Are there strollers in The Sims 4 Growing Together?
Read here for everything we know so far about strollers The Sims 4 Growing Together and how to get strollers in your game for your infants, babies and toddlers.
The Sims 4 Growing Together introduces new activities and interactions across sims generations. This includes the new infant life stage in The Sims 4, which bridges together the baby and toddler life stages.
If you wish to take your infants and toddlers to the town and show them off to your neighbours, stay tuned. We'll show you how to do so and answer that burning question of if there are strollers in The Sims 4 Growing Together.
- Be sure to check out our guide on how to host a baby shower in The Sims 4 Growing Together and properly celebrate a new addition to your sim family.
Are strollers in The Sims 4 Growing Together catalogue?
In short, the answer is no. As of writing, there are no strollers in The Sims 4 or the Growing Together expansion pack.
Alternatively, the Growing Together expansion has brought baby carriers, which are little backpacks # you can equip with your infant to take them with you on walks or visits to other worlds.
The baby 'Back Carrier' as it is called in the game, can be equipped via the 'Baby Care' menu upon interacting with your infant. You can also change the colour of the carrier via the same menu.
- For more information on how to use the baby carrier, check out our guide on how to use the baby carrier in the Sims 4 Growing Together here.
Stroller mods for The Sims 4 Growing Together
If you had your heart set on a stroller, it is possible to add them to your game through mods. Mods that are not on the CurseForge page are unsupported however and may break your game so remember to download mods with caution and back up any save files beforehand.
Mods may also be temporarily broken with the recent Sims 4 update. Usually, base game updates can interfere with mods and until the creator of each mod fixes them, they may be down.
As it stands, there are several stroller mods available, but these mostly offer pose packs with strollers as items that are not interactable through gameplay.
It is possible to place babies in strollers, with the usual interactions available. Having working and moving strollers may prove more of a challenge. In this case, the baby carrier will be the easiest to use.
The closest to a functioning stroller we could find is the animation pack by Yulya Simulya via their Patreon page here. This mod includes three animations for the parent walking with the stroller and three animations for the child within the stroller. It will require you to pay and sign up to their Patreon page to access it, however.
Alternatively, you can find free options that include strollers as decorative items in your sim homes.
- Be sure to also check out our guide on how to age up infants into toddlers in the Sims 4.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.