zarude.
After making its debut in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet's Isle of Armor DLC, the Dark/Grass-type Zarude arrived in Pokemon GO in 2021. It's been unavailable to catch in the mobile game since then, but this Mythical creature is making a long-awaited comeback as part of the Verdan Wonders event!
Rogue of the Jungle tasks & rewards
Here are all of the tasks and rewards in the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research story:
Step 1 of 5
Task | Reward |
Complete 5 Field Research tasks | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Cach 25 Grass-type Pokemon | Seedot encounter |
Evolve 3 Grass-type Pokemon | 20 Poke Balls |
Completion rewards: 1000 Stardust, 10 Razz Berries, and 2 Fast TMs
Step 2 of 5
Task | Reward |
Explore 5km | 2 Golden Razz Berries |
Catch 20 Dark-type Pokemon | Galarian Zigzagoon encounter |
Evolve 3 Dark-type Pokemon | 10 Great Balls |
Completion rewards: 1000 XP, 5 Potions, and 2 Charged TMs
Step 3 of 5
Task | Reward |
Spin 25 PokeStops or Gym Discs | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Power up 5 Grass-type Pokemon | Cacnea encounter |
Make an Excellent Throw | 10 Ultra Balls |
Completion rewards: 1000 Stardust, 5 Revives, and 1 Incense
Step 4 of 5
Task | Reward |
Use 5 super-effective Charged Attacks | 2 Golden Razz Berries |
Power up 5 Dark-type Pokemon | Scraggy encounter |
Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokemon | 5 Rare Candies |
Completion rewards: 1000 XP, 2 Premium Battle Passes, and 1000 Stardust
Step 5 of 5
Task | Reward |
Win 3 Raids | 2 Silver Pinap Berries |
Catch 15 different species of Pokemon | Absol encounter |
Defeat 5 Team GO Rocket Grunts | 10 Zarude Candy |
Completion rewards: 1000 Stardust, Zarude encounter, and 3 Zarude XL Candy
While this isn't as lengthy as the Masterwork Research quests we've seen for other Mythical creatures, it could still take you a little while to complete - especially catching all of those Grass-type and Dark-type Pokemon.
Special shoutout to LeekDuck for help with this information!
Is Rogue of the Jungle worth paying for?
If you haven't already purchased a Rogue of the Jungle ticket, you might be wondering if it's worth spending your hard-earned money on. This is one of the more expensive tickets in Pokemon GO, costing $7.99 (or £7.99) to access the Special Research story.
While there are some decent rewards like Incense and Rare Candies included, there's nothing especially interesting or unique that you couldn't get in other quests. The main draw here is definitely going to be the encounter with the Mythical creature Zarude.
If you missed out on catching a Zarude last time it appeared in the game, then it might be worth paying for this ticket. It's a lot of money to spend on a Mythical creature, but it could be years before you get another chance to catch one.
Zarude is also a top-tier Grass-type attacker for Raid Battles and can perform well as a Dark-type attacker, too, so if you're lacking in either of those departments it's a nice addition to your collection.
However, it's worth considering that Zarude was previously available to encounter for free during the Secrets of the Jungle event back in 2021. I highly doubt Zarude will be free again, but it is a little frustrating to see a previously free Pokemon now locked behind a paywall.
If you've already got a Zarude in your collection, then I wouldn't recommend getting the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research ticket.
That's everything you need to know about the Rogue of the Jungle ticket! Visit our Pokemon homepage for the latest news and guides including the upcoming Spotlight Hours, the latest Raid Bosses, and all of the promo codes you can redeem.

About The Author
Daniel Megarry
Daniel is GGRecon’s Deputy Guides Editor. He graduated from university with a degree in Journalism & English Language before covering video games and LGBTQ+ culture at publications including Gay Times and Dexerto. His favourite games include Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, and anything Nintendo. You can reach him on [email protected].