Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex: Full Paldea Pokemon List
With a new generation of Pokemon comes a new expanded Paldea Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex, here is every new and returning monster in this new collection of Pokemon.
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex is something fans are excited to learn more about because we know that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are bringing the series into generation nine, so there are more new Pokemon to find and catch. Unfortunately, not all previous Pokemon will be available in these games, as was the case in Pokemon Sword and Shield. We finally know how big the Pokedex for these new games is, so this is everything you need to know about the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex.
- It goes without saying, we all have opinions on these new starter Pokemon. To see more of what we think, check out Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Starting Trio: Toot or Boot?
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex: Starters
We can't have a new generation of Pokemon without a new trio of starters. These games give us the choice between Fuecoco, Quaxly, and Sprigatito.
These three adorable creatures adhere to the tradition of fire, water, and grass-type starters, but as is becoming common, they take on a secondary type as they evolve. Sprigatito evolves into Meowscarada, a grass/dark type, Quaxly evolves into Quaquaval, a water/fighting type, and Fuecoco evolves into Skeledirge, a fire/ghost type.
- You cannot have a new Pokemon game without some colourful characters. For more, check out our guide to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Characters.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex: Returning Pokemon
With a long list to draw from, many existing Pokemon will appear in the new games. Here are all the returning Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Starly (Staravia, Staraptor)
- Hoppip (Skiploom, Jumpluff)
- Petilil (Lilligant)
- Bounsweet (Steenee, Tsareena)
- Psyduck (Golduck)
- Meowth (Persian)
- Stonjourner
- Clauncher (Clawitzer)
- Pelipper (Wingull)
- Swablu (Altaria)
- Pichu (Pikachu, Raichu)
- Blissey (Chansey)
- Seviper
- Larvitar (Pupitar, Tyranitar)
- Magnemite (Magneton, Magnezone)
- Lucario (Riolu)
- Combee (Vespiquen)
- Drifloon (Drifbloom)
- Flabébé (Floette, Florges)
- Hisuian Zoroark (Hisiuian Zorua)
- Chewtle (Drednaw)
- Larvitar (Pupitar, Tyranitar)
- Bagon (Shelgon, Salamence)
- Venonat (Venomoth)
- Cryogonal
- Rolycoly (Carkol, Coalossal)
- Toxapex (Mareanie)
- Shellder (Cloyster)
- Gastly (Gengar, Haunter)
- Fletchling (Fletchinder, Talonflame)
- Houndour (Houndoom)
- Marrill (Azumarrill)
- Magikarp (Gyarados)
- Dratini (Dragonair, Dragonite)
- Murkrow (Honchkrow)
- Makuhita (Hariyama)
- Sinistea (Polteageist)
- Growlithe (Arcanine)
- Hippopotas (Hippodon)
- Skiddo (Gogoat)
- Rotom
- Eevee (Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glacieon, Leafeon, Sylveon)
- Cubchoo (Beartic)
- Mudbray (Mudsdale)
- Hydreigon (Zweilous, Deino)
- Donphan (Phanpy)
- Hatterene (Hattrem)
- Gardevoir (Kirlia, Ralts)
- Scizor (Scyther)
- Forretress (Pineco)
- Girafarig (Farigiraf)
- Gimmighoul
- Yungoos (Gumshoos)
- Skwoovet (Greedent)
- Sunkern (Sunflora)
- Kricketot (Kricketune)
- Vivillion
- Combee (Vespiquen)
- Rookidee (Corvisquire, Corviknight)
- Happiny (Chansey, Blissey)
- Azuril (Maril, Azumarill)
- Surskit (Masquerain)
- Buizel (Floatzel)
- Igglybuff (Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff)
- Raltz (Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade)
- Drowzee (Hypno)
- Slakoth (Vigoroth, Slaking)
- Bonsly (Sudowoodo)
- Rockruff (Lycanroc)
- Shinx (Luxio, Luxray)
- Mareep (Flaafy, Ampharos)
- Applin (Appletun)
- Spoink (Grumpig)
- Misdreavus (Mismagius)
- Crabrawler (Crabominable)
- Salandit (Salazzle)
- Cufant (Copperajah)
- Gible (Gabite, Garchomp)
- Magikarp (Gyarados)
- Arrokuda (Barraskewda)
- Basculin
- Gulpin (Swalot)
- Diglett (Dugtrio)
- Torkoal
- Numel (Camerupt)
- Bronzor (Bronzong)
- Axew (Fraxure, Haxorus)
- Mankey (Primeape, and new evolution Annihilape)
- Meditite (Medicham)
- Barboach (Whiscash)
- Goomy (Sliggoo, Goodra)
- Croagunk (Toxicroak)
- Dunsparce (new evolution Dudunsparce)
- Deerling (Sawsbuck)
- Grimer (Muk)
- Toxel (Toxtricity)
- Dedenne (Pachirisu)
- Stantler
- Foongus (Amoonguss)
- Voltorb (Electrode)
- Ditto
- Teddiursa (Ursaring)
- Zangoose
- Swablu (Altaria)
- Skiddo (Gogoat)
- Taurus (Fire and Water-type)
- Litleo (Pyroar)
- Stunky (Skuntank)
- Gothita (Gothorita, Gothitelle)
- Mimikyu
- Klefki
- Indeedee
- Tropius
- Fomantis (Lurantis)
- Cacnea (Cacturne)
- venonat (Venomoth)
- Pineco (Forretress)
- Scyther (Scizor)
- Heracross
- Hippopotas (Hippowdon)
- Sandile (Krokorok, Krookodile)
- Silicobra (Sandaconda)
- Mudbray (Mudsdale)
- Larvesta (Volcarona)
- Bagon (Shelgon, Salamence)
- Hatenna (Hattrem, Hatterene)
- Impidimp (Morgrem, Grimmsnarl)
- Sableye
- Shuppet (Banette)
- Falinks
- Hawlucha
- Spiritomb
- Noibat (Noivern)
- Dreepy (Drakloak, Dragapult)
- Rotom
- Larvitar (Pupitar, Tyranitar)
- Stonejourner
- Eiscue
- Pinchurin
- Sandyghast (Palossand)
- Slowpoke (Slowbro, Slowking)
- Shellos (Gastrodon)
- Shellder (Cloyster)
- Qwilfish
- Luvdisc
- Finneon (Lumineon)
- Skrelp (Dragalge)
- Tynamo (Eelektrik, Eelektross)
- Mareanie (Toxapex)
- Dratini (Dragonair, Dragonite)
- Snom (Frosmoth)
- Snover (Abomasnow)
- Delibird
- Cubchoo (Beartic)
- Snorunt (Glalie, Froslass)
- Cryogonal
- Bergmite (Avalugg)
- Rufflet (Braviary)
- Pawniard (Bisharp, Kingambit)
- Deino (Zerilous, Hydreigon)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: New Pokemon
Of course, there are plenty brand new Pokemon, as well as some new evolutions of existing Pokemon and some Pokemon with brand-new forms. Here are all the new additions to the Pokemon roster:
- Quaxly (Quaxwell, Quaquaval)
- Fuecoco (Crocalor, Skeledirge)
- Spirigatito (Floragato, Meoscarada)
- Lechonk (Oinkologne)
- Tarountula (Spidops)
- Nymble (Lokix)
- Pawmi (Pawmo, Pawmot)
- Scatterbug (Spewpa)
- Tandermaus (Maushold)
- Smoliv (Doliv, Arboliva)
- Oricorio
- Squakabilly
- Nacli (Naclstack, Garganacl)
- Fidough (Dachsbun)
- Wattrel (Kilowattrel)
- Maschiff (Mabosstiff)
- Paldean Wooper (Clodsire)
- Shroodle (Grafaiai)
- Klawf
- Wiglett
- Tadbulb (Bellibolt)
- Bramblin (Brambleghast)
- Toedscool (Toedscruel)
- Capsakid (Scovillain)
- Rellor (Rabsca)
- Flittle (Espathra)
- Tinkatink (Tinkatuff, Tinkaton)
- Wiglett (Wugtrio)
- Bombirdier
- Finizen (Palafin)
- Varoom (Revavroom)
- Orthworm
- Glimmet (Glimmora)
- Greavard (Houndstone)
- Oranguru (Passimian)
- Bruxish
- Alomomola
- Komala
- Flamigo
- Cetoddle (Cetitan)
- Veluza
- Dondozo
- Tatsugiri
- Frigibax (Arctibax, Baxcalibur)
- Gholdengo
- Wo-Chien
- Chien-Pao
- Ting-Lu
- Chi-Yu
- Cyclizar
- Charcadet
- Armarouge
- Ceruledge
- Koraidon
- Miraidon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Legendary Pokemon
It goes without saying that the tradition of Pokemon is to have new legendary Pokemon every generation and to have one specific to each game to put on the cover. Unusually, the legendary Pokemon of Scarlet and Violet also act as your means of transportation.
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries are called Koraidon and Miraodon. Koraidon is a dragon/fighting type, and Miraidon is a dragon/electric type. Miraidon is Pokemon Violet's Legendary and Koraidon is Pokemon Scarlet's Legendary.
That is everything we know about the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex. For more info, check out Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Which one is better? to learn more about the differences between the versions.

About The Author
Jacob Woodward
Jacob is the former Guides and Reviews Editor for GGRecon, and is now a freelance writer. After graduating from University, he started his career in marketing before transitioning into writing and editing SEO-focused content.