Stardew Valley Emily: Gifts, Schedule, Heart Events
Emily in Stardew Valley lives with her sister Haley, but what are her favourite gifts and heart events? Here's what you need to know.
Stardew Valley Emily is a young woman who lives with her sister Haley and works part-time at the Stardrop Saloon with Gus. Emily loves to sew and is one of the more spiritual villagers in Stardew Valley who collects crystals. She is also pen-pals with Sandy who lives in the Calico Desert (unlockable with the Bus Stop Community Centre Upgrade). To find out all there is to know about this creative free spirit, including her most loved gifts, schedule, and heart events, read on for everything Stardew Valley Emily related.
- Have your eye on her sister instead? Check out our Stardew Valley Haley Guide.
Stardew Valley Emily: Best Gifts
- All universal loves
- Amethyst
- Aquamarine
- Cloth
- Emerald
- Jade
- Ruby
- Survival Burger
- Topaz
- Wool
- All universal likes (except for specific items listed elsewhere)
- Daffodil
- Quartz
- All universal dislikes
- Fried Eel
- Ice Cream
- Rice Pudding
- Salmonberry
- Spicy Eel
- All universal hates
- Fish Taco
- Holly
- Maki Roll
- Salmon Dinner
- Sashimi
Stardew Valley Emily: How To Foster A Relationship
As 6 out of 9 of Emily’s loved items are minerals, a trip to the Mines or Skull Caverns might be your best chance at growing a friendship with her. Minerals are more likely to spawn on a lucky day, so make sure you check the Fortune Teller channel on the TV before you head to the Mines. More expensive minerals will spawn at lower levels of the Mines as well, for example the Ruby will only spawn at level 80+ in the Mines, whereas Jade will appear at level 40+. Minerals can also be found through Panning or from Fishing Chests.
Wool can be obtained as a by-product of keeping Sheep on your farm. Wool can be transformed into Cloth if placed on a Loom. Either of these are viable options for growing a friendship with Emily if you already have Sheep on your farm.
Alternatively, if you haven’t invested in animals on your farm yet, or don’t feel like a trip to the Mines, the Survival Burger is an option. The recipe for this is given to the players when they achieve foraging level 2. It requires bread (the recipe of which can be bought from the Stardrop Saloon), Cave Carrots and Eggplant. However, as this recipe requires you to have Cave Carrots you may need to go to the mines for them. They can be located easily enough, by hoeing the dirt patches in the mines.
Another chance to gain friendship with Emily will appear when Clint’s Attempt quest is given to the player. Clint will ask the player to deliver an Amethyst to Emily on his behalf. As a result, the player will achieve 1 heart with Emily afterwards.
It is also possible to earn friendship points with Emily by completing the ‘Rock Rejuvenation’ quest on the big billboard outside the mayor’s house. For this quest, Emily will request one of each gemstone. Upon completion the player will see a cutscene involving Emily and several other women of the town mediating over the gems. Afterwards, the player earns friendship points with Emily, gold, and their own sewing machine to use.
- Did you know the Amethyst is also Abigail’s favourite gift? To find out more, read our Stardew Valley Abigail Guide.
Stardew Valley Emily: Schedule
If raining, Emily will stay at home until it is time for her shift at the Saloon from 3:30pm-1am. This is also her regular schedule and the one she will most likely follow. As she spends the morning in her bedroom and you cannot enter her room until you have 2 hearts with her, it may be best to give her a gift during her Saloon shift.
On Tuesdays she will spend her morning in Pierre’s shop in the room to the right, taking part in an aerobics class with other villagers. She will then go to her shift at the Saloon from 4pm-12:30am.
If the Community Centre has been restored, she will spend Fridays there.
- Interested in collecting the items needed for the Community Centre Upgrades? Check out our Stardew Valley Eel guide which will tell you how to collect the Eel for an upgrade.
Stardew Valley Emily: Heart Events
Two Hearts
The player enters Emily’s house and seems to also enter her dreamscape. In her dream, Emily is floating on a temple in the clouds. Whilst shocked at first at seeing the player in her dream, she takes this as a sign that your destinies are interlinked, and we see the first glimpse that Emily is a spiritual person.
Three Hearts
Emily sends the player the recipe for Salad in the mail.
Four Hearts
Emily sees a flock of parrots making their way through the town, she greets them as friends. One of them crashes into her front garden and she vows to take the parrot in and look after it, nursing it back to health. The parrot will now sit on a perch in Emily’s room and can be interacted with.
Six Hearts
The Player enters Emily’s room. She tells them that she has a secret hobby that she wants to show them. Music plays and she starts to dance as the screen changes colour and different icons litter the screen. If the player reacts favourably they can gain more friendship points with her.
Seven Hearts
Emily sends the player the recipe for Red Plate in the mail.
Eight Hearts
Emily sends the player an invitation for an event in the mail, which takes place at the mayor’s house. She calls the event clothing therapy, in this she instructs different villagers to get changed into any clothes they like, to reveal their true personalities.
Various villagers take part including Robin, who dresses in a dress and the Abigail who shows off a full suit of armour. Clint also takes part, once everyone leaves, he returns as he isn’t confident enough to pull off his look. When he returns to the room and sees Emily and the player talking alone, he apologises for ‘interrupting’ insinuating there is something between the player and Emily and leaves again.
Ten Hearts
The Player meets Emily in the secret woods (west of Marnie’s Ranch) next to a tent and campfire. A bear arrives and scares Emily and the player, who promptly run inside the tent. The bear wanders off, but Emily is too afraid to go back out for the other sleeping bag.
Now that you’re best friends with Emily, see more of our Stardew Valley Content. Here’s our Stardew Valley Fair Guide which will tell you everything you need to know about getting the elusive Stardrop there.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.