Here's how you find & complete the Spread the Word quest in Palia
Need help starting the "Spread the Word" quest in Palia? We have all the info you need on where to find it and how you can complete it to get a reward.
Completing the Spread the Word quest in Palia is vital if you want to progress the story in this farming game. This quest is early into the game, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it. However, it depends on which characters you have interacted with in Palia so far.
So, here's what you need to know about how to find and complete the Spread the Word quest in Palia.
Where can you find the Spread the Word quest?
This particular quest belongs to Zeki. This is a level 2 friendship quest with Zeki, so if you haven’t been paying much attention to him, you may want to if you want to complete this quest.
He wants to help the other humans find the Underground and asks you to hand out flyers. However, you have to make sure that Eshe doesn’t find out.
How to complete Spread the Word in Palia
To complete this quest, you have to hand out three flyers to humans to advertise the Underground to them.
Luckily, you don’t have to know who the right person is to give the flyer to, and it can be completely trial and error. You just have to see who will take one from you. However, we have included a full list of who will accept the flyers from you below.
To give them the flyer, you have to gift it to them. This means it will take up your daily gift, so choose carefully who you give it to. Choose villagers who don’t have a Weekly Want or a Loved Gift. The flyer will still count as a normal gift, and will still raise your friendship levels.
Here are all of the villagers that will accept a flyer from you:
- Ashura
- Auni
- Caleri
- Chayne
- Einar
- Elouisa
- Hekla
- Jel
- Kenyatta
- Nai'o
- Tamala
Some of the villagers will be uninterested when you give them the leaflet, such as Einar. Some will give you gold when you give them it, as they will be excited about learning new information. It really depends on who you tell.
For more guides like this, check out our Palia homepage. If you’re struggling to fish up a Rainbow Trout, check out our guide on where to find them in Palia.

About The Author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.