How To Get A Cowplant In The Sims 4
Read here to learn how to grow a cowplant in The Sims 4, where to find a cowberry, how to ultimately gain the essence of life potion and bow to get added days to your sims life span.
Cowplants in The Sims 4 are iconic cow-like plants which grow and eventually produce the essence of life potion. To learn how to grow a cowplant in The Sims 4 for yourself, and how to get the essence of life, read here.
- For more Sims 4 tips and tricks, visit our guide on The Sims 4 Style Influencer Career.
The Sims 4 Cowplant Locations
Cowplants are grown by planting cowplant berries. Cowplant berries can be found by fishing or exploring the following locations:
- Oasis Springs ponds
- The Forgotten Grotto Lake
- Found when digging for treasure
- Found when exploring space in a rocket
- Can be made by grafting together a snapdragon and dragonfruit. The dragonfruit plant is made by combining a strawberry and snapdragon.
- By using the 'bb.showhiddenobjects' cheat and searching for it in the build and buy menu.
The Sims 4 Cowplant Growth Stages
The cowplant will require food every 12 hours, when it is hungry it will stick its tongue out of its mouth in the shape of a cake to lure any unsuspecting sims into taking a bite.
If you do not feed your cowplant past 24 hours, it will die and become a skeleton.
The cowplant takes 2-3 days to grow, if your sim tries to bite the cowplant cake it will swallow the sim and spit it out again. This causes the sim to have the uncomfortable moodlet for three days and may also develop a fear of cowplants, due to the wants and fears system.
- For more information on The Sims 4 Wants and Fears system, read our guide here.
The Sims 4: How To Get The Essence of life
If your sim gets eaten once by the cowplant, it is possible to then milk it. Milking the cowplant will yield a moodlet potion, whichever moodlet it is, will be dependent on the mood of your sim as it was eaten.
If your sim is swallowed by the cowplant twice in a row, they will die. Milking the cowplant after it has successfully killed a sim will give you the essence of life potion. This essentially resets your sim's life bar to the start of their current life stage, adding days to their life.
- You can also defy death with a sims spell, to find out how to get the deathdify spell read our guide on The Sims 4 spellcaster cheats.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.