TFT Patch 13.11 patch notes: Portal changes, buffs, nerfs & more
TFT patch 13.11 is right around the corner, and we've got the TFT 13.11 patch notes for you to take a look at below.
TFT patch 13.11 is right around the corner, and we've got the TFT 13.11 patch notes for you to take a look at below. This is the last patch of Monsters Attack!, and aims to send off the set with a bang. This patch is more of a fun patch with some spicy changes to make the last couple weeks in set 8 as crazy as possible.
TFT Patch 13.11 notes: The short version
If you want a quick rundown of the TFT patch 13.11 notes, look no further.
Firstly, Urgot has become a Star Guardian. That's right, everyone's favourite crab thing is now a member of the Star Guardians in addition to being his usual threatening self.
More portals have been added, with three portals appearing every game. This is a teaser for the next set, Runeterra Reforged, which features portals to all kinds of locations in the world of Runeterra.
Some units have been buffed, while powerful traits like Infiniteam have been nerfed. A lot of underperforming Hero Augments have also been buffed.
- Here are the patch notes from the previous patch, 13.10
TFT Patch 13.11 notes: All changes
Always a Portal!
- Stage 2-6 Portals have a 100% chance of appearing. Demacia, Piltover, and Targon each are equally weighted here.
- Demacia: Gain 2 item components
- Void: Gain a Thief’s Gloves
- Zaun: Gain 10 gold.
- Stage 3-3 Portals have a 100% chance of appearing. All portals have an equal chance of appearing.
- Ionia: Target Dummy + 15 gold
- Shadow Isles: Champion Duplicator + Two 4-cost Champions
- Noxus: 2 full Item Anvils
- Freljord: Ornn Anvil
- Stage 4-3 Portals have a 100% chance of appearing. Each Portal type has an equal chance of appearing.
- Targon: Gain a Tactician’s Crown
- Piltover: Gain a Loaded Dice, a Lesser Champion Duplicator, a Remover, and a Reforger
- Shurima: Gain a Tome of Traits and 6 gold.
With the introduction of Treasure Realms, it’s finally time to remove Eggs from the store. Patch 13.11 will be the last patch to purchase eggs, but you’ll still be able to hold and open them past patch 13.12. You can read more about Treasure Realms using this link.
Large Changes
- Infiniteam Health and Damage: 50/55/85% ⇒45/50/85%
- Quickdraw Bonus Damage: 70/140/220% ⇒70/150/235%
- Star Guardian Mana Generation: 35/70/120/175 ⇒30/60/100/175
- Gangplank AS: 0.7 ⇒0.75
- Kayle Starfire Spellblade AD ratio: 155% ⇒175%
- Kayle Starfire Spellblade Base Damage: 25/35/50 ⇒30/45/65
- Lucian Chrono-Barrage Passive Magic On Attack: 20/30/45 ⇒25/35/50
- Lux Lucent Singularity Damage: 230/345/520 ⇒240/360/600
- Fiora En Garde! Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒25%
- Rammus max Mana buff: 60/120 ⇒50/110
- Rammus Sand Slam Passive Armor: 60/90/150 ⇒61/91/151
- Riven Bunny Blade empowered attacks Damage: 90/135/225 ⇒100/150/250
- Aatrox Soul Crush Damage (Both Casts): 220/330/1200 ⇒250/375/1200
- Bel’Veth AS Per Endless Banquet Cast: 30% ⇒35%
- Neeko Hop Blossoms Small Frog Damage: 75/110/300 ⇒80/120/360
- Neeko Hop Blossoms Big (3rd) Frog Damage: 150/225/700 ⇒160/240/720
- Warwick hack&SLASH AD ratio: 460/480/1200% ⇒500/500/1500%
Urgot is now a Star Guardian! His Undertow wave now also gives you a 1-star copy of any unit it does lethal (read: befriending) damage to. To compensate for this added power his mana has been nerfed.
- Fiddlesticks Dark Harvest Damage: 90/135/800 ⇒100/150/800
- Leona max Mana buff: 0/75 ⇒0/50
- Ultimate Ezreal AD: 60 ⇒64
- Ultimate Ezreal Attack Speed: 0.9 ⇒0.95
- Urgot is now a Star Guardian Threat
- If Urgot’s Undertow wave deals lethal damage, a chest will spawn giving a 1-star copy of the friend he made along the way.
- Urgot Mana nerf: 80/160 ⇒100/200
- Lucian - Enchanted Ammunition base AP: 20 ⇒ 30
- Poppy - Steadfast Presence HP Shield: 325 ⇒375
- Renekton - Reign of Anger AS per 100 missing HP: 5% ⇒6%
- Wukong - Re-Energize Mana Restore: 50% ⇒66%
- Fiora - Grand Challenge Heal Percent: 9% ⇒12%
- Malphite - Rock Solid - Armor to AP ratio: 111% ⇒130%
- Shen - Time Knife Bonus Damage: 250% ⇒300%
- Bel’Veth - Voidmother Voidling HP: 60% ⇒88%
- Ekko - Destructive Resonance Damage Amp: 200% ⇒240%
- Ekko - Chronobreak Stun Delay: 10 sec ⇒8 sec
- Ekko – Chronobreak Stun Duration: 2 ⇒2.5 sec
- Miss Fortune - Make It Rain Gold in Stage 3: 8 ⇒10
- Miss Fortune - Make It Rain Gold in Stage 4+: 20 ⇒25
- Neeko - Starlight Resonance AP on cast: 15 ⇒18
- Janna - Exaggerated Reporting Bonus Weather: 100% ⇒200%
- Syndra - Not In Vain AS per ally death: 40% ⇒75%
Bug Fixes
- The Mecha Prime Zero arena has been disabled from 6/2 to 6/5 due to mobile crashes
- Fixed an interaction animation with missing sound effects in the Mecha Prime Zero arena
- Fixed an issue with all tiers of PROJECT: Burno where their eye textures appear corrupted on multiple animations
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About The Author
Dani Cross
Dani is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She graduated from university with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, then worked as a freelance writer before joining the GGRecon team as a full-time writer in 2023. In her opinion, the best game of all time is Elden Ring – but her favourite is Halo: Reach, a game that created lifelong friendships and somehow started her down the path to a career in media. She’s also way too invested in Pokemon cards, and a big fan of guinea pigs, cats and other cute creatures.