Ratchet & Clank
If you're a fan of the long-running Ratchet & Clank series, including Rift Apart, here you'll find all the latest news, guides, and updates.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a triumph on PC and should set an example for how ports should be - not just for PlayStation games, but for every other game on the platform, too.
The game wrapped up in the port is very close to perfect, too. After finishing the main story, I’m still aching to go back to grabbing collectables, zipping around the planets and mashing enemies with ridiculous weaponry at the same time.
Boss design can get a little stale in the closing stages, and the illusion of dimension jumping is broken slightly on even relatively powerful PC specs. However, there’s no doubt that Rift Apart is a must-play on PC if you haven’t had the pleasure of trying it on PlayStation yet.
Joshua Boyles.
PC, PlayStation 5
Insomniac Games
PlayStation PC LLC