The Sims 4: How To Change Sim Traits
Read here to learn how you can change a sim's traits in The Sims 4, with and without cheats.
Traits in The Sims 4 can shape how your sim's personality takes form. Once you exit create-a-sim and start your game, however, you lose access to full create-a-sim and cannot change your Sims 4 traits. If you've changed your mind and wish to change your sim's traits, read here.
- Check out our newest review on The Sims 4: High School Years to see if it's worth a purchase or not.
The Sims 4: How To Change Traits Without Cheats
It is possible to change your sim's traits through gameplay. This is with the Re-traiting potion which can be purchased from the rewards store for 5,000 satisfaction points. Once your sim buys and drinks the potion, a menu will pop up to replace the pre-existing traits your sim has.
Satisfaction points can be earnt by completing Wants and Fears or by finishing aspiration milestones.
You can also cheat your way to free satisfaction points with the following cheat:
sims.give_satisfaction_points x
Simply type the above cheat into the cheat box after enabling cheats in your game with the 'testingcheats true' command. Replace the 'x' with the number of satisfaction points you wish to have.
- For more information on satisfaction points, read our guide to The Sims 4 satisfaction points cheats.
The Sims 4: How To Change Traits With Cheats
You can also enter full create-a-sim mode and change your sim's traits with cheats.
Follow the 'testingcheats true' command to enable cheats into your game. Next, type 'cas.fulleditmode' and either hold down Shift and click on your sim to bring up the option to enter CAS (create-a-sim) or change your sim with the 'Change Sim' prompt after clicking on a mirror.
This will take you to the create-a-sim menu with full accessibility.
- For more information on accessing CAS, read our guide to The Sims 4: CAS Full Edit Mode.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.