Super People Classes Guide: All Classes Explained
There are a lot of Super People classes, and with a bunch of different abilities and ultimates, there's a lot to get used to, so here is our rundown of the class system.
There are a total of twelve Super People classes, and the newest battle royale game plays a little differently due to their inclusion. Super People has a similar world and feel to PUBG, but it twists it with classes and a crafting system. With a variation of abilities and a unique ultimate that each class posses, there's a lot to learn about, so here's our guide for the Super People Classes.
- We also have a breakdown of the best Super People guns.
Super People Classes: How Do Classes Work?
When you drop into a game of Super People, you are given a random class to play with. There are twelve in total, and each class gains both passive and active abilities from a pool, making for a total of nine abilities, that are segmented into three separate trees: red, green, blue. They also have a unique ultimate ability, and a weapon proficiency with which they do more damage. It adds a new dynamic to the battle royale genre, but as it's randomised you'll want to get familiar with each class before dropping into Orb Island.
Below, we'll list each class and their stats, along with each ability they can require and what the level grants, and their ultimate ability.
Super People Classes: Nuclear
Nuclear is the explosives expert of the Super People classes. They begin at 100 health and max out at 160, along with a total of 20% increase in their movement and parkour speed.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
Point Shooting
- Level 1 +10% hip-fire accuracy
- Level 2 +15% hip-fire accuracy
- Level 3 +20% hip-fire accuracy
- Level 1 Reusable RPG (Cooldown: 5 min)
- Level 2 Reduce cooldown time (Cooldown: 2 min 30 sec)
- Level 3 Reduce cooldown time (Cooldown: 1 min)
Green Perks
Homeground: Rocks
- Level 1 +5% damage in rocky terrain
- Level 2 +7% damage in rocky terrain
- Level 3 +10% damage in rocky terrain
Upgraded Energy Bar
- Level 1 Recover 5HP after consuming Energy Bar
- Level 2 Recover 10HP after consuming Energy Bar
- Level 3 +50% movement speed while downed
- Level 1 Weave automatically when standing or crouching
- Level 2 -20% damage when using Medication or Energy Bars
- Level 3-20% incoming damage when weaving
Blue Perks
Fire Wall
- Level 1 Turns Molotov Cocktail into a wall of fire upon impact
- Level 2 +50% Fire Wall duration
- Level 3 +100% Fire Wall duration
Spatial Awareness
- Level 1 Detects shooter location within 50m radius
- Level 2 Detects shooter location within 100m radius
- Level 3 Detects shooter location within 150m radius
Quick March
- Level 1 +10% movement speed when empty-handed
- Level 2 +15% movement speed when empty-handed
- Level 3 +20% movement speed when empty-handed
Tactical Nuke
- Drops a Tactical Nuke over a large radius (Cooldown: 5 min)
With Nuclear, you want to play the role in your squad of a duellist. This means getting in the enemies faces with your explosive capabilities, and zoning them into enemy fire with Fire Wall and your ultimate. These abilities also make you perfect for clearing buildings, and rooting out stealthy players.
Super People Classes: Teleporter
Teleporter is a versatile super soldier who excels as a sharp shooter, and has excellent mobility due to their ultimate. They get a total of 23% increase in movement and parkour speed, along with a max of 160 health from levelling.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
One Shot, One Kill
- Level 1 +10% semi-auto damage/reduced recoil
- Level 2 +15% semi-auto damage/reduced recoil
- Level 3 +20% semi-auto damage/reduced recoil
- Level 1 Reusable Tomahawk (Cooldown: 1 min)
- Level 2 +15 damage, reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 30 sec)
- Level 3 +30 damage, reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 20 sec)
Green Perks
- Level 1 -10% headshot damage received
- Level 2 -20% headshot damage received
- Level 3 -30% headshot damage received
Commando Crawl
- Level 1 +10% crouch/prone movement
- Level 2 +20% crouch/prone movement
- Level 3 +30% crouch/prone movement
Field Medic
- Level 1 Increase HP when using Energy Bar
- Level 2 +100% temporary HP
- Level 3 +50% saving downed teammates time
Blue Perks
Defensive Aiming
- Level 1 -5% front damage while in ADS
- Level 2 -10% front damage while in ADS
- Level 3 -15% front damage while in ADS
Evasive Action
- Level 1 +3% movement speed
- Level 2 +20 HP for 5 seconds after hit
- Level 3 +10% movement speed for 5 seconds after hit
Quick Fix
- Level 1 -30% Capsule use time
- Level 2 -30% Energy Bar use time
- Level 3 -30% HP item use time
- Teleport to a specific location within in range (Cooldown: 120 sec)
Teleporter can quickly pounce on unsuspecting opponents with their teleport, and also escape from danger. It allows them to traverse long vertical or horizontal distances fast. This makes them one of the better classes for designated marksmen rifles or snipers. The other mobility abilities, paired with the Tomahawk, also make Teleporter an effective stealthy character.
Super People Classes: Firearms Expert
A great all-rounder class with the game's weapons, who excels at picking off enemies from varying ranges and slowing teams with their ultimate. They get a little more health, topping at 180 at level 27, along with a 20% increase in speed.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
SMG Upgrade
- Level 1 +10% SMG damage
- Level 2 +15% SMG damage
- Level 3 +20% SMG damage
Cover Fire
- Level 1 +70% leaning speed
- Level 2 +20% defence when leaning
- Level 3 +20% damage when leaning
Green Perks
Mix 'n' Match
- Level 1 +10% damage when equipping two weapons of same type
- Level 2 +15% damage when equipping two weapons of same type
- Level 3 +20% damage when equipping two weapons of same type
Headshot Evasion
- Level 1 -90% headshot damage received (Cooldown: 180 sec)
- Level 2 Reduced cooldown time (Cooldown: 120 sec)
- Level 3 Reduced cooldown time (Cooldown: 60 sec)
Bullet Tracer
- Level 1 You can see the trajectory of bullets from enemies
- Level 2 +10 HP
- Level 3 +20 HP
Blue Perks
Quick Aim
- Level 1 +50% weapon switch and ADS speed
- Level 2 +80% weapon switch and ADS speed
- Level 3 Continue ADS when weapon switching
Shoot 'n' Run
- Level 1 +30% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
- Level 2 +60% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
- Level 3 +120% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
Tactical Reload
- Level 1 -50% reload speed for proficient weapon and +10% magazine capacity for all weapons
- Level 2 +20% magazine capacity for all weapons
- Level 3 +30% magazine capacity for all weapons
- Instantly slows down every enemy within the abilities range (Cooldown: 60 sec)
The Firearms Expert's abilities make them a force with any weapon in the game, so don't be afraid to mix and match. The improved ADS speed, weapon switch speed, and magazine capacity make them the perfect instigator for fights, and should allow them to out-gun any other class. The Bullet Tracer ability is imperative for spotting enemies, so always keep a watch on the horizon. Clever timing and use of the ultimate ability can also slow enemies out of reaching the zone in-time, meaning you can trap them in the ice storm.
Super People Classes: Marine
The Marine is the master of the waters, allowing them improved stealth and mobility around the sea, lakes, and streams of Orb Island. They also get max 160 health and 20% total increase in movement and parkour speed.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
- Level 1 Gain attachable C4 charge (Cooldown: 60 sec)
- Level 2 +25% C4 damage (Cooldown: 45 sec)
- Level 3 +50% C4 damage (Cooldown: 30 sec)
Upgraded Silencers
- Level 1 +10% damage with silencer attached
- Level 2 +15% damage with silencer attached
- Level 3 +20% damage with silencer attached
Green Perks
Homeground: Water
- Level 1 +5% damage while in water or Fog of War, can also crouch/prone in shallow water
- Level 2 +7% damage while in water or Fog of War
- Level 3 +10% damage while in water or Fog of War
Anti-Air Fire
- Level 1 +10% damage when firing at upward angle
- Level 2 +20% damage when firing at upward angle
- Level 3 +30% damage when firing at upward angle
Water Ghillie
- Level 1 Wetland Half Ghillie Suit acquired
- Level 2 -30% damage received when swimming
- Level 3 -50% damage received when swimming
Blue Perks
Underwater Infiltration
- Level 1 Run in shallow water with no movement penalty
- Level 2 +50% swim speed and hold breath duration
- Level 3 +100% swim speed and hold breath duration
Amphibious Assault
- Level 1 -50% noise when in shallow water and Fog of War
- Level 2 Increased HP after for 1 min after exiting water or Fog of War (Cooldown: 15 sec)
- Level 3 Increased movement speed after for 1 min after exiting water or Fog of War (Cooldown: 15 sec)
- Level 1 +20% HP item restore and Energy Bar use speed
- Level 2 +20% casting speed and defence when reviving or restoring ally HP
- Level 3 +20% movement speed and +20 HP for 10 sec after reviving or restoring ally HP
Fog of War
- Create a circular barrier of fog surrounding you to hide from enemies (Cooldown: 90 sec)
Obviously, many of the Marine's abilities favour the aquatic habitats of Orb Island, so whenever the zone is near water make the most of their kit by sticking near the water. It lets you be extremely stealthy, and a good Marine player can ambush and kill an entire team if played right. Their kit is also incredible for escaping danger, letting you use the ultimate to disappear or the water bonuses to tank damage and swim away quickly.
Super People Classes: Driver
The Driver class is quite self-explanatory, as they are the master of vehicles and the open road, with easy ways of navigating the map and allowing a squad to go on a rampage from a vehicle. Their movement speed increased by a total of 20% and their health maxes out at 200.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
High-Speed Smart Bullet
- Level 1 Slightly off-target bullets curve toward enemies
- Level 2 +10% weapon damage
- Level 3 +20% weapon damage
Mounted Combat
- Level 1 +50% accuracy from a vehicle
- Level 2 +5% damage when shooting from a vehicle
- Level 3 +10% damage when shooting from a vehicle
Green Perks
Homeground: Vehicles
- Level 1 +5% damage and defense while next to or inside vehicles
- Level 2 +7% damage and defense while next to or inside vehicles
- Level 3 +10% damage and defense while next to or inside vehicles
Explosion Resistance
- Level 1 -100% damage received from vehicles collisions and explosions
- Level 2 -50% damage received from the Tactical Nuke
- Level 3 -50% damage received from grenades, RPGs, C4, and Air Strikes
Bulletproof Glass
- Level 1 +10% defence and +10 HP for all allies in vehicles
- Level 2 +25% defence and +25 HP for all allies in vehicles
- Level 3 +40% defence and +40 HP for all allies in vehicles
Blue Perks
- Level 1 Activate Nitro when driving with the 'G' key
- Level 2 +30% speed from vehicle speed boosts
- Level 3 Detonate a vehicle by pressing the 'G' key after exiting
Smart Key
- Level 1 Summons a vehicle nearby once per game
- Level 2 Dismount from a vehicle quickly by dodge rolling
- Level 3 +20 HP for 5 sec after dismounting a vehicle
Smart Detector
- Level 1 Detects nearby vehicles (Cooldown: 15 sec)
- Level 2 Detects nearby enemies who use Capsules or craft items
- Level 3 Detects nearby enemies who use Super-Jump or Teleport
Monster Truck
- Summon a Monster Truck with huge durability (Cooldown: 120 sec)
The Driver is best utilised in a game with a squad, so everyone can take advantage of the improved health and protections from vehicles. They also can linger a little longer to explore outside of the zone, due to being able to summon a vehicle and get to the zone quickly. Their detection abilities also make them great for rooting out enemies for your squad to take out. Lastly the ultimate can be a great way to stay safe during the later stages of the game due to its high durability.
Super People Classes: Shotgun Master
The Shotgun Master is a close-range expert and is deadly in the more urbanised, and tight environments across Orb Island. Their movement and parkour speed maxes out at an increase of 20% and they can reach 180 health.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +5% Shotgun damage, and +10% SMG damage
- Level 2 +7% Shotgun damage, and +15% SMG damage
- Level 3 +10% Shotgun damage, and +20% SMG damage
Fast Shotgun
- Level 1 +20% Shotgun fire rate and reload speed
- Level 2 +30% Shotgun fire rate and reload speed
- Level 3 +40% Shotgun fire rate and reload speed
DMR Upgrade
- Level 1 +10% DMR damage
- Level 2 +15% DMR damage
- Level 3 +20% DMR damage
Green Perks
Physical Training
- Level 1 +10 HP
- Level 2 +15 HP
- Level 3 +20 HP
Upgraded Flashbangs
- Level 1 Turns Flashbangs into Impact Grenades with a damage and knockback effect
- Level 2 +20% Impact Grenade explosion radius
- Level 3 Throw 2 Impact Grenades at once
AR Resistance
- Level 1 -10% incoming AR damage
- Level 2 -20% incoming AR damage
- Level 3 -30% incoming AR damage
Blue Perks
Super Jump
- Level 1 Jump up to 2 stories high with the 'G' key (Cooldown: 20 sec)
- Level 2 Jump up to 4 stories high with the 'G' key (Cooldown: 20 sec)
- Level 3 Jump up and scale cliffs with the 'G' key (Cooldown: 20 sec)
Jump Training
- Level 1 Increased accuracy while jump shooting
- Level 2 +50% movement speed on sloped surfaces
- Level 3 No more landing animation and increased HP for 3 sec upon landing (Cooldown: 10 sec)
- Level 1 Knocks back enemies when landing a hit
- Level 2 +25% knockback distance
- Level 3 +50% knockback distance
Tank Shotgun
- Each blast of the Shotgun becomes as lethal as a Tank
Obviously, no one is besting the Shotgun Master at close ranges due to their buffs, so the urban environments can become your playground, especially with the ult which can drop squads with ease. They also have great tank potential, and movement abilities for chasing and escaping enemies.
Super People Classes: Gatling Soldier
The Gatling Soldier is fantastic damage dealer against both enemies and vehicles, and excels at suppressing fire and pinning enemies down. Their movement and parkour speed maxes out at an increase of 27% and they can reach 180 health.
Red Perks
Gatling Gun
- Level 1 Acquire a Gatling Gun (Slot 4)
- Level 2 +20% Gatling Gun damage
- Level 3 +40% Gatling Gun damage
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +30% AR damage
AR Magazine Extension
- Level 1 +30% magazine capacity for AR and Gatling Gun
- Level 2 +60% magazine capacity for AR and Gatling Gun
- Level 3 +100% magazine capacity for AR and Gatling Gun
Green Perks
Forward Defence
- Level 1 -5% damage received from the front
- Level 2 -10% damage received from the front
- Level 3 -15% damage received from the front
Bullet Tracer
- Level 1 You can see the trajectory of bullets from enemies
- Level 2 +10 HP
- Level 3 +20 HP
Dodge Roll
- Level 1 Press the 'G' key to Dodge Roll, which also gives you +30 HP for 2 seconds (Cooldown: 20 sec)
- Level 2 Reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 15 sec)
- Level 3 Reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 10 sec)
Blue Perks
Smart Bullet
- Level 1 Bullets bend slightly toward enemy
- Level 2 +30 inventory capacity
- Level 3 +60 inventory capacity
Return Fire
- Level 1 +5% damage increase for 5 sec upon being hit
- Level 2 +10% damage increase for 5 sec upon being hit
- Level 3 +20% damage increase for 5 sec upon being hit
Tactical Slide
- Level 1 +3% movement speed and can slide when crouching during sprint
- Level 2 +5% movement speed
- Level 3 +7% movement speed
- Increase the Gatling Gun magazine size, and adds explosive rounds that create flames. Also increases defence during use.
Gatling Soldier excels at dealing high damage while tanking enemy hits, though don't get overzealous. The Gatling Gun is perfect for supressing enemies for your team to move or flank, and they have a surprising amount of mobility thanks to the extra abilities.
Super People Classes: Seeker
The Seeker is more of an attacking lone wolf, who works great for offense-minded players in solo, and as a lurker in squad fights. They can gain up to +30% movement and parkour speed, and max out at 160 health.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% SMG damage
- Level 2 +15% SMG damage
- Level 3 +20% SMG damage
Cover Fire: Right
- Level 1 +70% leaning speed when leaning to the right
- Level 2 +20% defence when leaning
- Level 3 +20% damage when leaning
Border Control
- Level 1 +10% damage and defence when close to the storm
- Level 2 +15% damage and defence when close to the storm
- Level 3 +20% damage and defence when close to the storm
Green Perks
Homeground: Mountains
- Level 1 +5% damage when next to trees or rocky terrain
- Level 2 +7% damage when next to trees or rocky terrain
- Level 3 +10% damage when next to trees or rocky terrain
Projectile Tracking
- Level 1 You can see the trajectory of enemy throwables
- Level 2 -25% damage received from throwables
- Level 3 -50% damage received from throwables
Hostiles Detected
- Level 1 Locate the closest enemy within a 50m radius (Cooldown: 60 sec)
- Level 2 Reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 50 sec)
- Level 3 Reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 40 sec)
Blue Perks
Landing Zone Scan
- Level 1 Locate enemies that land near your landing zone for 5 min
- Level 2 +5% movement speed
- Level 3 +10% movement speed
Heartbeat Sensor
- Level 1 Heartbeat sensor acquired (Slot 4)
- Level 2 +10m detection range
- Level 3 +20m detection range
Molotov Traps
- Level 1 Upgrades Molotov Cocktails into Molotov Traps
- Level 2 +1m trigger radius, and max 3 deployable
- Level 3 +2m trigger radius, and max 5 deployable
Quick Slide
- Do three quick slides during an 8 sec duration (Cooldown: 60 sec)
The Seeker is fantastic in Solo for moving in to a kill and enemy and escaping quickly. Like the name suggests, they are at excellent at tracking enemies too, and can keep at a safe distance before suddenly striking at an opportune moment. They're Molotov Tramps also let them lock down certain areas, allowing them to hold out too if needed.
Super People Classes: SWAT
The SWAT is great for breaching close-range buildings, and blocking enemies vision. Their movement and parkour speed reaches a total of +24%, along with a 160 HP max.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% SMG damage
- Level 2 +15% SMG damage
- Level 3 +20% SMG damage
Breach Door
- Level 1 Breaking and entering windows or doors will trigger a smoke screen that deals 40 damage to enemies
- Level 2 +20% movement speed and damage for 5 sec upon breaking and entering
- Level 3 +25 HP for 5 sec after breaking and entering
HE Grenade
- Level 1 Upgrades grenades to have the 'Impair Hearing' effect
- Level 2 +1.5m radius of Impair Hearing
- Level 3 +3m radius of Impair Hearing
Green Perks
Homeground: Fences
- Level 1 +5% damage when next to fences
- Level 2 +7% damage when next to fences
- Level 3 +10% damage when next to fences
Close-range Defence
- Level 1 -15% damage received within 25 metres, -25% from Shotguns
- Level 2 -25% damage received within 25 metres, -35% from Shotguns
- Level 3 -35% damage received within 25 metres, -45% from Shotguns
Improved Parkour
- Level 1 Reduce noise when breaking through a window
- Level 2 +30% parkour speed
- Level 3 +30 HP for 10 sec after using parkour move
Blue Perks
Return Fire
- Level 1 +5% damage for 5 sec upon being hit
- Level 2 +10% damage for 5 sec upon being hit
- Level 3 +20% damage for 5 sec upon being hit
CQ Combat Training
- Level 1 +15% hip-fire and shoulder aiming accuracy
- Level 2 +15% fire-rate
- Level 3 +15% reload speed
Urban Warfare
- Level 1 +2% movement speed
- Level 2 +4% movement speed
- Level 3 +30% movement speed on ladders and stairs
- Create a dome-shaped barrier that instantly blocks enemies' sight (Cooldown: 90 sec)
The SWAT has a tonne of stealth capabilities, and can create chaos and confusion amongst entire squads with their abilities. Their increased movement around urban zones also makes them great for flanking and ambushing enemies in these areas, getting close and finishing the job with an SMG.
Super People Classes: Sniper
The Sniper is the master of range, hiding in the shadows and striking from a distance. Their movement and parkour speed reaches a total of +20%, along with a 180 HP max.
Red Perks
Steady Shot
- Level 1 +20% damage for 1 sec when ADS
- Level 2 +30% damage for 1 sec when ADS
- Level 3 +40% damage for 1 sec when ADS
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +20% Sniper Rifle damage
- Level 2 +30% Sniper Rifle damage
- Level 3 +40% Sniper Rifle damage
AR Upgrade
- Level 1 +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +15% AR damage
- Level 3 +20% AR damage
Green Perks
- Level 1 Grassland Half Ghillie Suit acquired
- Level 2 +10 HP
- Level 3 +20 HP
Precision Air Strike
- Level 1 Attack an Air Strike within 100m range with the 'G' key (Cooldown: 60 sec)
- Level 2 200m range and reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 50 sec)
- Level 3 400m range and reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 40 sec)
Booby Trap
- Level 1 Upgrade Flashbangs into Booby Traps
- Level 2 +1m trigger radius, and max 3 deployable
- Level 3 +2m trigger radius, and max 5 deployable
Blue Perks
Covert Ops
- Level 1 -35% footstep noise when walking
- Level 2 -35% footstep noise when running
- Level 3 -35% all noise made by character
Commando Crawl
- Level 1 +10% movement speed when crouching or crawling
- Level 2 +20% movement speed when crouching or crawling
- Level 3 +30% movement speed when crouching or crawling
- Level 1 Amplifier acquired (Slot 4)
- Level 2 +12m Amplifier search radius
- Level 3 +30m Amplifier search radius
- Every 10 sec your Sniper/DMR does +50% damage. Also increases Sniper/DMR reload speed and fire rate.
The Sniper skills are fairly obvious, meaning anyone with top-tier aim should excel at picking enemies off from range with this class. They can also cover their backs and sniper's nest very well with the Booby Traps, and can evade nearby enemies with the extra movement and noise suppression. Lastly, the Air Strike is a great zoning tool, for forcing enemies in the open to pick off alone or with a team.
Super People Classes: Strike Force
Strike Force is one of the fastest and most agile classes, and can strike from seemingly nowhere with tonnes of damage. Their movement and parkour speed reaches a total of +27%, along with a 160 HP max.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% SMG damage
- Level 2 +15% SMG damage
- Level 3 +20% SMG damage
Rapid Fire
- Level 1 +5% SMG fire rate and magazine capacity
- Level 2 +10% SMG fire rate and magazine capacity
- Level 3 +15% SMG fire rate and magazine capacity
Lacerating Rounds
- Level 1 +10% accuracy and a mild Bleeding effect
- Level 2 +15% accuracy and a moderate Bleeding effect
- Level 3 +20% accuracy and a severe Bleeding effect
Green Perks
Bulletproof Shield
- Level 1 Creates a Bulletproof Shield upon being hit (Cooldown: 10 min)
- Level 2 +50 HP to Bulletproof Shield and reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 300 sec)
- Level 3 +100 HP to Bulletproof Shield and reduced cooldown (Cooldown: 60 sec)
Long-Range Defence
- Level 1 -8% damage received from beyond 120m
- Level 2 -16% damage received from beyond 120m
- Level 3 -24% damage received from beyond 120m
Mobile Assault
- Level 1 +5% damage and defence when running
- Level 2 +10% damage and defence when running
- Level 3 +15% damage and defence when running
Blue Perks
Air Walk
- Level 1 +50% duration of Air Walk, and you ignore fall damage
- Level 2 Increased accuracy while shooting and jumping
- Level 3 Increased Air Walk, jump speed, and improved crosshair while shooting and jumping
Tactical Slide
- Level 1 +3% movement speed and can slide when crouching during sprint
- Level 2 +5% movement speed
- Level 3 +7% movement speed
Shoot 'n' Run
- Level 1 +30% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
- Level 2 +60% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
- Level 3 +120% movement speed while shoulder-aiming and ADS
- +200% movement speed for 5 sec (Cooldown: 70 sec)
Strike Force is one of the other close-range combat experts, excelling with the SMG and favouring the ability to move and shoot at the same time. Their agile nature makes them hard to hit, so with good aim you can dance around enemies, or drop in and out of cover while killing them. Their bleeding effect also lets them do a tonne of chip damage to enemies, and lower their healing resources.
Super People Classes: Gas Soldier
The Gas Soldier can make entire buildings and areas uninhabitable with their kit that does high damage and can zone enemies. Their movement and parkour speed reaches a total of +23%, along with a 160 HP max.
Red Perks
Specialised Weapon
- Level 1 +10% SMG damage, and +10% AR damage
- Level 2 +15% SMG damage, and +20% AR damage
- Level 3 +20% SMG damage, and +30% AR damage
Advanced Molotov
- Level 1 +20% Molotov Cocktail throwing distance, and gain double the Molotovs
- Level 2 +50% Molotov Cocktail throwing distance
- Level 3 +100% Molotov Cocktail throwing distance
Chem Rounds
- Level 1 Explode and deal AoE damage, also stops enemy HP regen for 5 sec
- Level 2 Stop enemy HP regen for 7 sec
- Level 3 Stop enemy HP regen for 10 sec
Green Perks
Homeground: Ruins
- Level 1 +5% damage while in ruins
- Level 2 +7% damage while in ruins
- Level 3 +10% damage while in ruins
Toxic Smoke Grenade
- Level 1 Upgrade Smoke Grenade into Gas Grenade
- Level 2 +5% toxic smoke damage per second
- Level 3 +10% toxic smoke damage per second
Gas Mask
- Level 1 Immune to enemy gas, and restore 10 HP when in gas (Cooldown: 30 sec)
- Level 2 Restore additional 5 HP when in gas (Cooldown: 30 sec)
- Level 3 Restore additional 10 HP when in gas (Cooldown: 30 sec)
Blue Perks
Fuel Booster
- Level 1 +10% damage and +10 HP after using fuel tank
- Level 2 +20% damage and +30 HP after using fuel tank
- Level 3 +30% damage and +50 HP after using fuel tank
Muzzle Flash Detector
- Level 1 Grants muzzle flash detection within 50 metres
- Level 2 Grants muzzle flash detection within 100 metres
- Level 3 Grants muzzle flash detection within 150 metres
Smoke Screen
- Level 1 +3% movement speed and unlocks slide for crouching when running
- Level 2 +10% movement speed inside smoke
- Level 3 +20% movement speed inside smoke
- Launch a powerful ball of fire with your Flamethrower (Cooldown: 50 sec)
The Gas Soldier can clear buildings with ease using their smoke screen and Flamethrowing abilities, causing confusion amongst enemies and allowing your team or yourself to pounce. They are also great at health denial and chip damage, which is imperative near the final zone as resources are running low.
That's our rundown of all the Super People classes, and now you should be familiar with any of the random classes you get in-game. We also have a guide on Super People tips, if you're looking to get ahead of the competition.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.
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