Here's how you can have a Science Baby in The Sims 4
Read here for a thorough rundown on how to have a Science Baby in The Sims 4 with and without partners.
With the March 2023 Sims 4 base game update, the game introduced the option to have a 'Science Baby' for same-sex couples.
This Sims 4 feature makes it possible to combine the DNA of any two sims and make a baby from both parents, regardless of gender. If you want to know how to get a Science Baby, read here.
How to have a Science Baby
You can have a baby with any friendly unrelated acquaintance. However, you can also opt to have a Science Baby 'as a single parent', and the DNA of said baby will be from your chosen sim, Their family tree will only list one parent.
You can also choose to have a Science Baby with another sim, or you can select the sim you want to have the baby with from a list of your acquaintances. You do not need to have a romantic connection with them in order to do this.
To have a Science Baby, simply click on the mobile icon at the bottom left of the screen (next to the calendar and sim profiles) and select the home icon.
There, you will see your options for having a Science Baby, both of which will cost you 1,200 simoleons. Once chosen, your sim will disappear and return momentarily with the baby, without the need to wait for the usual pregnancy and birthing times.
As neither sims see the interaction as romantic, you can ask a married sim to have a Science Baby with you and it won't affect their relationship or any of your sim's romantic relationships.
Now you have your Sims family planned, make sure you're ready for the next life stage and see our guide on how to age up infants into toddlers in The Sims 4.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.