Best King Shark build in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Here is everything you need to know about the best King Shark build to use in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, including weapons, mods, and more.
King Shark is one of the four characters you can use in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and if you’re wondering what the best build is for the character then keep on reading down below.
Unlike the other three playable characters in the game, King Shark does not rely on gadgets to get around Metropolis, unlike the others he has superpowers and relies on them for his traversal.
King Shark is the closest thing to a tank you will find in Suicide Squad. So if you prefer a slower approach to combat, and favour big heavy weapons, this will be the character for you. Keep on reading for the best King Shark build in Suicide Squad.
What are the best weapons for King Shark?
- Best heavy weapons: One Man Leaves minigun, Black Mask’s Bulletstorm,
- Best shotguns: Bizarro Undeath Ray Notorious Shotgun, No Holds Barred Infamy Shotgun, Fully Loaded Super Spreader shotgun, Stacked Deck shotgun
King Shark’s arsenal includes heavy weapons, assault rifles, and shotguns, so I'd suggest using a heavy weapon combined with a shotgun to optimise your loadout and damage output. This is because King Shark is at his most dangerous when he's up close and personal, combining high-damage weapons with devastating melee attacks.
Early on, some of the above weapons will be easy to find, so you'll want to opt for a fast fire rate and high damage output. It should get you pretty far until you find some of the above weapons.
King Shark’s best melee weapon
Once you unlock it, the Two-Face Persuader will be the best melee weapon for King Shark, but just like with our Captain Boomerang build, the affliction is just as important.
This is because out of all the members of the Suicide Squad, melee attacks feel more important for King Shark than any other character. Like everyone else, it's crucial for harvesting shields, but because of how up close and personal playing with King Shark is, you'll dish out considerable damage this way (and with a weapon like that).
You'll want to equip the Two-Face Persuader with the Diablo Blaze affliction as it'll cause plenty of burn damage to enemies and prevent them from being able to heal at the same time. For this build, this affliction is crucial to success.
What are the best Mods?
As you progress through the game you'll unlock more Mod slots and by the end, you'll have three Mod slots as well as a slot for a Lucky Charm. With King Shark, the best Mods are as follows:
- Shield Mod: Heatwaves Molten skin
- King Shark Mod: Master the Turtle’s Steel Force Conduit
- Neck Bomb Mod: Titan Tolerance
- Lucky Charm: Jinx’s Unlocky Coin
Your Mods are going to help make your melee attacks more devastating and make you immune to all the burn damage you’re putting out. What's more, you will also be applying cool-downs to your special moves and making your Squad Ultimate recharge quickly.
Best Talents for King Shark in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Every character in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has three skill trees, and when you unlock the next part of one, you can opt for the specific upgrade you want. In some instances, you won’t be able to choose, but sometimes you'll have a choice of three.
The three different skill trees are Firepower, Strength and Dominance, and Powers of the Ancients. Your skills fall into different categories, here are the best ones to choose for each of the trees:
- Firepower: Artillery
- Strength and Dominance: Survivor
- Powers of the Ancients: Predator
By distributing your talents into the above, you'll be a monster up close and your Atlantean Drop traversal attack will also be nicely upgraded to help you make an entrance.
That's all there is to know about the best King Shark build-in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. If you’re looking for more guides, then take a look at our Suicide Squad homepage where we have already covered how to counter shot, if the game is better solo or co-op, and much more.

About The Author
Morgan Truder
Morgan is one of the Guides Writers at GGRecon. He first started writing about games for fun whilst doing his BA (Hons) in History and Film. Since then he has turned this passion into a career and was previously an Editor at VideoGamer before joining GGRecon. Despite enjoying all sorts of games, he can often be found playing Football Manager, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Sekiro.