How to unlock Scion Portraits from Duremert in FFXIV
If you need to hunt down Duremert in FFXIV to purchase the Scion portraits, this guide will explain everything you need to know about how to track him down.
If you want to add some special decoration to your house in FFXIV, you can purchase Scion portraits from an NPC called Duremert. This will allow you to build your very own shrine to your favourite character, or give the halls of your house a more regal appearance.
FFXIV has plenty of customisation options, with colourful mounts, minions and houses owned by independent players as well as Free Companies. This game offers you a tonne of customisation that you may not find in other MMORPGs.
Here is how you can get your very own portrait of the Scions in the game.
- Check out our guide on how to unlock the Warring Triad in FFXIV
How to get portraits of the Scions in FFXIV
In order to get your own portraits, you have to complete a couple of prerequisite quests so that you can get your hands on them.
- To start with, you have to complete “Small Businesses, Big Dreams” in Old Sharlayan (X: 11.8, Y: 9.8)
- You also have to complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “A Redbill Farewell” which you can obtain in The Parrock (X: 7.0, Y: 6.9)
- Then, pick up the quest “Soaring Profits” in Old Sharlayan (X: 11.8, Y: 9.8)
Once you have done those quests, you will be able to access Duremert. He can be found at the Pillars (X: 9.7, Y: 10.7) These portraits will cost you 20,000 Gil each. You can get the following portraits:
- Adventure Calls (G’raha Tia)
- Beyond Gloam’s Veil (Y’shtola Rhul)
- Business’s Pleasure (Tataru Taru)
- Discernment (Krile Baldesion)
- Love and Loss (Thancred Waters)
- Scion of Valor (Alisaie Leveilleur)
- Scion of Wisdom(Alphinaud Leveilleur)
- Wherewith We Learn (Urianger Augurelt)
Once you have completed the “Myths of the Realm” side quest track, you’ll also be able to get portraits of the Twelve. This quest line begins in Old Sharlayan (X: 9.1, Y: 11.5). You’ll then be able to purchase the following portraits for 20,000 Gil. These portraits were added in Growing Light patch 6.5.
- The Builder (Byregot)
- The Destroyer (Rhalgr)
- The Keeper (Althyk)
- The Matron (Nophica)
- The Traders (Nald’Thal)
- The Warden (Azeyma)
That’s everything you need to know about the portraits of the Scions that you can purchase from Duremert in FFXIV.
For more guides on FFXIV, keep reading GGRecon. Why not check out our guide on how to unlock the Eden Raids in FFXIV?

About The Author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.