All Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Spirited Sand Jar locations
Take a look at all the Spirited Sand Jar locations in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, so you can complete the associated quest and earn the rewards.
As part of the Prophecy of Mount Qaf quest in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you'll need to collect a total of 30 Spirited Sand Jars from across the game; many of them are very well hidden though, so you may want help with tracking them all down.
The latest Prince of Persia will take you to a number of unique locations in the mythical citadel of Mount Qaf. Across these various areas are tonnes of extra content, such as collectible skins or quests like The Lost Warriors.
However, the most important collectibles are the Spirited Sand Jars, as they allow you to get lots of useful rewards, and finding them all provides more context to the main story. Check out all the locations in the game below.
Prophecy of Mount Qaf quest explained
You can start collecting Spirited Sand Jars without beginning the associated side quest, called Prophecy of Mount Qaf, but it's worth starting the quest to get consistent rewards for every five jars you pick up.
To begin the quest, from The Haven teleporter, head east and into the next room. Drop down and stick to the right side of this room. Roughly halfway down, you can find a corridor on the right side, which leads into a room with a Spirited Sand Jar in the middle.
Attacking the jar will collect it and also start the associated quest. Essentially, the quest tasks you with finding all the Sand Jars, with each one filling in a part of the fresco on the wall to reveal the prophecy.
You also gain a reward for every five Sand Jars you bring back to the fresco. The rewards are as follows:
- 5 Spirited Sand Jars - Soma Tree Petal
- 10 Spirited Sand Jars - Holy Fire Amulet
- 15 Spirited Sand Jars - Amulet Holder
- 20 Spirited Sand Jars - Soma Tree Petal
- 25 Spirited Sand Jars - Azure Damascus Ingot
- 30 Spirited Sand Jars - Soma Tree Flower
Before we get to the list of locations, it's worth noting that we've presented this list in order of the areas you will travel to in the game.
This means you won't be able to collect all the Sand Jars in each area sequentially, as you will need to unlock new abilities first and then return later in the game. We'll note what criteria you need to meet before you can collect each one.
Spirited Sand Jars - Lower City
Sand Jar 1
Located in the fresco room, to the right of The Haven.
Sand Jar 2
In the middle of a jumping puzzle room, located west of the fresco room. After dropping down a big gap and avoiding the spikes, jump up to the platform above.
Sand Jar 3
After getting the dash ability and returning to the big statue in the Lower City, head east. Jump over the first spike pit, then drop into the second and dash to the platform ahead. The Sand Jar is on the final platform.
Sand Jar 4
After getting the Chakram teleport ability, head back to the trap door in the room east of The Haven. Drop down, take the stairs down, and use your Chakram teleport to get through the gate on the right.
Drop down again and head right to find the jar in a room with some flying enemies.
Spirited Sand Jars - Hyrcanian Forest
Sand Jar 1
After finding the first Wak Wak Tree in the Hyrcanian Forest, drop down and then attack the wall on your left to find a hidden area. Follow it to the end to find a Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 2
After getting the dash ability return to the Hyrcanian Forest and return to where you spoke with Menolias and learned the Chakram ability.
Where the broken stone bridge is, drop down onto some floating mushrooms and follow the jumping puzzle ahead to find a cubby in the wall with the next Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - Sacred Archives
Sand Jar 1
Once you need to return to the Sacred Archives as part of the Path to the Sand Prison quest, make your way to the top left of the area and enter the Temple of Knowledge.
In the first room you enter, drop down the elevator shaft, head right, and call the other elevator. Stand on the top and then jump to the right for the Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 2
After getting the Clairvoyance ability, make your way to the top of the Temple of Knowledge until you find a Wak Wak Tree and teleporter. Drop down and use Clairvoyance to drop through the floor.
Slide under the gap to the right for another Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 3
From the previous Sand Jar, climb back up and head right to fight the Jailer. Defeating him will earn you the Holy Scholarship Key.
Use this to enter the prison at the bottom of the Sacred Archives. Inside, find the guards in the panopticon, and jump up the right wall until you find the ledge. Destroy the wooden barricade to slide under.
Follow this path to find the jar on a platform next to the barricade that lets you back out.
Sand Jar 4
Once you have the double jump ability, go back to the teleporter at the top of the Sacred Archives.
Drop down, head right, and then drop down the massive elevator shaft. At the bottom, head left, and then drop down again into an area with a bell. Make your way through this jumping puzzle until you come to a new room.
Double jump through the gap above you when you stand on the shifting platform, drop down and enter the room on your right. Complete the jumping puzzle in here and find the Sand Jar at the end.
Spirited Sand Jars - Upper City
Sand Jar 1
After getting double jump, use the citadel elevator to travel back up to the Upper City. Head to the area in the west with the large wing icon on the map.
Travel to the very right of this room, and jump up the wall until you can climb through the floor. Head left and then jump up to the platform above, where the Sand Jar is at the end.
Sand Jar 2
Head to the teleporter in Upper City - West, and take the elevator upwards to the right. In the room you arrive in, climb up using the various platforms, until you can exit at the top right.
In this room, you can find two switches on either side, located next to fire archers. Activate both switches, to open a doorway into the building in the middle of this room. The Sand Jar is inside.
Sand Jar 3
After gaining the sash ability later in the game, head to the teleporter at the top right of the Upper City region. Drop down into the room below, and then head left into the large room with the vertically moving platforms.
Using your sash and double jump abilities, make your way to the top of the room and enter into the one above. On the right is the next Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - The Depths
Sand Jar 1
After arriving in The Depths for the first time, follow the path along as you try to get your map back until you reach the elevator room. Head right, past the elevator, and drop down at the end of the corridor.
Follow the small jumping puzzle to find Sand Jar 1 at the end.
Sand Jar 2
For the second Sand Jar here, travel back to the surface after getting your map back. Use the entrance to The Depths at the bottom of the large Lower City statue and follow it all the way along.
Eventually, you'll come to a room with a hive on the outside of the doorway in front of you. Deal with the enemies, and then head to the end of the room. Jump up to the top, and then slide through the gap on the right to find it.
Sand Jar 3
The final Sand Jar here requires you to go to the Catacombs, which can be entered from the eastern side of The Depths.
Find the Wak Wak Tree and continue on. Drop down when you first get the chance and continue onwards until you arrive in a new room.
From here do the following: drop down, head left, drop down again, head right, climb up, head right, drop down, head left, slide under the gap and you'll find the Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - Sunken Harbour
Sand Jar 1
After entering the Sunken Harbour from the forest above, follow the path down until you come to the large elevator shaft. Drop down this and stick to the right. Destroy the wooden door to find a Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 2
After gaining the double jump power, head back to the teleporter in the middle of the Sunken Harbour region. Head left into the next room, jump across the platforms, and enter the next room with the suspended logs.
Using your double jump, make your way up to the top of the room to collect the Sand Jar from the top left.
Sand Jar 3
When you have access to the Dimensional Claw, head to the eastern side of the Sunken Harbour and locate the large room with the pirate ship icon on the map. At the bottom of this room, you can drop through the floor into a new area.
In this room, defeat the large crab enemy and then use double jump to reach the cubby at the top right of the room.
Spirited Sand Jars - Soma Tree
Sand Jar 1
After getting the double jump ability, go to the teleporter at the bottom of the Soma Tree area. Head to the right of the same room, and use double jump to get up the wall. At the top, enter the door on the right, and follow the jumping puzzle upwards to find another Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 2
From the same teleporter, make your way left this time and follow the path all the way up until you come to a Wak Wak Tree. From here, head right and upwards, following the route until you come to the very top of the Soma Tree area.
In this room, you should see a ledge on the right that you can jump to. Inside this building, climb up and find the Sand Jar at the top right.
Sand Jar 3
After you gain the Chakram teleport ability, go to the teleporter on the very left side of the Soma Tree area, where you can find a shortcut to the forest.
Head right and drop down through the gate. Then head left and drop down again. On the right side of this room, you can find an illusory wall. Destroy it by hitting it and make your way inside.
Use your Chakram teleport ability to travel through the gate next to the spike pit. Defeat the enemy inside and grab the Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - Pit of Eternal Sands
Sand Jar 1
After arriving at the Pit of Eternal Sands, head left until you come to a Wak Wak Tree. Head down from here, and then right until you get to a room with an icon of some buildings on the map.
In the middle of this area, you'll find a large building. Make your way to the opposite side of the building and drop down, following the lines leading to a new Wak Wak Tree. When you get to the wooden flooring you can drop down through, head left and attack the secret wall.
You can find the Sand Jar on a platform inside, obscured by some pots.
Sand Jar 2
Once you get to the other sealed pit inside the area, head left to follow one of the seals. You'll have to make your way through some jumping puzzles in spiky rooms. In the most vertical room, make your way to the very top left of the room and attack the wall on the left.
This will let you collect another Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 3
After getting the double jump power, head back to the Sentinel Road teleporter. To the left of the Wak Wak Tree, you can double jump upwards to a new area with some flying enemies. Carry on and complete the jumping puzzle to grab the Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - Raging Sea
Sand Jar 1
After reaching the Raging Sea area, keep heading right until you find the Wak Wak Tree and teleporter inside the burning ship.
Head to the top of the ship and into the outside area above. From here, use the large jellyfish platforms to jump upwards, where you'll eventually get to a part of the ship that's been broken.
Drop down the right side of the ship, and dash to the left to jump up and into the ship where some enemies are. Defeat these, drop down again, then dash immediately to the left to hug the wall. Dash under the wall then jump back onto it, and finally dash left again before jumping up into the ship again to grab the Sand Jar.
Spirited Sand Jars - Hidden Village
Sand Jar 1
After earning the sash ability, head to the Lighthouse area to the east of the Soma Tree region. Once you get there, follow the jumping puzzle upwards to the top and destroy the wall on the left side to find the Sand Jar on a ledge.
Spirited Sand Jars - Tower of Silence
Sand Jar 1
Make your way through the Tower of Silence until you come to the large room with falling ice boulders. Drop down the first shaft where the boulders fall and then near the bottom dash to the right onto a platform with a gravedigger.
Head right to jump up to the platform above, and use your shadow power to get past the moving stone, allowing you to grab the Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 2
After coming to the teleporter in the Tower of Silence, drop down to the Wak Wak Tree and head to the right. On the second rope ladder, climb up and jump to your left to find another.
Follow this jumping puzzle above to get to a platform with the Sand Jar.
Sand Jar 3
From the same area as the last Sand Jar, keep following the rope ladders to the right and into the next room. Head down the chute with the falling ice boulders, and go right into a room with a large ramp where more boulders are falling down.
Get to the top of the ramp, continue on past the enemies, and drop down the next chute with falling boulders. Hug the wall on your right to find a hole with the Sand Jar inside.
After you've collected all the Spirited Sand Jars in the game, head back to the fresco room to complete the quest and get the rest of your rewards.
Check out our Prince of Persia homepage for more guides. Alternatively, you can take a look at the The Architect puzzle solutions, all map locations, and the best amulets.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.