Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe Or Apsaras Choice Explained
The Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe or Apsaras choice comes early on and has some different effects based on what you choose. Here's the lowdown along with how to beat each one.
The Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe or Apsaras decision comes early on in the game and it's important to weigh up the decision in order to make the best choice. Both Leanan Sidhe, the Spirit of Love, and Apsaras, the Water Nymph, are demons in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV). There are a variety of elements to consider before selecting the demon you want to side with, so here’s everything you need to know about the Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe or Apsaras choice, which leads on to The Spirit of Love and The Water Nymph quests in SMTV.
Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe Or Apsaras: Where To Start The Quests
Near the beginning of the map, there is a cave teething with Preta, one of the game’s many demons, starving for food. Speaking to one of them will activate a side mission called “A Preta Predicament”, which sends the Nahabino on a quest to find the missing Preta that went looking for food. Eventually, you’ll run into one of them struggling in the Netherworld, informing you that one of them is further ahead. Taking this into account, using the quest marker on your map, the Preta is located in a valley surrounded by other demons praising none other than Apsaras. Your target will refuse to return back to its brethren, as they believe that Apsaras will bring them salvation.
Now, you will want to speak to Apsaras to initiate another quest called “The Spirit of Love”. Apsaras tells you everything about a demon called Leanan Sidhe, who she believes to be manipulating other demons using her charms. The player is then able to go on a quest to put a stop to Leanan Sidhe, who is located in Shiba Park in the Netherworld. You will need to advance a little bit further in the story to reach this location, but you will eventually find her sitting next to an Ippon-Datara.
After speaking with Leanan Sidhe, she’ll question your reasons for coming to her, and denies the rumours that Apsaras has been spreading. This is where you decide what to do next, you can either defeat Leanan Sidhe or join her in taking down Apsaras. However, before you make your decision, make sure that you’re prepared, as you’re in for a difficult time no matter what choice you make. Siding with Leanan Sidhe will add her to your party after defeating Apsaras, and siding with Apsaras will do the opposite.
Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe or Apsaras: Which Should You Pick?
Both demons have access to some decent skills, with Apsaras having access to +2 Bufu and Mabufu skills, while Leanan Sidhe comes bundled with the likes of Marin Karin and healing abilities. Personally, I’d recommend siding with Leanan Sidhe and taking down Apsaras, as you get access to Marin Karin + 3, which has a chance of inflicting charm on enemies. However, no matter which one you choose, you can always fuse other demons to receive the other one at any given moment.
Shin Megami Tensei V: How To Beat Leanan Sidhe
Recommended Level: 16
Elemental Weaknesses and Resistances
Physical |
Fire |
Ice |
Lightning |
Force |
Light |
Dark |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Weak |
Weak |
Block |
Status Ailment Resistances
Sleep |
Confuse |
Charm |
Mirage |
Seal |
Poison |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Weak |
So you’ve made your decision and want to take down Leanan Sidhe. When you refuse to listen to her, you will be immediately thrown into a battle against Leanan Sidhe and her partner, Ippon-Datara. Firstly, you’ll want to focus on taking down Ippon-Datara, who is weak to Light Attacks, so having the demon Angel in your party with Hama will prove useful. Make sure you have a healer as well to provide support for the rest of your team.
Now that you’ve taken down Ippon-Datara, it’s time to pour damage into Leanan Sidhe, who just so happens to be weak to Light attacks as well. Additionally, she is weak to Force attacks, so having demons with the ability Zan might prove useful. In SMTV, you must be proficient at buffs and debuffs, meaning that you need to constantly be using abilities such as Tarukaja to increase your attack, and Tarunda to lower your opponent’s damage output.
Eventually, after dealing enough damage, Leanan Sidhe will be defeated, and she will drop a revival bead. A notification will pop up informing you that “The Spirit of Love” quest can now be completed, meaning you can return to Asparas to gain some experience points, in addition to adding her to your party.
Shin Megami Tensei V: How To Beat Apsaras
Recommended Level: 15
Elemental Weaknesses and Resistances
Physical |
Fire |
Ice |
Lightning |
Force |
Light |
Dark |
- |
Weak |
Resist |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Status Ailment Resistances
Sleep |
Confuse |
Charm |
Mirage |
Seal |
Poison |
Resist |
Weak |
Resist |
- |
- |
- |
If you side with Leanan Sidhe, head back to where you found Apsaras to engage in a battle against her and three Agathion. Just like with the Leanan Sidhe fight, you want to focus on her partners, which in this case are the three Agathion, as they have access to Dia, a healing spell. Agathion is weak to Ice and Dark attacks, so you’ll want to have demons with access to abilities such as Bufu and Mudo.
After dealing with the three demons in a pot, it’s time to focus on Apsaras, who is weak to Fire attacks. If you have a demon such as Onmoraki, you will want to take advantage of the Agi skill, but be mindful of Apsaras’ Ice moves, as Onmoraki is weak to that specific element. Like I previously mentioned, it’s imperative to focus on performing buffs and debuffs on enemies in Shin Megami Tensei V, so make sure you come prepared.
Once you’ve dealt enough damage, Apsaras will be long gone, allowing you to return to Leanan Sidhe and complete the quest. Doing so will add her to your party, granting you access to some pretty good abilities, such as Curse Siphon, which recovers your MP if you inflict an enemy with an ailment. Upon her defeat, Apsaras will also drop 2 Electric Shards and an Ice Gem.
That’s everything you need to know about the Shin Megami Tensei V Leanan Sidhe or Apsaras decision, including The Spirit of Love and The Water Nymph quests. Keep your eyes peeled on GGRecon for more SMTV guides going forward.

About The Author
Jaimie Ditchfield
Jaimie is a freelance writer who can't seem to shut up about Nintendo games. In addition to studying Games Journalism and PR for three years, he is persistent in spreading his love for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Since finishing his degree, Jaimie's work has been published on Nintendo Enthusiast and Zelda Universe.