Where to find Weapon Trade Stations in Warzone & how to use them
The Weapon Trade Stations from the original Warzone are back in Warzone 2.0. Learn what's new with these enhanced Weapon Trade Stations known as WTS-2s.
Weapon Trade Stations are returning to Warzone, and with improvements! Debuting in Season Two Reloaded for the original Warzone, Weapon Trade Stations first appeared during the Rebirth Reinforced Event on Rebirth Island before expanding to Fortune's Keep and Caldera.
Now that Weapon Trade Stations are back in the free-to-play battle royale, let's go over where to find and how to use Weapon Trade Stations in Warzone 2.0.
Where to find Weapon Trade Stations
To differentiate the new and improved Weapon Trade Stations from the old Weapon Trade Stations, the modern-day Weapon Trade Stations are labelled as WTS-2s. For now, you'll only find WTS-2s on Rebirth Island.
How to use Weapon Trade Stations
WTS-2s function largely like their predecessor, allowing users to trade unwanted weapons for a weapon of lower rarity, plus additional loot. Your weapon's rarity is determined by how many attachments it has, represented by an associated colour in its info box.
- Common Weapons (Gray) feature zero or one Attachment
- Uncommon Weapons (Green) feature two Attachments
- Rare Weapons (Blue) feature three Attachments
- Epic Weapons (Purple) feature four Attachments
- Legendary Weapons (Orange) five Attachments
- Ultra Weapons (Orange) feature five or more Attachments
When you trade in a weapon, the rarity of the weapon you get back is always two tiers below the weapon you tossed into the Weapon Trade Station. So, if you put a Legendary Weapon into a Weapon Trade Station, you'll receive a Rare Weapon and a random assortment of bonus goodies, too.
What can you get from Weapon Trade Stations?
Aside from a fresh, albeit worse, weapon, WTS-2s return a mixture of ammo, cash, Tacticals, Lethals, Gas Masks, Field Upgrades, Killstreaks, and sometimes even the Specialist Perk Package. If you use a Weapon Trade Station during a Fire Sale, the rewards you receive will be even better!
Personally, it never felt like it was worth the effort to utilise the OG Weapon Trade Stations. The chance at decent rewards simply wasn't worth downgrading my weapons and putting myself at risk of an ambush unless extra guns were lying around, and I was desperate for resources and supplies. However, now that Weapon Trade Stations offer a higher quantity and quality of rewards, using them is a far more enticing position!
Check out WTS-2's in Season 3 Reloaded, along with the BAL-27 and Foresight Killstreak. For more news and guides on Call of Duty's free-to-play battle royale, stay tuned to our Warzone homepage at GGRecon.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.