What are Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon GO?
Those portals you're seeing over Gyms? Those are Ultra Wormholes. Learn all about them in this primer, including how to capture the mighty Ultra Beasts that emerge.
Ultra Wormholes are a relatively new discovery in Pokemon GO, and while there's still much we don't know about this phenomenon, we do know Ultra Wormholes allow Ultra Beasts to transition to our world.
This primer dives deeper into Ultra Wormholes, including where to find them and all the Ultra Beasts you can come across in the augmented reality mobile game from Niantic.
What are Ultra Wormholes?
Ultra Wormholes are limited-time portals that connect the Pokemon World to Ultra Space. If you see one, it means an Ultra Beast is preparing to emerge from Ultra Space and will be available to battle.
Ultra Wormholes debuted in Pokemon GO during GO Fest 2022, and have appeared sporadically in the game since then.
Where to find Ultra Wormholes
The mysterious gateways known as Ultra Wormholes appear in the sky over Gyms, just like Raid Eggs. To locate one of these warp holes, open the Nearby menu and look for a portal-like symbol. When the timer associated with the Gym expires, an Ultra Beast will appear!
Historically, Ultra Wormholes tend to materialise during special events or as Raid Bosses for a very limited time, so keep up with the latest Pokemon GO events and the Raid schedule to know when these portals to Ultra Space are surfacing.
All Ultra Beasts in Pokemon GO
Below is a list of all the Ultra Beasts you can find and capture in Pokemon GO:
- Nihilego
- Pheromosa
- Buzzwole
- Xurkitree
- Celesteela
- Kartana
- Guzzlord
While there have been sightings of 11 Ultra Beasts across all the Pokemon titles, only seven have ever been spotted in Pokemon GO.
Expect the remaining four Ultra Beasts - Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, and Blacephalon - to make their Pokemon GO debut sometime in the future.
How to catch Ultra Beasts
To catch an Ultra Beast, you must defeat it in a 5-Star Raid after it comes out of an Ultra Wormhole. So, hoard some Raid Passes, build a competitive party, grab some trustworthy Trainers, and venture out in search of Ultra Wormholes situated above your local Gyms.
There's no guarantee you'll capture a defeated Ultra Beast, even after beating it in a Raid! The catch rate for Ultra Beasts is extremely low, so use Razz Berries, Silver Pinap Berries, or Golden Razz Berries, and focus on landing Excellent Throws to increase your chances of capturing one of these elusive monsters.
You can find a few Ultra Beasts in Pokemon GO during the first half of January 2024. However, which Ultra Beast you encounter depends on where you're looking. Buzzwole is exclusive to the Americas, Xurkitree to the Asia-Pacific, and you can only find Pheromosa in Europe.
Ultra Beasts may become more widely available later, but for now, you'll need to take advantage of their limited appearances to capture these extradimensional Pokemon.
That's the basics of Ultra Wormholes and Ultra Beasts! You can find them in Pokemon GO until January 10, 2024, but after that, there's no telling when Ultra Wormholes will appear again!
Check out our Pokemon GO homepage for all the latest news and guides, like the Spotlight Hour schedule and tips on how to defeat Giovanni in battle.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.