Here's what the Stardew Valley Earthquake Event is all about
Here is everything you need to know about the Earthquake Event in Stardew Valley and what it unlocks, as well as everything else you need to know.
If you have awoken with the message, ‘There was an earthquake during the night’ in Stardew Valley, you may be wondering what is going on. Even at first glance, everything appears as it should, as if the earthquake didn’t do much in the game at all.
However, that is not the case. Below is everything you need to know about what changes after the earthquake, including an explainer of the event and what happens next.
When does the earthquake happen in Stardew Valley?
The earthquake is an event that takes place in the game on the third day of Summer Year 1. You will awaken to the notification stating an Earthquake has occurred, but not much else. Once you get out of the house and explore, nothing is all too different - but keep on reading to find out what’s changed in the world.
What does the earthquake unlock?
The earthquake caused the map to get bigger and grow, unlocking new areas, so now there are even more locations to explore. Once you have seen the aforementioned in-game notice, go to the mountains and you’ll see the rock that used to be on the path behind the Carpenter’s Shop is no longer there, and now you can go to a whole new section.
The new region is beyond the freshly unlocked Railroad path, with the following locations now available to explore:
- The Spa
- The Summit (unlocked by completing the Wizard’s quests)
- The Witch’s Swamp (unlocked by completing the Wizard’s quests)
- The Train Station
That is all there is to know about what happens after the earthquake. For more guides, check out our Stardew Valley homepage where we have already covered whether you should choose Forester or Gatherer, how to get hardwood, how to change your appearance and more.

About The Author
Morgan Truder
Morgan is one of the Guides Writers at GGRecon. He first started writing about games for fun whilst doing his BA (Hons) in History and Film. Since then he has turned this passion into a career and was previously an Editor at VideoGamer before joining GGRecon. Despite enjoying all sorts of games, he can often be found playing Football Manager, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Sekiro.