TFT update 14.2 patch notes, Set 3.5 revival, Lunar Festival & more
Set 3.5 is back in the new 14.2 update for TFT, and we've got all the information you need about this latest patch in our full list of notes right here.
TFT's latest update is around the corner, and we've got the full 14.2 patch notes for you here.
In this patch you can expect the return of a classic set from back in the day - Set 3.5 is being revived for the remainder of Set 10! There's also a Lunar Festival event, balance changes and a lot more changes to the game. Read on for the full patch notes, or check here for the previous patch notes from update 14.1.
TFT update 14.2 patch notes: The short version
This update for TFT has a lot of fresh content which should make it worth returning to, especially if you're a fan of Set 3.5. The classic set is returning with revamped gameplay including Augments and new "Galaxies" (essentially Portals).
In addition, the Lunar Festival event is taking place this patch. It has its own battle pass with cosmetics for players to unlock, and there are some new Chibis being introduced to the game including Chibi Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Porcelain Lux and two Sona variants.
And of course, there's the usual bunch of balance changes for units, traits and augments, as well as bug fixes.
Set 3.5 revival, Lunar Festival & more
Starting patch 14.2, Riot will run a diagnostics check to see if your computer is ready for this update.
If you originally failed the check, it will re-run at a later point or you can manually re-run it by clicking on the settings icon on the top right and “Check for Compatibility” under General > Vanguard System Check.
This will not mean that Vanguard is active or being used for League & TFT yet.
Windows Depreciation
Beginning Wednesday February 21st (patch 14.4), Riot will no longer be supporting Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 for all League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics games. If you’re still playing on these versions of Windows, please consider updating to continue playing.
Lunar Festival
The Lunar Festival brings an in-client hub, where you can access the Set 3.5 Revival: Galaxies game mode, view your event pass progress, keep track of your missions, and more! To further the festivities we’ve also brought a number of cosmetics that are sure to leave your loadout looking stellar! Chibi Sona, Chibi Porcelain Lux, the Golden Dragon Skyscraper, and more all arrive shortly after patch 14.02 goes live!
Lunar Festival Cosmetics
All Lunar Festival themed cosmetics will be available from patch 14.02 until their deactivation on Feb 22nd at 11AM PT, just after the conclusion of the event with the end of patch 14.03 (Feb 20th). That means the cosmetics will be around slightly longer than the game mode. For more info on Lunar Festival cosmetics, you can check out the cosmetics article here.
While all Chibis discussed here will be released globally alongside the event, the Booms designed for Chibi Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin and Chibi Porcelain Lux will be released first on TFT’s China server, then make their way to all other Riot regions in a future patch. Chibi Guqin Sona’s Boom is available globally via the Maven of the Strings Bundle.
Here's a full list of all the new cosmetics coming in this new patch:
- Chibi Sona
- Chibi Guqin Sona
- Chibi Porcelain Lux
- Chibi Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin
- Golden Dragon Skyscraper Arena
- New Prancie Variants
TFT's first mid-set revival
TFT’s first set revival is almost here, and we’re gearing up for galactic exploration with the revival of the Galaxies mid-set, Return to the Stars, as a temporary game mode available from patch 14.02 (Jan 24th) until the end of patch 14.03 during our Lunar Festival event! You can get more information about why we are returning to the stars, and how we’ve updated the mid-set here.
One thing that has changed since the release of the above article is our bag sizes. After PBE testing, we saw and heard feedback around the revived set having too much reliance on 3 starring a 4-cost to win a lobby. This is tied to the expanded bag sizes (50 per unit), so we’ve opted to reduce the count for 4 and 5-cost units to 20 (still much more than live). 1,2, and 3-cost units will continue to have 50 copies in the shared pool.
Remix Rumble Act 2 Pass
We’ve reached the halfway point in the set, so instead of releasing a new Pass and Pass+ alongside a mid-set (those are so last set) we’re releasing our Act 2 Pass at the halfway point. As per usual, each Pass has a 1295 RP upgradeable version that’ll grant you extra access to Arenas, Tacticians, and more! For more info on our Pass, check out our cosmetics article
Loadout Randomiser
You can now randomise your loadout, including Arenas, Tacticians and Booms.
- Randomizer takes the form of a dice logo in the lobby screen both on PC and Mobile
- It'll randomize amongst your entitled content
- There's a small delay so that players don't spam it
- It does NOT randomize emotes or other content
Base Booms from Prestige Tier Treasure Realms
With the removal of Chibi Headliner K/DA POP/STARS Kai’Sa from Treasure Realms, Riot is retroactively granting all base Booms for players who unlocked base Chibis through this Collector’s Bounty. It’s worth noting that base Booms for base Chibis will also come at the end of Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin’s Treasure Realm stay. In situations where you unlocked the base Chibi from the Prestige tier Treasure Realms and then purchased the corresponding Boom, the RP spent on said Boom will be refunded.
- Cruel Pact can no longer be offered in the Radiant Blessing portal.
- Silver Symphony & Decrescendo have been removed.
Streak Notifications
- Winstreak scoreboard notifications now display at 5 wins and at 8 wins, and show the correct streak length.
Recommended Item Categories
- AD Carry: Edge of Night ⇒ Red Buff
- AD Caster: Edge of Night ⇒ Red Buff
- AD Caster: Bloodthirster ⇒ Hand of Justice
Headliner Rules
Previously if you passed on something like Brawler Olaf, any champ that COULD have Headliner Brawler would be temporarily blocked for 4 offerings.
- Updated a rule that blocked units that shared a trait with a previously offered Headliner. This rule should now only block the trait skipped from being the Headliner and still allow the unit to appear as their other trait(s).
Champions, Traits & more
Tier 1
Better base AD means better scaling upon starring up, itemizing, and Punk amplifications, which should allow this loose cannon to cut loose from the C-tier.
- Jinx AD: 45 ⇒ 50
- Kennen HP: 650 ⇒ 700
- K’Sante Spell Base Damage Reduction: 25% ⇒ 20%
Tier 2
- Katarina Spell Damage: 140/210/315% AP ⇒ 150/225/340% AP
- Kayle (REWORK): Now passively deals magic damage on each hit. Active now immediately deals the AoE (finale) damage and applies Shred.
- Kayle Mana nerf: 0/30 ⇒ 0/120
Tier 3
- Lulu Spell Third Cast Damage: 120/180/280% AP ⇒ 150/225/360% AP
- Riven Ability Damage: 100% AD ⇒ 90% AD
- Urgot (REWORK): Now deals 50% bonus damage if his spell only hits 1 target.
- Urgot Spell Damage: 175/175/180% AD + 15/25/40% AP ⇒ 160/160/165% AD + 15/25/40% AP
- Vex Stun duration: 1.5s ⇒ 0.75s
Tier 4
- Karthus (REWORKED): Karthus’s ability will now always critically strike if able to.
- Karthus gains bonus Ability Power based on his Critical Strike Chance
- Karthus no longer gains mana from kills, now gains 30% Ability Power after each cast.
- Karthus Mana: 30/120 ⇒ 15/105
- Karthus Ability Damage: 270/405/900 ⇒ 175/260/580
- Twisted Fate Mana: 30/105 ⇒ 30/120
- Twisted Fate Card Damage: 50/75/225 ⇒ 45/70/225
- Kai’Sa: +15% AD ⇒ +25% AD (Still has +2 range and dashes farther)
- Yone: +200 HP & +20% AD ⇒ +150 HP & +15% AD
- Disco Attack Speed Per Tick: 5/10/15/20% ⇒ 5/8/12/20%
- Disco Healing Per Tick: 2/3/3/5% ⇒ 2/3/3/4%
- Punk AD: 17/28/42% ⇒ 18/30/45%
- Punk HP: 170/280/420 ⇒ 180/300/450
Name a better friendship than Twin Terror and Executioner… Oh, you, and I? I guess you’re right. Regardless, we’re taking out the critical strike chance bonus for Twin Terror to make the Augment more generally strong and less dependent on critical strike scaling synergies.
- Bigger Shot (Big Shot) Damage: 75% AD ⇒ 85% AD
- Heartthrobs (REWORKED): You now gain 20% more Heartsteel Hearts instead of keeping 20% each time you get rewards.
- Last Stand Bonus Stats: +180 HP, 18 Armor/MR, and 18% Omnivamp ⇒ +160 HP, 16 Armor/MR, and 16% Omnivamp
- Submit to the Pit (Mosher) Stats: +3 Armor/MR/AP/AD/AS ⇒ +4 Armor/MR/AP/AD/AS
- Too Big to Fail (Bruiser) Damage: 40% HP ⇒ 35% HP
- Twin Terror I Critical Strike Chance: 25% ⇒ 0%
- Twin Terror I Health: 250 ⇒ 350
- Twin Terror I Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 35%
- Twin Terror II Critical Strike Chance: 35% ⇒ 0%
- Twin Terror II Health: 350 ⇒ 500
- Twin Terror II Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 50%
Goldmancer’s Staff provided too much consistent econ (especially early game) when used on a comp with a singular carry that racks up most of the kills regardless.
- Thief’s Gloves are less likely to roll ideal items at level 7,8, and 9
- Goldmancer’s Staff (Artifact) Gold per kill: 2 ⇒ 1
Small Changes
- Mosher Attack Speed: 20/40/60% ⇒ 20/40/70%
- Corki Spell Damage: 300% AD ⇒ 320% AD
- Lillia Mana: 70/130 ⇒ 70/120
- Olaf is now categorized as an AD Fighter
- Yasuo Spell Damage: 300% AD ⇒ 280% AD
- Jax Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.9
- Miss Fortune Spell Damage: 280/280/290% AD ⇒ 295/295/305% AD
- Ezreal Spell Damage (single target): 350/350/700% AD ⇒ 370/370/740% AD
- Poppy Spell healing on hit: 5/5/5% HP ⇒ 5/5/10% HP
- Sona (Heal Form): Sona will no longer send her healing auto attacks at non-champions (dummies and Illaoi tentacles) unless they’re the last units alive
- Sona (Attack Speed & Ability Power): Sona can no longer target training dummies and Illaoi tentacles
- Good for Something Gold drop chance: 30% ⇒ 35%
- Lategame Specialist Gold: 30 ⇒ 33
Bug Fixes
- Too emotional: Emotional connection no longer reduces your units max mana to 10 the first time you take the Augment.
- Multi-Talented Akali no longer keeps an additional trait when swapped in shop. (*fixed in 14.1A)
- Radiant Nashor’s Tooth correctly grants Attack Speed on-cast with Twisted Fate.
- Lucian’s number of shots correctly scales with the displayed tooltip amount. Now scales 1 shot per 20% AS instead of 1 shot per 40% AS.
- Nashor’s Tooth will apply Attack Speed before Lucian’s cast rather than after.
- Lucian’s number of shots will no longer scale past 5.0 Attack Speed.
- Thresh can now properly damage CC immune units.
- Akali no longer sometimes messes with non-Akali’s headliner traits.
- True Breakout: True Damage Akali can no longer bypass the 3 star 4 cost rule.
- Scrappy Inventions now gives components as intended.
- Floating through space: When Superfans pop off items, those items now return to your bench at the appropriate speed.
- Salvage Bin can no longer grant a Spatula as its random component.
- Recomdevastated: The Disco Ball is no longer permanently deleted by Recombobulator.
- Heartsteel’s 3000+ heart cashout now has the correct odds for each cashout.
- Epic NPCs now drop their loot in the correct order.
- Abyssia, Ao Shin, Baron, Bellswayer, Burno, Bungo, Bun Bun, Choncc, Craggle, Whisker, Dango, Dowsie, Duckbill, Featherknight, Fluft of Poros, Flutterbug, Furyhorn, Fuwa, Fenroar, Gloop, Hauntling, Hushtail, Knife Hound, Knife Pup, Lightcharger, Melisma, Molediver, Mort, Nixie, Nimblefoot, Ossia, Paddlemar, Prancie, Protector, Piximander, Poggles, Poro, QiQi, Raptors, River Sprite, Runespirit, Scuttle, Shisa, Silverwing, Squink, Starmaw, Tocker, Umbra
- Fixed an issue where Lux’s Health Bar would no longer cover her forehead during some of her animations
- Fixed an issue where Squink’s head no longer explodes in size when spamming the Taunt animation
- Porcelain Bellswayer’s splash has been fixed in loadout
That's it for this TFT patch, but be sure to check out our homepage to see previous patches. Additionally, take a look at the full League of Legends patch notes schedule here as it'll also tell you when to expect new TFT updates.

About The Author
Dani Cross
Dani is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She graduated from university with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, then worked as a freelance writer before joining the GGRecon team as a full-time writer in 2023. In her opinion, the best game of all time is Elden Ring – but her favourite is Halo: Reach, a game that created lifelong friendships and somehow started her down the path to a career in media. She’s also way too invested in Pokemon cards, and a big fan of guinea pigs, cats and other cute creatures.