Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex: Full list of Pokemon
Every Pokemon in the Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex.
The Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex has been completed! Pokemon Legends Arceus draws in Pokemon from many previous generations, adds some Hisuian Forms to the mix, and even brings in a few entirely new Pokemon. A lot of fan favourites are here, although there are plenty missing too: here's the full Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex.
- Want to know who you'll be meeting on your adventure? Here's our guide to the Pokemon Legend Arceus Characters.
Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex: Complete List
Thanks to the collective effort of the internet, we now know every Pokemon that appears in Pokemon Legends Arceus. The full Pokedex list is as follows.
- Rowlett
- Dartrix
- Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
- Cyndaquill
- Quilava
- Typhlosion (Hisuian Form)
- Oshawott
- Dewott
- Samurott (Hisuian Form)
- Bidoof
- Bibarel
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Wurmple
- Silcoon
- Beautifly
- Cascoon
- Dustox
- Ponyta
- Rapidash
- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Leafeon
- Glaceon
- Sylveon
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Crobat
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Kricketot
- Kricketune
- Buizel
- Floatzel
- Burmy
- Wormadam
- Mothim
- Geodude
- Graveller
- Golem
- Stantler
- Wyrdeer (New Evolution)
- Munchlax
- Snorlax
- Paras
- Parasect
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Chimchar
- Monferno
- Infernape
- Buneary
- Lopunny
- Cherubi
- Cherrim
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Combee
- Vespiqueen
- Scyther
- Kleavor
- Scizor
- Heracross
- Mime Jr.
- Mr. Mime
- Aipom
- Ambipom
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Shellos
- Gastrodon
- Qwilfish
- Overqwil
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Budew
- Roselia
- Roserade
- Carnivine
- Petilil
- Lilligant (Hisuian Form)
- Tangela
- Tangrowth
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Raltz
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Yanma
- Yanmega
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Pachirisu
- Stunky
- Skuntank
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Ursaluna
- Goomy
- Sliggoo
- Goodra
- Onix
- Steelix
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Rhyperior
- Bonsly
- Sudowoodo
- Lickitung
- Lickilicky
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Togekiss
- Turtwig
- Grotle
- Torterra
- Porygon
- Porygon2
- Porygon-Z
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Spiritomb
- Murkrow
- Honchkrow
- Unown
- Spheal
- Sealeo
- Walrein
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Skorupi
- Drapion
- Growlithe (Hisuian Form)
- Arcanine (Hisuian Form)
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Machop
- Machoke
- Machamp
- Chatot
- Duskull
- Dusklops
- Dusknoir
- Piplup
- Prinplup
- Empoleon
- Mantyke
- Mantine
- Basculin
- Basculegion (New Evolution)
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Finneon
- Lumineon
- Magby
- Magmar
- Magmortar
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Elekid
- Electabuzz
- Electivire
- Gligar
- Gliscor
- Gible
- Gabite
- Garchomp
- Nosepass
- Probopass
- Voltorb (Hisuian Form)
- Electrode (Hisuian Form)
- Rotom
- Chingling
- Chimecho
- Misdreavous
- Mismagius
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Sneasel (Johtonian/Hisuian Form)
- Weavile
- Sneasler
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Froslas
- Cranidos
- Rampardos
- Shieldon
- Bastiodon
- Swinub
- Piloswine
- Mamoswine
- Bergmite
- Avalugg (Hisuian Form)
- Snover
- Abomasnow
- Zorua (Hisuian Form)
- Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
- Rufflet
- Braviary (Hisuian Form)
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Heatran
- Regigigas
- Cresselia
- Tornadus
- Thundurus
- Landorus
- Enamorus
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Giratina
- Arceus
- Phione
- Manaphy
- Shaymin
- Darkrai
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Pokemon Legends Arceus: New Pokemon
Included in the Pokedex list are these new forms and all-new Pokemon:
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Hisuian Samurott
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Hisuian Arcanine
- Hisuian Braviary
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Hisuian Electrode
- Hisuian Zorua
- Hisuian Zoroark
- Hisuian Avalugg
- Hisuian Lilligant
- Kleavor
- Wyrdeer
- Basculegion
- Sneasler
- Ursaluna
- Enamorus
Basculegion and Wyrdeer are two new evolutions for existing Pokemon. Basculegion evolves from Basculin, which is the first evolution for the fish Pokemon with two coloured variants, red and blue. Wyrdeer, on the other hand, is a snowy themed Stantler evolution, while Sneasler is the evolution of Hisuian Sneasle.
Ursaluna is the evolution of Ursaring, and Enamorus is a brand new legendary. Kleavor is an alternative evolution to Scyther. You can read more about the Hisuian forms in our Pokemon Legends Arceus Hisuian forms guide.
That is every Pokemon that appears in Pokemon Legends Arceus. To learn how to evolve them check out our guide on how to evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus.

About The Author
Ford James
Ford is the former Guides Editor at GGRecon.