'Connections' answer archive

Answer archive for 'Connections' game

15th Dec 2023 15:04

Connections | Unsplash Ed Robertson

'Connections' answer archive

If you’ve been playing 'Connections' for a while, you’ll no doubt want to look up some of the previous answers, either to give yourself inspiration for today's game or look back on some of your most challenging victories.

Here you’ll find the archive of old 'Connections' answers, dating back months, so you can hopefully find what you need.

Connections answers

March 2025

Connections 655 - 27/3/2025
Affect: Move, Reach, Sway, Touch
You Got It!: Bingo, Correct, Ding, Right
Slang For Money: Change, Green, Paper, Scratch
Objects With The Prefix "Micro-": Chip, Phone, Scope, Wave

Connections 654 - 26/3/2025
Parts Of A Table Setting: Fork, Glass, Napkin, Plate
Increased, With "Up": Flew, Rose, Shot, Thurst
Kinds Of Digital Storage: Card, Cloud, Disk, Drive
Units Of Volume Plus: Bounce, Galleon, Pinot, Quartz

Connections 653 - 25/3/2025
Black-And-White Things: Crossword, Oreo, Panda, Tuxedo
Anagrams: Abel, Able, Bale, Bela
U.S. Presidential Nicknames: Abe, Cal, Dick, Teddy
Clear As ___: A Bell, Crystal, Day, Mud

Connections 652 - 24/3/2025
Bad-Smelling: Foul, Rank, Ripe, Sour
Unfluctuating: Constant, Level, Stable, Uniform
Who Video Games Are For, Per ERSB Ratings: Adults Only, Everyone, Mature, Teen
Things With Layers: Earth, Henhouse, Onion, Photoshop

Connections 651 - 23/3/2025
Captivate: Absorb, Entrance, Grab, Rivet
Things With Wings: Airplane, Fairy, Fly, Hospital
Words That Modify "Watch": Pocket, Smart, Stop, Wrist
Words Repeated In "Miss Mary Mack": Back, Black, Buttons, Mack

Connections 650 - 22/3/2025
Musical Instruments: Tambourine, Theremin, Timpani, Trombone
Knickknack: Tchotchke, Thingmajig, Trifle, Trinket
Words With The Prefix Meaning "Three": Triangle , Trident, Trillion, Trilobite
Words Abbreviated With "T" + Letter: Television, Touchdown, Trademark, Tuberculosis

Connections 649 - 21/3/2025
Milieu: Circle, Scene, Sphere, World
Luminary: Great, Icon, Legend, Lion
Architectural Drawing Tools: Compass, Ruler, Stencil, T-Square
Bar ___: Chart, Exam, Mitzvah, Soap

Connections 648 - 20/3/2025
Outspoken: Direct, Frank, Loud, Vocal
Bodies Of Water: Bay, Channel, Sound, Strait
Kinds Of Cords: Bungee, Extension, Spinal, Umbilical
Things In Bottles: Genie, LIghtning, Message, Ship

Connections 647 - 19/3/2025
Signify: Convey, Express, Mean, Spell
Web Browser Buttons: Back, Extensions, Forward, Refresh
Parts Of A Road: Divider, Lane, Median, Shoulder
À/A La ___: Carte, King, Mode Plancha

Connections 646 - 18/3/2025
Exceptional: Remarkable, Singular, Special, Unique
German Words: Angst, Die, Kinder, Wurst
Plural Animals Identical To Their Singular Forms: Deer, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid
Plural Words That Are Very Different From Their SIngular Forms

Connections 645 - 17/3/2025
Filament: Fiber, Strand, String, Thread
Uninhibitedness: Abandon, Freedom, Spontaneity, Unrestraint
Kinds Of Trucks: Dump, Garbage, Monster, Pickup
Bands Minus The Number Five: Ben Folds, Jackson, Maroon, MC

Connections 644 - 16/3/2025
Bunch: Cluster, Collection, Constellation, Group
Ending With Silent "T": Ballet, Debut, Rapport, Tarot
Serial Killer Movies: Monster, Psycho, Seven, Zodiac
Starting With Constellations: Draconian, Hydrant, Leonardo, Library

Connections 643 - 15/3/2025
Sharp Protrusion: Barb, Bristle, Needle, Spine
Features Of Stringed Instruments: Bridge, Neck, Peg, String
Litigation Verbs: Charge, Move, Serve, Sue
In "Star Light, Star Bright": May, Might, Tonight, Wish

Connections 642 - 14/3/2025
Impose, As A Penalty: Assess, Charge, Fine, Levy
Checkout Line Impulse Buys: Candy, Chapstick, Charging Cable, Magazine
Movies Of Various Lengths: Epic, Feature, Film Series, Short
___ Road: Dirt, High, Rocky, Silk

Connections 641 - 13/3/2025
Partiality: Angle, Bias, Slant, Spin
Signal Down, As A Taxi: Flag, Hail, Wave, Whistle
Cards In Texas Hold 'Em: Flop, Hole, River, Turn
Shakespearean Words: Anon, Art, Thou, Wilt

Connections 640 - 12/3/2025
Ingredients In Classic Pound Cake: Butter, Eggs, Flour, Sugar
Things That Are Red: Cardinal, Elmo, Ketchup, Rose
Words Said To Have No Exact Rhymes: Month, Orange, Purple, Silver
___ Candy: Cotton, Eye, John, Rock

Connections 639 - 11/3/2025
Variation From The Norm: Alternative, Break, Change, Departure
Things That Ring: Alarm, Bell, Intercom, Phone
Things Traditionally Made Of Leather: Football, Moccasins, Saddle, Wallet
Singer-Songwriter Pianists: Keys, King, Legend, Wonder

Connections 638 - 10/3/2025
Cat Breeds: Ragamuffin, Russian Blue, Sphynx, Turkish Angora
Famous Smiles: Cheshire Cat, Comedy Mask, Joker, Mona Lisa
Attractions Iconically Different From Their Original Forms: Liberty Bell, Statue Of Liberty, Tower Of Pisa, Venus De Milo
Associated With "The Dude" Lebowski: Bathrobe, Bowling, Rug, White Russian

Connections 637 - 9/3/2025
Computer Input Devices: Microphone, Mouse, Scanner, Tablet
Building Materials: Brick, Concrete, Metal, Stone
Helpful Deed: Favor, Kindness, Service, Solid
#1 Songs From 1982: Abracadabra, Centerfold, Mickey, Physical

Connections 636 - 8/3/2025
Faux: Artificial: Fake, Imitation, Mock
Washing Machine Cycles/Settings: Bulky, Cotton, Delicate, Spin
Words Said Frequently In the "Bill And Ted" Movies: Bogus, Dude, Excellent, Totally
___Box: Chatter, Juke, Shadow, Soap

Connections 635 - 7/3/2025
Emblem: Label, Mark, Seal, Stamp
Subjects Of Acclaimed Musical Biopics: Brown, Cash, Dylan, Mercury
U.S. Cities: Buffalo, Helena, Irving, Phoenix
Fruits With Their Second Letter Changed: Ample, Dote, Lumon, Poach

Connections 634 - 6/3/2025
Wane: Dwindle, Fade, Peter, Taper
Do Some Tasks In The Garden: Plant, Prune, Water, Weed
Shoes: Flat, Mary Jane, Mule, Slide
Sand ___: Castle, Paper, Piper, Stone

Connections 633 - 5/3/2025
Periphery: Border, Edge, Fringe, Skirt
Things People Do To Fingernails: Bite, Clip File, Paint
What Might Bring Tears To Your Eyes: Allergy, Melodrama, Onion, Relief
___Ball Recreational Sports: Dodge, Kick, Pickle, Soft

Connections 632 - 4/3/2025
Adjectives For Nice Skin: Dewy, Fresh, Glowing, Smooth
Mess Of Hair: Mat, Mop, Tangle, Thatch
Dickens Characters: Bucket, Pip, Scrooge, Twist
___ Chain: Daisy, Food, Mountain, Supply

Connections 631 - 3/3/2025
Be At Leisure: Chill, Loaf, Lounge, Rest
Formats Of Gold: Bar, Coin, Leaf, Nugget
Cylinder of Material: Bolt, Reel, Roll, Scroll
Seen In The "Flintstones": Bone, Club, Dinosaur, Rubble

Connections 630 - 2/3/2025
Cellphone Modes: Airplane, Do Not Disturb, Ring, Vibrate
Evade: Dodge, Escape, Lose, Shake
What "W" Might Stand For: Tungsten, Watt, West, Win
___ String: Draw, Ham, Heart, Shoe

Connections 629 - 1/3/2025
Associated With Good Luck: Horseshoe, Ladybug, Penny, Shamrock
To-Bo- Compound Words: Tollbooth, Tomboy, Toolbox, Towboat
Broadway Musicals, Familiarly: Fiddler, Merrily, Phantom, Sunset
Words Before "Cowboy" in Film And Music: Drugstore, Midnight, Rhinestone, Space


February 2025

Connections 628 - 28/2/2025
Be Indecisive: Hesitate, Waffle, Waver, Yo-Yo
Lovely Person: Angel, Dear, Doll, Peach
Lucidity: Marbles, Mind, Sense, Wits
Components Of Metaphors For Things That Can't Be Undone: Bell, Egg, Genie, Toothpaste

Connections 627 - 27/2/2025
Contact Via Telephone: Call, Dial, Phone, Ring
Parts Of A Car: Belt, Horn, Mirror, Wheel
Levels Of Biological Organization: Atom, Cell, Organ, Tissue
Ending With Units Of Measure: Bigfoot, Compound, Instagram, Thermometer

Connections 626 - 26/2/2025
Expenditure: Charge, Cost, Price, Rate
Onetime: Former, Late, Past, Prior
Made With Horizontal Lines: Dash, Hyphen, Minus, Underscore
Simpson Family Members With First Letter Changed: Baggie, Barge, Comer, Pisa

Connections 625 - 25/2/2025
Enthusiasm: Gusto, Passion, Relish, Zest
"Many" In Different Languages: Beaucoup, Molto, Mucho, Multi
Rectangular Prisms: Brick, Fish Tank, Microwave, Shoebox
Rhyme With U.S. Coins: Jenny, Lime, Mortar, Pickle

Connections 624 - 24/2/2025
Eat Voraciously: Gobble, Gulp, Scarf, Wolf
Bend Under Pressure: Bow, Buckle, Cave, Give
Classic Nautical Tattoos: Anchor, Compass, Mermaid, Swallow
Body Parts Plus Letter: Butte, China, Hearth, Shine

Connections 623 - 23/2/2025
Rub Together: Gnash, Grate, Grind, Scrape
Ways To Preserve Food: Can, Ferment, Freeze, Pickle
Breakfast Condiments: Butter, Hot Sauce, Jam, Syrup
Proverbial Things That Are Spilled: Beans, Guts, Milk, Tea

Connections 622 - 22/2/2025
Member Of A Team With The Most Championships In Their Respective Sports: Canadien, Celtic, Packer, Yankee
Create Some Volume/Texture In Hair: Crimp, Curl, Feather, Tease
Supplies For Macaroni Art: Glitter, Glue, Macaroni, Paper
Words After "Golden": Doodle, Goose, Parachute, Rod

Connections 621 - 21/2/2025
Ways Of Solving A Problem: Answer, Fix, Remedy, Solution
Collect, As From An Orchard: Gather, Harvest, Pick, Reap
Photoshop Tools: Eraser, Eyedropper, Lasso, Magic Wand
Objects That May Be Right- Or Left-Handed: Baseball Glove, Can Opener, Golf Club, Guitar

Connections 620 - 20/2/2025
Alert: Alarm, Flare, Signal, SOS
Spend The Night (At): Bunk, Crash, Sleep, Stay
Associated With Early Morning: Dew, Rooster, Sunrise, Worm
Cookie Cutter Shapes In "Squid Game: Circle, Star, Triangle, Umbrella"

Connections 619 - 19/2/2025
Structures By The Shore: Boardwalk, Dock, Lighthouse, Wharf
Small Imperfection: Dent, Ding, Nick, Scratch
Sounds A Cuckoo Clock Makes: Chime, Cuckoo, Tick, Tock
___Tail: Cock, Mock, Pig, Pony

Connections 618 - 18/2/2025
Crater: Cavity, Hole, Hollow, Pit
Accessible: Available, Handy, Nearby, Ready
Substantial, As A Meal: Filling, Hearty, Solid, Square
Britishisms: Butty, Chippy, Footy, Telly

Connections 617 - 17/2/2025
Time Off: Break, Leave, Rest, Vacation
Follow A Meandering Course: Curve, Snake, Weave, Wind
Bowling Results: Double, Spare, Strike, Turkey
___ Fish: Blow, Cat, Gold, Sword

Connections 616 - 16/2/2025
Glimmer: Hint, Suggestion, Touch, Trace
Correspond Well With: Complement, Fit, Match, Suit
Famous Puppets: Lamb Chop, Oscar, Punch, Triumph
Dog Breeds Minus "ER" Sound: Box, Point, Retrieve, Set

Connections 615 - 15/2/2025
Divulge: Blab, Dish, Spill, Tell
Words On A Mac Keyboard: Command, Control, Option, Return
Words Shortened In Rock Genres: Alternative, Emotional, Popular, Progressive
___ Cake: Cheese, Cup, Pan, Short

Connections 614 - 14/2/2025
Mollycoddle: Baby, Humor, Indulge, Pamper
Things A Rattlesnake Does: Hiss, Rattle, Shed, Slither
Words Said To An Unsuspecting Person: Boo, Gotcha, Guess Who, Surprise
Homophones Of Bodies Of Water: Bae, Creak, See, Straight

Connections 613 - 13/2/2025
Template: Blueprint, Guide, Model, Mold
Demonstration, As Of Appreciation: Expression, Gesture, Symbol, Token
Modal Verbs: Can, Might, Must, Will
___ Trip: Ego, Guilt, Head, Power

Connections 612 - 12/2/2025
Documents Of Ownership: Certificate, Deed, Receipt, Title
Bits In A Variety Show: Dance, Monologue, Sketch, Song
Props For Characters On "The Simpsons": Donut, Pacifier, Saxophone, Skateboard
Starting With "Shake Rattle And Roll": Android, Rattlesnake, Rollerblade, Shakespeare

Connections 611 - 11/2/2025
Wrest: Jerk, Tug, Wrench, Yank
Buster: Bub, Bud, Jack, Man
Yoga Accessories: Block, Bolster, Mat, Strap
___Cap: Hub, Knee, Mad, Night

Connections 610 - 10/2/2025
Sprinkle: Dust, Pepper, Scatter, Shower
Scents Of Wine: Aroma, Banquet, Nose, Note
"Aah, Enough!": Mercy, Stop, Truce, Uncle
Words Famously Pronunced Different Ways: Aunt, Either, Tomato, Wise

Connections 609 - 9/2/2025
Massive: Giant, Jumbo, Monster, Super
Used When Serving Soup: Bowl, Ladle, Pot, Spoon
Somebody: Character, Individual, Party, Person
Sci-Fi Franchises: Alien, Avatar, Dune, Tron

Connections 608 - 8/2/2025
Info On A Baseball Card: Bio, Player, Stat, Team
Scrunch, As Fabric: Bunch, Gather, Pucker, Ruffle
Time Adverbs: Later, Now, Soon, Then
___ Food: Fast, Finger, Junk, Soul

Connections 607 - 7/2/2025
Be In Charge Of: Direct, Head, Lead, Run
Things Made Of Rubber: Balloon, Eraser, Galosh, Tire
Associated With The Genie In "Aladdin": Blue, Earring, Lamp, Wishes
Red ___: Bull, Cross, Herring, Velvet

Connections 606 - 6/2/2025
Delicate: Faint, Light, Mild, Soft
Magnanimous: Grand, Great, Lofty, Noble
Things With Necks: Bottle, Giraffe, Guitar, Lamp
First Names In Jazz: Cab, Count, Dizzy, Duke

Connections 605 - 5/2/2025
Parts Of A Compensation Package: Bonus, Insurance, Salary, Vacation
Indication: Flag, Giveaway, Sign, Tell
Things To Do With A Deck Of Cards: Cut, Deal, Fan, Shuffle
What "Bill" Might Refer To: Banknote, Beak, Invoice, William

Connections 604 - 4/2/2025
Conserve: Keep, Preserve, Save, Store
Smooth Using Friction: Buff, File, Grind, Sand
Sports Gambling Terms: Favorite, Parlay, Spread, Under
Words Before "Fingers": Butter, Chicken, Lady, Sticky

Connections 603 - 3/2/2025
Comment After An Insult: Burn, Ouch, Snap, Zing
Tiny Amount, With "A": Bit, Little, Mite, Tad
Bit Of Citrus Garnish: Slice, Twist, Wedge, Zest
Bungle, With "Up": Foul, Louse, Muck, Screw

Connections 602 - 2/2/2025
Dejected: Blue, Down, Hangdog, Sorry
Birds That Are Verbs: Duck, Grouse, Hawk, Swallow
TV Comedy Families: Griffin, Munster, Partridge, Pickles
Words After "K": Mart, Pop, Street, Swiss

Connections 601 - 1/2/2025
Tint: Hue, Shade, Tinge, Tonme
Components of A Mystery: Alibi, Clue, Detective, Suspect
Take Issue With: Challenge, Contest, Dispute, Question
Strike A ___: Chord, Deal, Match, Pose


January 2025

Connections 600 - 31/1/2025
Storage Containers: Case, Chest, Crate, Trunk
Schnozz: Beak, Honker, Snoot, Snout
Ones With Discerning Tastes: Connoisseur, Critic, Expert, Snob
Starts Of Swimming Strokes: Back, Breast, Butter, Free

Connections 599 - 30/1/2025
Intangible Quality: Air, Aura, Halo, Vibe
Game Day Fare: Beer, Dip, Pizza, Wings
Keep Going On About, With "On": Dwell, Harp, Insist, Linger
Starting With European Capitals: Bernie, Parish, Rigatoni, Romeo

Connections 598 - 29/1/2025
Owned: Bore, Had, Held, Possessed
Things You Might Do In Your Sleep: Dream, Drool, Snore, Talk
Movie Series With 2024 Releases: Alien, Gladiator, Venom, Wicked
___ House: Full, Gingerbread, Haunted, White

Connections 597 - 28/1/2025
Funny Person: Card, Character, Joker, Laugh
Resistance Training Equipment: Band, Bench, Dumbell, Mat
Candy Bars Minus "S": Airhead, Mar, Mound, Snicker
Speed ___: Bump, Chess, Demon, Dial

Connections 596 - 27/1/2025
Small Amount Of Food To Try: Bite, Mouthful, Sample, Taste
Protective Coverings In Nature: Bark, Scales, Shell, Skin
"Extra Virgin Olive Oil": Extra, Oil, Olive, Virgin
Seen In "The Shining": Axe, Hedge Maze, Twins, Typewriter

Connections 595 - 26/1/2025
Ways To Get Food: Farm, Fish, Gather, Hunt
Keep Apart: Cloister, Seclude, Separate, Silo
Parts Of A Big Rig: Axles, Hitch, Tractor, Trailer
Dance Events Plus A Letter: Bally, Discog, Promo, Raven

Connections 594 - 25/1/2025
School Periods: Class, Homeroom, Lunch, Recess
Features Of A Ski Resort: Lift, Lodge, Mogul, Slope
Words Derived From Japanese: Emoji, Ginkgo, Karaoke, Tycoon
Words After The Prefix "Tri-": Angle, Cycle, Dent, Pod

Connections 593 - 24/1/2025
Contemplate: Brood, Muse, Ponder, Reflect
Rude Things To Do: Interrupt, Litter, Point, Stare
Vocation: Craft, Line, Trade, Work
___ Patch: Cabbage, Nicotine, Rough, Soul

Connections 592 - 23/1/2025
Outdo: Better, Eclipse, Surpass, Top
Picnic Accessories: Basket, Blanket, Cooler, Utensils
Parts Of An Indiana Jones Costume: Bomber, Fedora, Satchel, Whip
Rhymes Of U.S. President Names: Pagan, Smarter, Vixen, Widen

Connections 591 - 22/1/2025
Types Of Academic Courses: Discussion, Lab, Lecture, Seminar
Results Of Some Digging: Ditch, Hole, Pit, Trench
Ones Wearing Robes: Boxer, Judge, Monk, Wizard
___ Up: Batter, Bottoms, Chin, Lawyer

Connections 590 - 21/1/2025
Putdown: Barcb, Crack, Dig, Slight
Small Likeness: Doll, Figure, Miniature, Model
Used To Clear Snow: Plow, Salt, Sand, Shovel
Doctors In Pulp Culture: No, Octopus, Pepper, Who

Connections 589 - 20/1/2025
Take On, As A Responsibility: Assume, Bear, Handle, Shoulder
Corners: Angle, Bend, Crook, Elbow
Associated With Popeye: Anchor, Forearm, Pipe, Spinach
___ Sheet: Balance, Cheat, Cookie, Fitted

Connections 588 - 19/1/2025
Fund: Kitty, Pool, Pot, Purse
Court Filing: Action, Case, Claim, Suit
Landforms: Basin, Bluff, Cape, Plain
They Have Rays: Aquarium, Geometry, Sun, Tampa Bay

Connections 587 - 18/1/2025
Desire: Drive, Impulse, Itch, Urge
Barb: Spine, Spur, Sticker, Thorn
Info On A Record: Album, Artist, Label, Track
Turn The ___: Corner, Page, Tables, Tide

Connections 586 - 17/1/2025
Frankfurter: Banger, Brat, Link, Sausage
Strike: Bop, Hit, Knock, Tap
Web Browsers: Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari
Ending With Beer Brands: Autoharp, Contrabass, Pepperoni, Rosebud

Connections 585 - 16/1/2025
Buying And Selling: Business, Commerce, Market, Trade
Installed On A Wall: Baseboard, Outlet, Sconce, Switch
Spy: Agent, Asset, Mole, Plant
___ Rat: Gym, Mall, Pack, Rug

Connections 584 - 15/1/2025
Means: Mechanism, Medium, Tool, Vehicle
Lacking: Light, Low, Short, Shy
Martini Specifications: Dirty, Dry, Perfect, Wet
Fictional Misters: Big, Peanut, Robot, Toad

Connections 583 - 14/1/2025
Operating: Active, Functional, Running, Working
Term: Meeting, Period, Session, Sitting
Things In A Camera Kit: Body, Flash, Lens, Strap
Birds Plus Letter: Crowd, Gully, Puffing, Swank

Connections 582 - 13/1/2025
Teach: Coach, Guide, School, Train
Cache: Bank, Pool, Reserve, Store
Driving Instructor Directives: Brake, Park, Signal, Turn
___ Worm: Book, Earth, Glow, Inch

Connections 581 - 12/1/2025
Fabrication: Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Fiction, Invention
Woo: Charm, Court, Pursue, Romance
Classic Atari Games: Asteroids, Breakout, Centipede, Defender
Things Featuring Tails: Coin Toss, Comets, Dress Coat, Sonic The Hedgehog

Connections 580 - 11/1/2025
Display Of Rows And Columns: Array, Grid, Matrix, Table
Things To Do At A Work Event: Circulate, Converse, Mingle, Network
Olympic Events Since 2000: Breaking, Surfing, Taekwondo, Trampoline
___ Court: Food, Kangaroo, Supreme, Tennis

Connections 579 - 10/1/2025
Be Contingent (On): Depend, Hinge, Rely, Rest
"Calm Down" Chill, Easy, Enough, Relax
Ingredients In An Old Fashioned: Bitters, Orange, Rye, Sugar
Features In the Monty Hall Problem: Car, Door, Goat, Host

Connections 578 - 9/1/2025
Vendor's Spot At A Market: Booth, Stall, Stand, Table
Dog Commands: Come, Heel, Sit, Stay
Corporate Departments: Finance, It, Legal, Sales
Last Words In "America The Beautiful": From, Sea, Shining, To

Connections 577 - 8/1/2025
Section: Branch, Division, Limb, Wing
Accessories For Playing An Instrument: Bow, Drumstick, Mallet, Pick
Distinctive Features Of An Elephant: Ear, Memory, Trunk, Tusk
Words Misspelled In Nu Metal Band Names: Biscuit, Corn, Lincoln, Stained

Connections 576 - 7/1/2025
Vocal Music: A Cappella, Barbershop, Doo-Wop, Madrigal
A Handful Of: A Few, Certain, Some, Various
Book Subtitles: A Life, A Novel, Essays, Part One
___ Is ___ (Is ___): A Deal, A Rose, Enough, Love

Connections 575 - 6/1/2025
Breathe Hard: Gasp, Heave, Pant, Puff
Catchall: Blanket, Broad, General, Umbrella
Metaphors For Easy Things: ABC, Breeze, Picnic, Pie
Synonyms For Rear End Minus Last Letter: Ars, Boot, But, Rum

Connections 574 - 5/1/2025
Hardly Bustling: Calm, Quiet, Sleepy, Slow
Earn: Gross, Make, Net, Yield
Remote Control Functions: Home, Mute, Stop, Volume
Words Before "Drum": Ear, Kettle, Oil, Snare

Connections 573 - 4/1/2025
Crush Into A Compact Shape: Ball, Crumple, Scrunch, Wad
Fasteners: Buckle, Clip, Hook, Snap
Mark As Completed: Check, Cross, Strike, Tick
Depicted In Dali's "The Persistence Of Memory": Ant, Branch, Clock, Meeting

Connections 572 - 3/1/2025
 Parts Of a Foot: Arch, Ball, Heel, Sole
One Dollar: Buck, Clam, Single, Smacker
Kinds of Mushrooms: Button: Morel, Oyster, Trumpet
Pot ___: Belly, Hole, Luck, Sticker

Connections 571 - 2/1/2025
Perceive: Catch, Clock, Notice, Register
Cadence: Beat, Meter, Rhythm, Time
One In A Group Of Twelve: Donut, Inch, Juror, Month
Dog ___: Days, Paddle, Tag, Tired

Connections 570 - 1/1/2025
Slimy Animals: Earthworm, Eel, Salamander, Slug
Things That Luminesce: Aurora, Firefly, Glowstick, Radium
Dutch Symbols: Canal, Clog, Tulip, Windmill
Ending With Synonyms For "Plunge": Gatecrash, Raindrop, Skydive, Waterfall


December 2024

Connections 569 - 31/12/2024
Move Quickly: Bolt, Dart, Dash, Fly
Fun Time: Ball, Blast, Kick, Thrill
Words Before An Addressee: Attention, Dear, For, To
Name ___: Brand, Drop, Game, Names

Connections 568 - 30/12/2024
Lunch Orders: Club, Hero, Melt, Wrap
Used To Make Coffee: Beans, Filter, Grinder, Water
Pay, With "Up": Ante, Cough, Pony, Settle
Names Featuring "!": Airplane, Jeopardy, Pink, Yahoo

Connections 567 - 29/12/2024
Shades Of Red: Brick, Cherry, Maroon, Ruby
Appointment Specifications: Date, Duration, Location, Time
Different Amount Of Hair: Head, Lock, Strand, Wisp
Tree Homophones: Beach, Fur, Pair, You

Connections 566 - 28/12/2024
"Nothing To It": Easy, No Sweat, Piece Of Cake, Sure Thing
Objects From Greek Myth: Aegis, Apple Of Discord, Golden Fleece, Pandora's Box
Proverbial Things To Kick: Can, Habit, Hornets' Nest, Tires
Starting With Possessive Pronouns: Hershey, Histamine, Itsy, Minefield

Connections 565 - 27/12/2024
Breakfast Sides: Bacon, Grits, Hash, Toast
Pushes, As A Button: Clicks, Hits, Presses, Taps
They Have A Horn: Africa, Bugler, Car, Unicorn
Oscar-Winning Actors: Bridges, Irons, Phoenix, Washington

Connections 564 - 26/12/2024
Approximately: About, Around, Like, Roughly
Trees: Elder, Palm, Pine, Spruce
Sizable, As An Amount: Handsome, Healthy, Respectable, Tidy
U.S. State Abbreviations, Per Ap Style Guide: Ala, Ark, Miss, Ore

Connections 563 - 25/12/2024
Celestial Objects: Comet, Moon, Planet, Star
Archers: Cupid, Hawkeye, Robin Hood, Sagittarius
Female Animals: Jenny, Nanny, Queen, Vixen
"S.N.L" Cast Members: Fey, Rudolph, Shannon, Strong

Connections 562 - 24/12/2024
"Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!": Bears, Lions, Oh My, Tigers
Beloved, As A Friend: Close, Dear, Intimate, Tight
Words That Sound Like Plural Letters: Bees, Ease, Jays, Use
When Tripled, Hit Song Titles: BIlls, Bye, Gimme, Please

Connections 561 - 23/12/2024
Homophones: Ewe, U, Yew, You
Necklines: Boat, Crew, Scoop, V
Ways To Express 1,000: Grand, K, M, Thou
Super ___: 8, Bowl, Glue, Tuesday

Connections 560 - 22/12/2024
Slang For Head: Coconut, Crown, Dome, Skull
Palindromes: Abba, Kayak, Nun, Stats
Police Procedurals: Bones, Elementary, Kojak, Monk
First In A Comedy Duo: Abbott, Fry, Key, Laurel

Connections 559 - 21/12/2024
Loop: Band, Circle, Hoop, Ring
Cooking Vessels: Casserole, Crock, Pan, Pot
Kinds Of Beds: Bunk, Canopy, Murphy, Sleigh
Things Called "Oscar": Baloney, Grouch, O, Statuette

Connections 558 - 20/12/2024
Concoction: Cocktail, Compund, Mixture, Solution
Types Of Sentences: Command, Exclamation, Question, Statement
Kinds Of Bros: Crypto, Finance, Pharma, Tech
Complaint Homophones: Grown, Mown, Whale, Whine

Connections 557 - 19/12/2024
Defer: Delay, Postpone, Shelve, Table
Bar Fixtures: Counter, Keg, Stools, Tap
Watercraft: Barge, Junk, Sub, Tug
Seen In "Donkey Kong": Barrel, Gorilla, Hammer, Ladder

Connections 556 - 18/12/2024
Deal With: Field, Handle, Manage, Tackle
Styles of Beer: Bitter, Bock, Sour, Stout
Investment Verbs: Hedge, Hold, Short, Trade
___ Dome: Capitol, Chrome, Onion, Teapot

Connections 555 - 17/12/2024
Intrepidity: Grit, Heart, Nerve, Pluck
Road: Artery, Avenue, Drag, Drive
Kinds of Paper: Construction, Graph, Tissue, Wax
Kinds of Tennis Courts: Carpet, Clay, Grass, Hard

Connections 554 - 16/12/2024
Types Of Radio: AM, Ham, Satellite, Walkie-Talkie
Kinds of Play Fights: Food, Pillow, Snowball, Water Balloon
Snack Cakes: Devil Dog, Ding Dong, Hoho, Yodel
Classic Joke Staples: Bar, Chicken, Knock-Knock, Light Bulb

Connections 553 - 15/12/2024
Spices: Clove, Mace, Nutmeg, Pepper
Perform Poorly: Flail, Flop, Flounder, Tank
Skim Through, As Pages: Flip, Leaf, Riffle, Thumb
Pop Singers Minus "S": Key, Mar, Spear, Style

Connections 552 - 14/12/2024
Fish: Fluke, Mullet, Sole, Tang
Words In An Auction-Ending Phrase: Going, Once, Sold, Twice
Global Currencies: Pound, Real, Sol, Yuan
Words Before "Cup": Butter, Diva, Solo, World

Connections 551 - 13/12/2024
Fantasy Creatures: Dragon, Giant, Pixie, Troll
Email Folders: Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash
Citrus Sodas: Crush, Sprite, Squirt, Starry
Animal Homophones: Bore, Links, Phish, Towed

Connections 550 - 12/12/2024
Things That Sound Like "T": Tea, Tee (Golf), Tee (Shirt), TI (Musical Note)
Objects With Teeth: Comb, Gear, Saw, Zipper
Mild Oaths: Fudge, Geez, Nuts, Rats
Parts Of A River: Bank, Bed, Delta Mouth

Connections 549 - 11/12/2024
Utopia: Paradise, Seventh Heaven, Shangri-La, Xanadu
Things You Shake: Hairspray, Magic 8 Ball, Salad Dressing, Snowglobe
Proper Noun Portmanteaux: Jazzercise, Paralympics, Pokemon, Wikipedia
Ending In Synonyms For "Friend": Ketchum, Paypal, Primate, Rosebud

Connections 548 - 10/12/2024
Give A Title To: Call, Dub, Label, Name
Parts Of A Flight: Cruise, Takeoff, Taxi, Touchdown
Feel Around (For): Fish, Fumble, Root, Rummage
Countries Minus First Letter: Inland, Olivia, Ran, Wanda

Connections 547 - 9/12/2024
Deliberation: Consideration, Reflection, Scrutiny, Thought
Used In Starting A Fire: Flint, Lighter, Magnifying Glass, Matches
Used To View A Biological Sample: Microscope, Slide, Specimen, Stain
Wards After "X": Factor, Files, Games, Ray

Connections 546 - 8/12/2024
Punch: Belt, Blow, Slug, Sock
Cram: Sandwich, Shoehorn, Squeeze, Wedge
Companies Named After Animals: Caterpillar, Dove, Greyhound, Puma
Homophones of Music Genres: Indy, Mettle, Seoul, Wrap

Connections 545 - 7/12/2024
Think Of Together: Affiliate, Associate, Equate, Relate
Ways To Attract Fish: Bait, Chum, Fly, Lure
W.N.B.A Teams: Libery, Storm, Sun, Wings
Long___: Bow, Fellow, Horn, Legs

Connections 544 - 6/12/2024
Baffle: Perplex, Puzzle, Stump, Vex
Curse: Hex, Jinx, Pox, Spell
"Toy Story" Characters, Familiarly: Buzz, Hamm, Rex, Slinky
Colloquial Suffixes: Core, Gate, Mania, Pilled

Connections 543 - 5/12/2024
Aptitude: Flair, Gift, Instinct, Nose
Exterior: Face, Front, Outside, Surface
Tech Companies: Amazon, Apple, Intuit, Oracle
___ Stone: Brim, Line, Rhine, Yellow

Connections 542 - 4/12/2024
Steer: Direct, Guide, Lead, Sheperd
Things With Needles: Compass, Pine Tree, Sewing Kit, Turntable
Figures in Greek Myth: Atlas, Echo, Helen, Pan
Starting With Synonyms For Lavatory: Candle, Johnson, Loofah, Toiletries

Connections 541 - 3/12/2024
Sopranos: Carmela, Junior, Meadow, Tony
Familial Nicknames: Cuz, Grammy, Mummy, Pop
"Sesame Street" Characters: Cookie, Count, Oscar, Snuffy
Names That Sound Like Two Letters: Cece, Edie, Emmy, Katie

Connections 540 - 2/12/2024
Announce: Broadcast, Declare, Herald, Trumpet
Things Involving Mallets: Carpentry, Croquet, Whac-A-Mole, Xylophone
Icon Embroidered On A Polo Shirt: Crocodile, Laurel, Polo Player, Swoosh
___ Clip: Alligator, Hair, Paper, Video

Connections 539 - 1/12/2024
Sanctuary: Heaven, Port, Retreat, Shelter
Football Gear: Cleats, Helmet, Jersey, Pads
Candy Names: Charms, Kinder, Wonka, York
"Free ___": Bird, Fallin', Solo, Willy


November 2024

Connections 538 - 30/11/2024
Dance Styles: Jazz, Modern, Swing, Tap
Steal: Lift, Palm, Pocket, Swipe
Perform Well On: Ace, Crush, Nail, Rock
___Ball Pitches: Curve, Fast, Knuckle, Screw

Connections 537 - 29/11/2024
Undertaking: Endeavor, Enterprise, Project, Venture
Units: Hertz, Mole, Second, Volt
M.L.B Team Member: National, Ray, Tiger, Twin
First Words Of HBO Shows: Boardwalk, Curb, Game, Silicon

Connections 536 - 28/11/2024
Appreciation: Credit, Praise, Recognition, Thanks
Fraudster: Cheat, Con, Fake, Quack
Eat Voraciously: Bolt, Down, Gobble, Scarf
___ Tuesday: Fat, Giving, Super, Taco

Connections 535 - 27/11/2024
Not Working Reliably: Buggy, Erratic, Glitchy, Spotty
Car Parts: Bumper, Grille, Mirror, Rim
What A Sitter Might Sit: Baby, House, Pet, Plant
___ Band: Boy, Rubber, Tribute, Wedding

Connections 534 - 26/11/2024
Good Things To Get At Work: Bonus, Equity, Promotion, Raise
Disregard: Discount, Forget, Ignore, Overlook
Kinds Of Crackers: Animal, Club, Goldfish, Ritz
Featured In "Eloise": Eloise, Plaza, Pug, Turtle

Connections 533 - 25/11/2024
Fantasy Creatures: Dragon, Giant, Pixie, Troll
Email Folders: Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash
Citrus Sodas: Crush, Sprite, Squirt, Starry
Animal Homophones: Bore, Links, Phish, Towed

Connections 532 - 24/11/2024
Careen: Heave, Lurch, Pitch, Reel
What A Noun Might Be: Idea, Person, Place, Thing
Electronic Dance Music Genres: Ambient, House, Jungle, Trance
Words After "Ash": Blond, Tray, Tree, Wednesday

Connections 531 - 23/11/2024
Telling Of Events: Account, Chronicle, Description, Story
Secreted By Trees: Gum, Latex, Resin, Sap
Things On Sticks: Ball-In-Cup, Corn Dog, Cotton Swab, Lollipop
Black Or Red: Balance Sheet, Checkers, Licorice, Roulette

Connections 530 - 22/11/2024
Publicity: Attention, Coverage, Exposure, Press
Point Of View: Angle, Lens, Perspective, Position
Work Communication Platforms: Meet, Slack, Teams, Zoom
“___ Island”: Fantasy, Love, Shutter, Treasure

Connections 529 - 21/11/2024
Kinds Of Shirts: Flannel, Oxford, Polo, Tee
Spheres In Milk Tea: Boba, Bubble, Pearl, Tapioca
Marine Invertebrates, Familiarly: Coral, Jelly, Sponge, Star
Starts Of Pasta Names: Fett, Penn, Torte, Zit

Connections 528 - 20/11/2024
Area Of Expertise: Concentration, Field, Focus, Specialty
Ways To Unlock A Device: Face, Fingerprint, Password, Pin
Pasta Shapes: Ear, Elbow, Ribbon, Wheel
Double ___: Agent, Dribble, Jeopardy, Standard

Connections 527 - 19/11/2024
Area Of Expertise: Concentration, Field, Focus, Specialty
Ways To Unlock A Device: Face, Fingerprint, Password, Pin
Pasta Shapes: Ear, Elbow, Ribbon, Wheel
Double ___: Agent, Dribble, Jeopardy, Standard

Connections 526 - 18/11/2024
Used In Hair Care: Comb, Dryer, Hairspray, Rollers
Monthly Expenses: Gas, Internet, Phone, Rent
Things With Spots: Dalmatian, Die, Domino, Ladybug
___ Crab: Fiddler, Hermit, Horseshoe, Spider

Connections 525 - 17/11/2024
Alliance: Association, Guild, League, Union
Close-Fitting: Clingy, Sleek, Slinky, Snug
Occasions One Might Kneel: Apology, Dubbing, Prayer, Proposal
What An Apostrophe Might Indicate: Contraction, Foot, Possessive, Quotation

Connections 524 - 16/11/2024
Things That Prevent Leaks: Cap, Cover, Plug, Seal
Kinds Of Hats: Beret, Derby, Pillbox, Snapback
College Football Team Members: Gator, Sooner, Volunteer, Wolverine
Go ___: Bananas, Commando, Figure, Rogue

Connections 523 - 15/11/2024
Chocolate Bars: Crunch, Dove, Mars, Payday
Gist: Core, Meat, Substance, Thrust
Kinds Of Bras: Demi, Push-Up, Sports, Wireless
___ Bird: Big, Early, Lady, Sue

Connections 522 - 14/11/2024
Deplete: Drain, Empty, Exhaust, Sap
Play Music With Passion: Groove, Jam, Rock, Shred
Words On A Restaurant Receipt: Signature, Tax, Tip, Total
Forms Of Sugar: Cube, Grain, Powder, Syrup

Connections 521 - 13/11/2024
Things That Are Yellow: Canary, Lemon, Minion, Mustard
Building Add-Ons: Addition, Annex, Extension, Wing
Concerns For A Dentist: Calculus, Cavity, Plaque, Tartar
Words That Seem Longer Written Than Spoken: Colonel, Pharaoh, Wednesday, Worcestershire

Connections 520 - 12/11/2024
Complain: Bellyache, Carp, Crab, Grumble
Vegetable Units: Clove, Floret, Spear, Stalk
Laptop Specs: Ram, Resolution, Speed, Storage
Features Of Justice Personified: Blindfold, Robe, Scales, Sword

Connections 519 - 11/11/2024
Attain: Earn, Land, Score, Win
Large Group: Crowd, Flock, Host, Sea
Parts Of A Ship: Anchor, Bow, Bridge, Deck
Associated Principles In Chinese Philosophy: Expansive, Light, Masculine, Yang

Connections 518 - 10/11/2024
Barrel-Shaped Container: Cask, Cylinder, Drum, Tank
Guide: Pilot, Shepherd, Steer, Usher
N.F.L. Team Member: Cowboy, Jet, Ram, Raven
Things That Swing: Golfer, Pendulum, Saloon Doors, Swing

Connections 517 - 9/11/2024
Contorted: Bent, Gnarly, Twisted, Warped
Smallest Amount: Lick, Ounce, Shred, Trace
Algebra Terms: Exponent, Power, Radical, Root
Words Before “Room” To Mean Lavatory: Bath, Powder, Rest, Throne

Connections 516 - 8/11/2024
Escapade: Antic, Caper, Exploit, Stunt
Kinds Of Pickles: Dill, Kosher, Sour, Sweet
Risqué: Adult, Blue, Spicy, Suggestive
Cut The ___: Cheese, Cord, Deck, Mustard

Connections 515 - 7/11/2024
Food-Related Jumbles: Hash, Salad, Scramble, Stew
Public Standing: Character, Image, Name, Reputation
Info On A Museum Placard: Artist, Medium, Title, Year
Anagrams Of Famous Painters: Dial, Egads, Monte, Yoga

Connections 514 - 6/11/2024
Dvr Buttons: Pause, Play, Record, Stop
Groundbreaking: Different, New, Novel, Original
Communicate Through Writing: Correspond, Message, Text, Write
Things With Feet: Biped, Furniture, Poem, Yardstick

Connections 513 - 5/11/2024
Things That Are Fuzzy: Caterpillar, Fleece, Peach, Pipe Cleaner
Things With Shells: Clam, Egg, Nut, Turtle
Figures In “Shrek”: Donkey, Dragon, Ogre, Princess
Magic ___: Carpet, Kingdom, Marker, Mushroom

Connections 512 - 4/11/2024
Equip: Furnish, Outfit, Provision, Stock
Individuality: Being, Character, Ego, Self
Furniture: Chest, Console, Vanity, Wardrobe
Words With Apostrophes Removed: Cant, Id, Shell, Were

Connections 511 - 3/11/2024
Heartwarming: Moving, Sweet, Tender, Touching
Sneaking Suspicion: Feeling, Hunch, Impression, Sense
Legal Session: Hearing, Inquiry, Proceeding, Trial
Easy ___: Chair, Listening, Money, Street

Connections 510 - 2/11/2024
Seen In A Kitchen: Counter, Fridge, Range, Sink
Group Of Advisors: Board, Cabinet, Council, Panel
Core Exercises: Boat, Crunch, Mountain Climber, Plank
Kinds Of Earrings: Chandelier, Drop, Hoop, Stud

Connections 509 - 1/11/2024
PROGRESS SLOWLY: Crawl, Creep, Drag, Inch
WAYS TO ORDER A BEER: Bottle, Can, Draft, Tap
Ball, Curle, Doodle, Puff
___ EFFECT: Butterfly, Domino, Halo, Placebo


October 2024

Connections 508 - 31/10/2024
TERMS OF ENDEARMENT: Darling, Love, Pumpkin, Treasure
SPORTS CARS: Diablo, Mustang, Spider, Viper
___ HUNT: Egg, Job, Scavenger, Hunt

Connections 507 - 30/10/2024
UPSWING: Boom, Rise, Spike, Surge
THINGS WITH WHEELS: Dolly, Rollerblade, Skateboard, Wagon
KINDS OF TAPE: Duct, Electrical, Gaffer, Packing

Connections 506 - 29/10/2024
IN PRISTINE CONDITION: Mint, New, Original, Unused
MEDICAL ROLES: Attending, Fellow, Intern, Resident
___ SQUARE: Perfect, Pocket, Times, Town

Connections 505 - 28/10/2024
AUDIO APPS: Audible, Pandora, Shazam, Tidal
INDICATE: Mean, Signify, Spell, Suggest
MAGIC WORDS: Abracadabra, Please, Presto, Thank You

Connections 504 - 27/10/2024
SASSY: Cute, Fresh, Smart, Wise
AMBIENCE: Air, Feeling, Mood, Quality
Units: Bar, Bel, Lux, Mole
THE LITTLE ___: Mermaid, Prince, Rascals, Tramp

Connections 503 - 26/10/2024
Series Of Messages: Chain, Chat, Conversation, Thread
Places To Lie/ Sit That Move: Cradle, Hammock, Rocker, Swing
Fluster: Faze, Rattle, Ruffle, Throw
Cylinder-Shaped Things: Can, Roller, Silo, Spool

Connections 502 - 25/10/2024
.: Dot, Period, Point, Tittle
Event With Dancing: Ball, Formal, Hop, Rave
iPhone Message Tapback Responses: Exclamation Points, Heart, Question Mark, Thumbs UP
"Pan": Bad Review, Camera Movement, Cookware, Satyr

Connections 501 - 24/10/2024
Lineup: Bill, Program, Schedule, Slate
NYT Apps: Audio, Cooking, Games, News
Things Made By Folding Paper: Airplane, Crane, Fan, Fortune Teller
French Words: Adieu, Comment, Pain, Temps

Connections 500 - 23/10/2024
Yellow ___: Cab, Jacket, Journalism, Pages
Green ___: Beret, Goblin, Salad, Thumb
Blue ___: Jay, Jeans, Moon, Whale
Purple ___: Haze, Heart, Prose, Rain

Connections 499 - 22/10/2024
Brand-Name: Designer, Haute, High-End, Luxury
Devise: Concoct, Engineer, Hatch, Mastermind
Nasa Spacecraft: Galileo, Pioneer, Viking, Voyager
Games Where You Say The Game's Name: Bingo, Marco Polo, Tag, Uno

Connections 498 - 21/10/2024
Kinds Of Beans: Kidney, Mung, Navy, Pinto
Automatic Gear Shifter Positions: Drive, Low, Neutral, Reverse
Attract: Draw, Grab, Hook, Pull
___Pool: Car, Dead, Liver, Whirl

Connections 497 - 20/10/2024
Bit Of Newspaper Writing: Article, Column, Feature, Story
Noisy Disturbance: Clatter, Racket, Row, Ruckus
Table Tennis Needs: Ball, Net, Paddle, Table
Homophones Of Coordinating Conjunctions: Butt, Fore, Oar, Sew

Connections 496 - 19/10/2024
Bring About: Generate, Inspire, Prompt, Provoke
Things That Are Often Scented: Candle, Incense, Lotion, Soap
Things That Might Sting: Insult, Jellyfish, Nettle, Wasp
Video Game Franchises: Civilization, Halo, Madden, Metroid

Connections 495 - 18/10/2024
Clunker: Bust, Dud, Flop, Miss
Opportunity: Chance, Shot, Time, Turn
Non-Cash Way To Pay: Card, Charge, Credit, Plastic
Amazon ___: Kindle, Prime, Rainforest, River

Connections 494 - 17/10/2024
Grassy Area: Green, Lawn, Park, Yard
Deal With: Address, Answer, Field, Handle
Movies With “S” Removed: Car, Goodfella, Jaw, Swinger
___ Law: Criminal, Harvard, Lemon, Natural

Connections 493 - 16/10/2024
At Some Future Point: Eventually, Later, Next, Soon
Parts Of A Tournament Setup: Bracket, Bye, Round, Seed
Bit Of Breakfast Cereal: Cheerio, Flake, Pebble, Puff
What The Outstretched Index And Middle Fingers Can Represent: Peace Scissors, Two, Victory

Connections 492 - 15/10/2024
Football Positions: Center, Guard, Quarterback, Safety
Cable Channels: Discovery, History, Nickelodeon, Oxygen
Fictional Clowns: Homey, Joker, Pennywise, Ronald
What “D” Might Stand For: Defense, Democrat, Dimensional, Drive

Connections 491 - 14/10/2024
Rummage: Comb, Dig, Root, Sift
Sounds Of Thunder: Clap, Peal, Roll, Rumble
Ways To Wear Your Hair Up: Braid, Bun, Pony, Twist
Things That Can Have Leaves: Book, Salad, Table, Tree

Connections 490 - 13/10/2024
Made Of Keratin: Claw, Hoof, Horn, Nail
Road Runner Cartoon Staples: Anvil, Boulder, Coyote, Tnt
Kinds Of Pants: Capri, Cargo, Hammer, Stirrup
___ Roll: California, Drum, Egg, Honor

Connections 489 - 12/10/2024
Draped Accessories: Scarf, Shawl, Stole, Wrap
Tolerate: Bear, Stand, Swallow, Take
Bird Onomatopoeia: Coo, Gobble, Honk, Hoot
Starts Of Cell Phone Makers: App, Goo, Motor, Sam

Connections 488 - 11/10/2024
Cherish: Relish, Savor, Treasure, Value
Quick Jump In The Pool: Dip, Dive, Splash, Swim
Additional Benefit: Bonus, Extra, Frosting, Gravy
Brashness: Brass, Cheek, Nerve, Sauce

Connections 487 - 10/10/2024
Body Parts: Arm, Eye, Hip, Leg
Cool, In ’80S Slang: Bad, Fly, Ill, Rad
Movies: Big, Elf, Her, Saw
Words In “Do-Re-Mi”: Doe, Far, Sew, Tea

Connections 486 - 09/10/2024
Effervescence: Bubbles, Fizz, Foam, Froth
Burgeon: Blossom, Develop, Mature, Progress
Music Publications: Billboard, Mojo, Pitchfork, Spin
Ending With Tableware: Boilerplate, Buttercup, Jackknife, Witherspoon

Connections 485 - 08/10/2024
Halloween Symbols: Bat, Pumpkin, Spider, Witch
Prohibit: Ban, Block, Deny, Forbid
Found On Sheet Music: Accidental, Note, Rest, Staff
Candy ___: Apple, Bar, Cane, Corn

Connections 484 - 07/10/2024
Knucklehead: Ding-Dong, Dodo, Yahoo, Yo-Yo
Car Onomatopoeia: Beep Beep, Purr, Skrrt, Vroom
Sounds Of Laughter: Har-Har, Hoot, Whoop, Yuk
Famous Primates: Bubbles, George, King Kong, Koko

Connections 483 - 06/10/2024
Turn Tail: Flee, Leave, Retreat, Withdraw
Things Cats Do: Knead, Purr, Scratch, Shed
Pages On A Website: About, Contact, Home, Login
___ Cheese: Cottage, Cream, Goat, String

Connections 482 - 05/10/2024
Steak Cuts: Filet, Hanger, Skirt, T-Bone
Kinds Of Underwear: Bikini, G-String, Hipster, Thong
Involved In A Dentist Visit: Drill, Sink, Toothbrush, X-Ray
Brands That Have Become Generic Terms: Chapstick, Jacuzzi, Q-Tip, Xerox

Connections 481 - 04/10/2024
Concavity: Dent, Dimple, Ding, Divot
Small Amount: Dab, Dash, Dollop, Drop
Disney Characters: Daisy, Dale, Doc, Dory
___ Date: Delivery, Dinner, Dream, Due

Connections 480 - 03/10/2024
Beverages: Juice, Milk, Punch, Soda
Care For A Plant: Fertilize, Pot, Prune, Water
Item Sold In Pairs: Bookend, Earbud, Ski, Sock
Bugs Plus Starting Letter: Blouse, Pant, Smite, Stick

Connections 479 - 02/10/2024
Put On The Line: Bet, Chance, Gamble, Risk
Use A Kitchen Knife: Cube, Dice, Julienne, Slice
Robert De Niro Films: Casino, Heat, Joker, Taxi Driver
Distinctive Number Of Arms (Or Lack Thereof): Octopus, Shiva, Slot Machine, Venus De Milo

Connections 478 - 01/10/2024
Flustered State: Lather, Stew, Sweat, Tizzy
Fitness: Condition, Form, Health, Shape
Fast-Moving Water: Cascade, Current, Rapid, Wave
Dishwasher Cycles: Normal, Quick, Rinse, Sanitize


September 2024

Connections 477 - 30/09/2024
Cook With Heat And Water: Blanch, Boil, Poach, Steam
Common Perfume Ingredients: Ambergris, Musk, Rose, Vanilla
Characters With Pet Dogs: Charlie, Dorothy, Shaggy, Wallace
Capital City Homophones: Keto, Roam, Sophia, Soul

Connections 476 - 29/09/2024
Make Good On, As A Promise: Fulfill, Honor, Keep, Uphold
Bedding: Blanket, Sham, Sheet, Throw
Actions In Card Games: Discard, Draw, Pass, Play
Cabinet Departments: Energy, Justice, Labor, State

Connections 475 - 28/09/2024
Composite: Blend, Compound, Cross, Hybrid
Embed: Lodge, Plant, Stick, Wedge
Items In A Monopoly Box: Deed, Hotel, House, Token
___ Control: Birth, Cruise, Quality, Remote

Connections 474 - 27/09/2024
Area Of High Ground: Bank, Dune, Hill, Mound
Significance: Gravity, Import, Substance, Weight
Actions In Fantasy Sports: Bench, Draft, Start, Trade
Sci-Fi Movies, With “The”: Abyss, Fly, Matrix, Thing

Connections 473 - 26/09/2024
Decorative Edge: Border, Frill, Fringe, Trim
Increase, In A Way: Grow, Mount, Swell, Wax
Specifications For A Bartender: Dry, Neat, Straight, Virgin
String ___: Bean, Bikini, Cheese, Theory

Connections 472 - 25/09/2024
Trio Of Sports Achievements: Hat Trick, Threepeat, Trifecta, Triple Crown
Needs For Painting A Room: Drop Cloth, Paint, Roller, Tape
Food Named After Cities: Broil, Cheesesteak, Sprouts, Wings
___ Derby: Demolition, Home Run, Kentucky, Soap Box

Connections 471 - 24/09/2024
Inspired: Creative, Fresh, Novel, Original
Procure In Advance: Book, Charter, Reserve, Secure
Bit Of Party Decoration: Balloon, Banner, Confetti, Garland
Online Personality: Ambassador, Influencer, Model, Streamer

Connections 470 - 23/09/2024
Not Smooth, As Terrain: Bumpy, Rough, Rugged, Uneven
Bit Of Land For Growing: Bed, Parcel, Patch, Plot
Member Of A Cartoon Duo: Chip, Rocky, Scratchy, Stitch
___ Park: Amusement, National, Parallel, South

Connections 469 - 22/09/2024
Color Types: Grayscale, Neon, Neutral, Pastel
File Menu Options: New, Open, Print, Save
Chance To Win A Prize: Drawing, Lottery, Pool, Raffle
What “Bronze” Might Mean: Alloy, Sculpture, Suntan, Third

Connections 468 - 21/09/2024
Clairvoyant: Medium, Mystic, Oracle, Psychic
Special Edition Adjectives: Collectible, Exclusive, Limited, Rare
“Great Job!”: Impressive, Nice, Props, Well Done
Extremely: Awful, Bloody, Real, Way

Connections 467 - 20/09/2024
Presume: Figure, Imagine, Suspect, Think
Somebody: Character, Individual, Party, Person
Characters In “The Empire Strikes Back”: Boba, Chewy, Emperor, Solo
Words After “Kitty”: Cat, Corner, Hawk, Litter

Connections 466 - 19/09/2024
Wine Bottle Info: Grape, Region, Vintage, Winery
Console Inputs: Button, Knob, Slider, Switch
Prefixes: Pro, Retro, Sub, Super
___ King: Burger, California, Lion, Prom

Connections 465 - 18/09/2024
Gathering Spot Outside A Residence: Deck, Porch, Stoop, Yard
Lowdown: Dish, Dope, Info, Scoop
Kinds Of Reels: Blooper, Demo, Highlight, Sizzle
Cartoon Dogs Minus “Y”: Droop, Goof, Lad, Snoop

Connections 464 - 17/09/2024
Get Excited: Amp, Hype, Jazz, Psych
Kinds Of Shoes: Flat, Mule, Pump, Slide
Legislative Roles: Chair, Leader, Speaker, Whip
Name Homophones: Dug, Matte, Mic, Peat

Connections 463 - 16/09/2024
Foremost: Chief, Premier, Principal, Supreme
Overly Sentimental Work: Cheese, Corn, Mush, Pap
Spiky Things: Cactus, Hedgehog, Mace, Pineapple
Things That Are Capped: Bottle, Graduate, Mushroom, Salary

Connections 462 - 15/09/2024
Hair Salon Offerings: Blowout, Color, Cut, Trim
Criticize: Bash, Blast, Pan, Slam
Obtain: Bag, Land, Score, Snag
Measured In Football Stats: Attempt, Reception, Sack, Yard

Connections 461 - 14/09/2024
Vitality: Energy, Juice, Life, Zip
Palindromes Featuring “E”: Level, Pep, Refer, Tenet
Featured In “Jack And The Beanstalk”: Beans, Cow, Giant, Jack
Car Models: Beetle, Civic, Focus, Volt

Connections 460 - 13/09/2024
Beverages: Juice, Milk, Punch, Soda
Care For A Plant: Fertilize, Pot, Prune, Water
Item Sold In Pairs: Bookend, Earbud, Ski, Sock
Bugs Plus Starting Letter: Blouse, Pant, Smite, Stick

Connections 459 - 12/09/2024
Mark Online For Later: Bookmark, Favorite, Like, Save
Behalf: Advantage, Benefit, Interest, Sake
Nba Legends, Familiarly: Bird, Curry, Kobe, Magic
Ending With Greek Letters: Biota, Feta, Mochi, Pepsi

Connections 458 - 11/09/2024
Large Amount Of Money: Bundle, Fortune, Mint, Pile
Bits Of Wisdom: Kernel, Nugget, Pearl, Tidbit
Featured In “Jurassic Park”: Amber, Dinosaur, Mosquito, Paleontologist
Things That Are Purple: Amethyst, Eggplant, Grimace, Lavender

Connections 457 - 10/09/2024
Varieties: Kinds, Sorts, Stripes, Types
Transfer: Deliver, Give, Hand, Pass
Ratings Systems: A-F, Percentage, Stars, Thumbs
Things With Kings: Checkers, Deck Of Cards, Monarchy, NHL

Connections 456 - 09/09/2024
Get Red In The Face: Blush, Burn, Flush, Glow
Continuous: Consecutive, Nonstop, Solid, Straight
Flavor Assortment: Flight, Platter, Sampler, Tasting
Sitcoms: Blossom, Coach, Community, Full House

Connections 455 - 08/09/2024
Verbs In A Cake Recipe: Bake, Beat, Frost, Preheat
What A Heart Does When Excited: Pound, Pump, Race, Throb
Ecclesiastical Titles: Bishop, Pastor, Pope, Prior
___ Boys: Bad, Beach, Hardy, Pet Shop

Connections 454 - 07/09/2024
Ways To Transform An Image: Crop, Flip, Rotate, Scale
Things Used In Golf: Ball, Driver, Glove, Tee
Aquarium Purchases: Filter, Pump, Rocks, Tank
Logos With Horses: Coach, Godiva, Mustang, Polo

Connections 453 - 06/09/2024
Quantity: Amount, Count, Number, Total
Incident: Affair, Episode, Event, Matter
Things Received In The Mail: Bill, Card, Catalogue, Letter
What “Spring” Might Refer To: Bounce, Coil, Geyser, Season

Connections 452 - 05/09/2024
Reside: Dwell, Inhabit, Live, Stay
Decrease: Decline, Drop, Dwindle, Ebb
Doofus: Clown, Dweeb, Sap, Turkey
Member Of A Septet: Dwarf, Sea, Sin, Wonder

Connections 451 - 04/09/2024
Very Small Amount: Hint, Shred, Touch, Trace
Puppy Purchases: Bed, Bowl, Collar, Crate
Help Put On A Party: Cater, Host, Plan, Throw
Symbols On A Keyboard: Brace, Caret, Hash, Star

Connections 450 - 03/09/2024
Absolve: Excuse, Pardon, Save, Spare
Excessively: Beyond, Extra, Over, Too
Global Currencies: Pound, Real, Won, Yen
___Head: Arrow, Block, Fore, Knuckle

Connections 449 - 02/09/2024
Peculiar: Curious, Funny, Off, Weird
Assignment: Job, Position, Post, Station
Classic Collection Items: Coin, Comic, Record, Stamp
Chain ___: Letter, Mail, Reaction, Store

Connections 448 - 01/09/2024
Cook In A Pan: Brown, Char, Grill, Sear
Parts Of The Ear: Anvil, Canal, Drum, Hammer
Shades Of Black: Charcoal, Jet, Raven, Sable
Where You Might Find “A Driver”: Golf Bag, Limousine, Movie Set, Toolbox


August 2024

Connections 447 - 31/08/2024
Newspaper Sections: Arts, Business, Comics, Sports
Tree Features: Bark, Crown, Rings, Roots
Kinds Of Salad: Chef, Garden, Greek, Wedge
Seen On Backs Of U.S. Coins: Eagle, Monticello, Shield, Torch

Connections 446 - 30/08/2024
Sparkling Things: Diamond, Glitter, Gold, Sequin
Participate In Summer Olympic Events: Box, Dive, Fence, Row
Wonders Of The World: Gardens, Lighthouse, Pyramid, Temple
Ice ___: Cream, Cube, Machine, Storm

Connections 445 - 29/08/2024
Kinds Of Pianos: Electronic, Grand, Player, Upright
Deem: Consider, Count, Judge, Regard
U.S. Colleges/Universities: Brown, Duke, Howard, Smith
Second Names In Companies With Ampersands: Gamble, Johnson, Noble, Young

Connections 444 - 28/08/2024
Playground Equipment: Monkey Bars, Slide, Swing, Teeter-Totter
Found At The End Of A Cord: Balloon, Fish Hook, Tetherball, Yo-Yo
Described As Dry: Desert, Humor, Martini, Teetotaler
Baby ___: Blues, Boomer, Steps, Teeth

Connections 443 - 27/08/2024
Explosive Sound: Boom, Crash, Roar, Thunder
Chili Pepper Quality: Fire, Heat, Kick, Spice
Classic Barbershop Supplies: Brush, Cape, Clippers, Gel
Kinds Of Cards: Baseball, Magic, Set, Tarot

Connections 442 - 26/08/2024
Official Sanctioning: Approval, Blessing, Consent, Support
Torus-Shaped Things: Bagel, Lifesaver, Tire, Wreath
Bad Golf Shots: Hook, Shank, Slice, Whiff
Footwear Minus “Er” Sound: Loaf, Slip, Sneak, Wade

Connections 441 - 25/08/2024
Hopping Mad: Boiling, Fuming, Livid, Steaming
Status: Position, Ranking, Standing, Station
Words That Make Up The Acronym “Hvac”: Air, Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation
Activities That Involve Folding: Baking, Laundry, Origami, Poker

Connections 440 - 24/08/2024
Hearsay: Rumbling, Speculation, Talk, Whispers
Move Stealthily: Creep, Slip, Steal, Tiptoe
Car Rental Companies: Budget, Enterprise, National, Thrifty
Ending With Chemical Elements: Environ, Jargon, Latin, Plead

Connections 439 - 23/08/2024
Visual Interface: Display, Monitor, Screen, Terminal
Burlesque Wear: Boa, Corset, Fan, Gloves
Beige Shades: Buff, Cream, Fawn, Tan
Language Homophones: Bask, Check, Finish, Tie

Connections 438 - 22/08/2024
Classic Movie Theater Equipment: Projector, Reel, Screen, Speaker
Tier: Deck, Floor, Level, Story
Newspaper Names: Globe, Mirror, Post, Sun
Prank Verbs: Egg, Moon, Streak, Toilet Paper

Connections 437 - 21/08/2024
Cover With A Thick Layer: Cake, Coat, Plaster, Smear
Things That Are Inflated: Balloon, Basketball, Floatie, Tire
Kinds Of Charts: Bar, Bubble, Line, Pie
Classic Cocktail Types: Fizz, Punch, Sling, Sour

Connections 436 - 20/08/2024
Rush Of Wind: Blow, Draft, Gust, Puff
Rotate: Crank, Reel, Turn, Wind
Zodiac Symbols: Bull, Crab, Lion, Ram
Dr. Seuss Title Figures: Cat, Grinch, Pop, Turtle

Connections 435 - 19/08/2024
Music Genres: Blues, Country, Folk, Rock
Bratwurst Go-Withs: Brat, Bun, Mustard, Sauerkraut
Yoga Poses: Chair, Mountain, Tree, Warrior
Starting With Pixar Movies: Coconut, Soulmate, Updo, Wallet

Connections 434 - 18/08/2024
Alarm Clock Buttons: Alarm, Hour, Snooze, Time Set
"Here's A Thought...": Perhaps, Say, Suppose, What If
Candy Pieces: Kiss, Nerd, Runt, Whopper
Seven Dwarfs Minus Last Letter: Do. Dope, Grump, Sleep

Connections 433 - 17/08/2024
Spoken Communication: Dialect, Language, Speech, Tongue
Canoodle: French, Kiss, Make Out, Neck
First Aid Kit Items: Bandage, Dressing, Scissors, Tape
House Styles: Cottage, Craftsman, Prairie, Ranch

Connections 432 - 16/08/2024
Meh: Average, Ok, So-So, Fair
U.S. State Abbreviations: HI, MA, OR, PA
Kinds Of Boots: Ankle, Cowboy, Go-Go, Thigh-High
Things That Go Up And Down: Sun, Elevator, Tide, Yo-Yo

Connections 431 - 15/08/2024
Breadth: Extent, Range, Reach, Scope
Other Half: Complement, Match, Mate, Partner
Beers, Familiarly: Bud, Natty, Sierra, Stella
Words After "Pay": Check, Dirt, Pal, Phone

Connections 430 - 14/08/2024
Blunder: Boo-Boo, Flub, Gaffe, Goof
Flowers: Daisy, Jasmine, Petunia, Poppy
Things Bees Do: Buzz, Dance, Pollinate, Sting
First Names Of Yankee Legends: Babe, Lou, Mickey, Yogi

Connections 429 - 13/08/2024
Stated: Said, Spoke, Told, Voiced
Nickname: Designation, Handle, Moniker, Sobriquet
Obvious: Clear, Marked, Pronounced, Striking
__ House (That Aren't Houses): Porter, Power, Rough, Wheel

Connections 428 - 12/08/2024
Metal Elements: Gold, Lead, Mercury, Tin
Mattress Sizes: Full, King, Queen, Twin
Slang For Toilet: Can, Head, John, Throne
Kinds Of Knives: Bowie, Butcher, Butter, Butterfly

Connections 427 - 11/08/2024
All-Time Great: Best, Champ, Goat, Legend
Large Boat: Craft, Barge, Ship, Vessel
Regarding: About, Concerning, On, Toward
Homophones Of Body Features: Hare, I, Mussel, Naval

Connections 426 - 10/08/2024
Things That Are Red: Devil, Rose, Mars, Strawberry
Be In Commission: Function, Operate, Run, Work
Microsoft Products: Edge, Office, Teams, Windows
Biopics: Blonde, Jobs, Milk, Vice

Connections 425 - 09/08/2024
Not Present: Absent, Elsewhere, Gone, MIA
Supporter: Advocate, Champion, Cheerleader, Exponent
Rock Genres: Glam, Goth, Metal, Punk
Shock ___: Horror, Jock, Value, Wave

Connections 424 - 08/08/2024
Splashy Ways To Enter A Pool: Backflip, Bellyflop, Cannonball, Jackknife
Reiterate: Echo, Parrot, Quote, Repeat
Mainstay: Anchor, Backbone, Cornerstone, Pillar
___ Radio: Ham, Pirate, Satellite, Talk

Connections 423 - 07/08/2024
Cram: Jam, Pack, Ram, Stuff
Restaurant Jobs: Cook, Dishwasher, Host, Server
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Microwave, Radio, X-Ray, Visible
Things With Bits: Bridle, Byte, Comedian, Drill

Connections 422 - 06/08/2024
Fluffy White Things: Cloud, Cotton Ball, Dandelion, Sheep
One In A Research Study: Guinea Pig, Participant, Subject, Volunteer
Take Issue: Disapprove, Mind, Object, Protest
___ Horn: Bull, Fog, Matter, Shoe

Connections 421 - 05/08/2024
Survive: Get By, Hack It, Make Do, Manage
Kinds Of Greeting Cards: Birthday, Congratulations, Get Well, Thank You
Are We Clear?: Capisce, Get It, See, Understand
Words After "Eye": Candy, Contact, Shadow, Witness

Connections 420 - 04/08/2024
Kiddo: Buddy, Champ, Sport, Tiger
Up For It: Amenable, Down, Game, Willing
Beginning With Double Letters: Aardvark, Eerie, Llama, Ooze
Nicknames For The Sea, With "The": Blue, Briny, Deep, Drink

Connections 419 - 03/08/2024
Bit Of Excitement: High, Kick, Rush, Thrill
Tolerate: Bear, Stand, Stomach, Take
Nonsense: Baloney, Bull, Bunk, Tripe
Things To Click: Heels, Mouse, Remote, Tongue

Connections 418 - 02/08/2024
Stretch, As One's Patience: Strain, Tax, Test, Try
Things A DJ Does: Mix, Sample, Scratch, Spin
Adjectives Used In Grammar: Direct, Irregular, Possessive, Present
What "Green" Might Mean: Ecological, Jealous, Lush, Nauseous

Connections 417 - 01/08/2024
Throw: Cast, Chuck, Fling, Hurl
Promote: Hype, Market, Pitch, Sell
Bookstore Sections: Fiction, Humor, Romance, Travel
___ Socks: Ankle, Crew, Sweat, Tube


July 2024

Connections 416 - 31/07/2024
Raspy: Gravel, Gruff, Hoarse, Husky
Fingers: Little, Middle, Pointer, Ring
Ale Styles: Amber, Porter, Sour, Stout
French ___: Bulldog, Fry, Horn, Kiss

Connections 415 - 30/07/2024
Peachy Keen: Neat, Nifty, Super, Swell
Provide More Details: Elaborate, Expand, Explain, Specify
Ability To Do Something Well: Facility, Flair, Gift, Knack
Group Of Buildings: Block, Complex, Compound, Development

Connections 414 - 29/07/2024
Stadiums: Arena, Bowl, Coliseum, Dome
Street Suffixes: Alley, Court, Drive, Lane
Associated With Scales: Fish, Justice, Libra, Solfege
Things With Spouts: Fountain, Gutter, Teapot, Whale

Connections 413 - 28/07/2024
Splashy Ways To Enter A Pool: Backflip, Bellyflop, Cannonball, Jackknife
Reiterate: Echo, Parrot, Quote, Repeat
Mainstay: Anchor, Backbone, Cornerstone, PIllar
___ Radio: Ham, Pirate, Satellite, Talk

Connections 412 - 27/07/2024
Create, As Results: Bear, Generate, Produce, Yield
Off-Topic Remarks: Aside, Detour, Digressions, Tangent
Hottie: Babe, Fox, Snack, Ten
What "R" Might Mean: Are, Radius, Reverse, Right

Connections 411 - 26/07/2024
Basic Directions: Down, Left, Right, Up
Advocate For: Back, Champion, Endorse, Support
Drawback: Con, Ding, Minus, Strike
Instrument Homophones: Base, Liar, Loot, Symbol

Connections 410 - 25/07/2024
Effortless: Fluid, Graceful, Natural, Smooth
Exertion: Effort, Labor, Sweat, Work
Energy For An Electronic Device: Battery, Charge, Juice, Power
What "Pop" Might Mean: Burst, Dad, Mainstream, Soda

Connections 409 - 24/07/2024
Joke Around With: Kid, Razz, Rib, Tease
Poultry Cuts: Breast, Tender, Thigh, Wing
Baby Animals: Calf, Cub, Fawn, Kit
Push Through A Crowd: Barge, Jostle, Muscle, Shoulder

Connections 408 - 23/07/2024
Impostor: Chalatan, Fraud, Quack, Sham
Utterance: Noise, Peep, Sound, Word
One Who Likes Showing Off: Ham, Hot Dog, Peacock, Showboat
Looney Tunes Characters Minus A Letter: Bug, Pork, Speed, Tweet

Connections 407 - 22/07/2024
Realm Of Expertise: Area, Domain, Field, Sphere
Musical Instruments: Fiddle, Horn, Recorder, Triangle
Used To Redirect Traffic: Barrier, Cone, Flag, Flare
Food ___: Chain, Fight, Processor, Pyramid

Connections 406 - 21/07/2024
Ways To Support A Candidate: Campaign, Canvass, Organize, Stump
Constitution: Composition, Fabric, Makeup, Structure
Carpentry Tools: Clamp, File, Level, Saw
Math Abbreviations: Log, Max, Mod, Tan

Connections 405 - 20/07/2024
Ancient Writing Surfaces: Clay, Papyrus, Parchment, Wax
Lead, As A TV Program: Anchor, Host, Moderate, Present
Natural Ability: Faculty, Flair, Instinct, Talent
Wrapped Things: Burrito, Gift, Mummy, Sprain

Connections 404 - 19/07/2024
Romantic Partner: Flame, Lover, Steady, Sweetheart
Insult: Burn, Dig, Jab, Slight
Gas Pump Options: Diesel, Plus, Premium, Regular
___ Table: Coffee, Periodic, Pool, Water

Connections 403 - 18/07/2024
Open Space: Court, Plaza, Square, Yard
Boxing Unit: Bout, Contest, Match, Round
Glitzness: Dazzle, Flash, Pomp, Ritz
Emoji: Fire, Heart, Skull, Sparkles

Connections 402 - 17/07/2024
Buildings Around Town: Bank, Laundromat, Post Office, Supermarket
Hinder: Check, Curb, Hamper, Inhibit
Animal Group Names: Pack, Pride, School, Swarm
Starts of U.S. Presidents: Biden, Cart, Nix, Washing

Connections 401 - 16/07/2024
In A Bad Mood: Cross, Short, Surly, Testy
Experimental: Exploratory, Pilot, Preliminary, Trial
Starts Of Broadway Musicals: Fiddler, Jersey, Kinky, Merrily
Peter ___: Pan, Piper, Parker, Rabbit

Connections 400 - 15/07/2024
Regard As True: Accept, Believe, Buy, Trust
Facade: Bluff, Front, Sham, Show
Ways To Secure A TV: Base, Bracket, Mount, Stand
Liquor Bottle Sizes: Fifth, Handle, Liter, Pint

Connections 399 - 14/07/2024
Slender Projections: Point, Prong, Tine, Tip
Conditions For Collectibles: Fair, Fine, Good, Mint
Profession: Business, Field, Line, Trade
Words Before "Nut": Brazil, Butter, Dough, Pine

Connections 398 - 13/07/2024
Enormous: Giant, Mammoth, Monster, Titanic
Embodiment: Avatar, Character, Figure, Persona
Come Across As: Appear, Look, Seem, Sound
Silent "T": Castle, Hustle, Listen, Witch

Connections 397 - 12/07/2024
School Facilities: Auditorium, Gym, Lab, Library
Roulette Bets: Black, Even, Odd, Red
Associated With "Dove": Chocolate, Peace, Pigeon, Soap
___ Goose: Golden, Grey, Mother, Silly

Connections 396 - 11/07/2024
School Supplies: Pen, Ruler, Scissors, Tape
Fundamental: Essential, Key, Principal, Staple
Transfer: Give, Hand, Pass, Send
Light-Up Signs: Applause, Exit, Recording, Walk

Connections 395 - 10/07/2024
Future Likelihood: Chance, Forecast, Outlook, Prospect
Back Talk: Attitude, Cheek, Lip, Sass
Fish: Bass, Fluke, Perch, Pike
Components Of Eyeglasses: Bridge, Rim, Lens, Temple

Connections 394 - 09/07/2024
Chronicle: Journal, Log, Record, Register
Mess Of Hair: Mane, Mop, Shock, Tangle
TV Shows Minus "S": Cheer, Friend, Scrub, Weed
Words After "Hedge": Fund, Hog, Maze, Trimmer

Connections 393 - 08/07/2024
Bit Of Advice: Pointer, Suggestion, Tip, Trick
Fortitude: Grit, Resolve, Spirit, Will
Spend Time At: Frequent, Haunt, Patronize, Visit
Words Ending In Numbers: Canine, Freight, Often, Ozone

Connections 392 - 07/07/2024
Change States Of Matter: Condense, Freeze, Melt, Vaporize
Replacement: Alternate, Backup, Cover, Sub
Slangy Names For Professions: Copper, Hack, Shrink, Suit
Mariah Carey Number One Hits: Fantasy, Hero, Honey, Someday

Connections 391 - 06/07/2024
"Biological Building Blocks: Atom, Cell, Molecule, Protein
Purchases For A Baby: Bottle, Crib, Mobile, Rattle
Objects Played As Instruments: Jug, Saw, Spoons, Washboard
___ Tag: Dog, Freeze, Phone, Price"

Connections 390 - 05/07/2024
Characters In Bond Movies: Bond, M, Q, Moneypenny
Yearn: Desire, Long, Pine, Yen
Magazines: Fortune, Mad, Nature, O
Words That Precede "Pop" In Music Genres: Bubblegum, Euro, K, Power

Connections 389 - 04/07/2024
Romantic Rapport: Attraction, Chemistry, Fireworks, Sparks
Things Stored By A Web Browser: Cache, Cookies, Data, History
Single Rotation: Cycle, Lap, Revolution, Turn
Words Before "Bell": Bar, Dinner, Liberty, Tinker

Connections 388 - 03/07/2024
Develop As Ideas: Brainstorm, Ideate, Spitball, Workshop
Tangible: Concrete, Material, Real, Solid
Kinds Of Cake: Birthday, Crumb, Marble, Pound
Things You Can Throw, In Metaphors: Curveball, Party, Tantrum, Wrench

Connections 387 - 02/07/2024
Pack (Away) For Future Use: Squirrel, Stash, Store, Stow
Adjectives For Assets: Fixed, Frozen, Liquid, Toxic
Latin Words: Caveat, Ergo, Quid, Vox
___ Game: Arcade, Blame, Numbers, Squid

Connections 386 - 01/07/2024
Show The Way: Direct, Guide, Lead, Usher
Scheme: Con, Hustle, Racket, Sting
Seen On A U.S. Dollar Bill: Eagle, Pyramid, Seal, Washington
First Words Of Canadian Provinces/Territories: British, Northwest, Nova, Prince


June 2024

Connections 385 - 30/06/2024
Old Saying: Adage, Chestnut, Maxim, Saw
Grill Fuel Sources: Charcoal, Electric, Gas, Wood
Trees: Ash, Cherry, Ebony, Gum
Hot Tub Components: Filter, Heater, Jet, Pump

Connections 384 - 29/06/2024
Homophones: To, Too, Tue, Two
Placed Down: Laid, Placed, Put, Sat
___ Flower: May, Sun, Wild, Wall
Connect: Couple, Tie, Unite, Wed

Connections 383 - 28/06/2024
Types Of Bags: Clutch, Messenger, Satchel, Tote
Wiggle Room: Freedom, Latitude, License, Slack
Indication To Proceed: Cue, Prompt, Signal, Word
Underwear In The Singular: Boxer, Brief, Drawer, Short

Connections 382 - 27/06/2024
Pursuit: Chase, Hunt, Quest, Search
Romantic Letter Sign-Offs: Always, Kisses, Love, Yours
Group Within A Group: Camp, Party, Side, Wing
Gold ___: Bond, Leaf, Mine, Rush

Connections 381 - 26/06/2024
Army Ranks: Captain, General, Major, Private
Place To Plug Something In: Jack, Outlet, Port, Socket
Consumer Desire Collectively: Appetite, Audience, Demand, Market
___ Ad: Attack, Personal, Pop-Up, Want

Connections 380 - 25/06/2024
Divulge, As Private Information: Dish, Spill, Talk, Tell
Divide: Branch, Fork, Part, Split
Silent "K": Doorknob, Knife, Topknot, Unknown
Key To Success, So To Speak: Formula, Recipe, Secret, Ticket

Connections 379 - 24/06/2024
Sore To The Touch: Delicate, Raw, Sensitive, Tender
Restaurant Courses: Dessert, Main, Side, Starter
Animal Homophones: Bare, Dear, Mousse, New
Red ___: Carpet, Delicious, Meat. Tape

Connections 378 - 23/06/2024
"Settle Down!": Easy, Enough, Quiet, Relax
Minor Ailments: Bug, Chill, Cold, Cough
What Humpback Whales Do: Breach, Dive, Sing, Spout
___ City Nicknames: Magic, Motor, Sin, Windy

Connections 376 - 22/06/2024
Kinds Of Golf Clubs: Driver, Iron, Wedge, Wood
One Thing After Another: Chain, Series, String, Train
Horror Movies, With "The": Birds, Fog, Omen, Ring
Words For Sausage: Brat, Dog, Link, Frank

Connections 375 - 21/06/2024
Amusement Park RIdes: Ferris Wheel. Merry-Go-Round, Roller Coaster, Tilt-A-Whirl
Approval: Clearance, Go-Ahead, Green Light, Thumbs-Up
Types of Come-From-Behind Stories: Cinderella, David-And-Goliath, Rags-To-Riches, Underdog
Beginning With Synonyms For Rear End: Bumper-To-Bumper, Buttermilk, Rumplestiltskin, Tailgate

Connections 374 - 20/06/2024
Bits Of Hardware: Nail, Nut, Screw, Washer
Fishing Gear: Fly, Hook, Line, Sinker
Hair Salon Fixtures: Chair, Dryer, Mirror, Sink
Lightning ___: Bolt, Bug, Rod, Strike

Connections 373 - 19/06/2024
Pursuit: Chase, Hunt, Quest, Search
Romantic Letter Sign-Offs: Always, Kisses, Love, Yours
Group Within A Group: Camp, Party, Side, Wing
Gold ___: Bond, Leaf, Mine, Rush

Connections 372 - 18/06/2024
Remote Control Buttons: Channel, Menu, Power, Volume
Hide From View: Block, Cover, Screen, Shield
Drink Garnishes: Cherry, Olive, Sword, Umbrella
First Word In Bond Movie Titles: Casino, Diamonds, Quantum, Tomorrow

Connections 371 - 17/06/2024
Deliver, As A Package: Mail, Post, Send, Ship
Kinds Of Lip Makeup: Balm, Gloss, Liner, Stain
Predicament: Corner, Fix, Hole, Spot
Measured In Degrees: Angle, Crime, Education, Temperature

Connections 370 - 16/06/2024
"Current Situation: Condition, Form, Shape, State
Remote Rural Area: Bush, Country, Sticks, Woods
Classic Lawn Ornaments: Flamingo, Fountain, Gnome, Pinwheel
___ Tale: Fairy, Fish, Folk, Tall

Connections 369 - 15/06/2024
Basketball Shots: Dunk, Floater, Layup, Three
Fish: Perch, Pike, Skate, Sole
Qualities Of Thick Hair: Body, Bounce, Lift, Volume
___ Child: Flower, Only, Poster, Problem

Connections 368 - 14/06/2024
Writing Assignments: Article, Essay, Paper, Report
Things That Are Pink: Bubble Gum, Carnation, Eraser, Flamingo
NATO Phonetic Alphabet: Foxtrot, Hotel, Victor, Yankee
Associated With #2: Deputy, Derek Jeter, Pencil, Silver Medal

Connections 367 - 13/06/2024
Enjoy: Appreciate, Dig, Fancy, Like
Blockbuster: Hit, Sensation, Smash, Success
Campaign Swag: Button, Hat, Shirt, Sticker
Words After "Copy": Cat, Editor, Paste, That

Connections 366 - 12/06/2024
Places In New York City: Chinatown, Dumbo, Manhattan, Wall Street
Rhyming Titles: Be Kind Rewind, E.T., Fright Night, Kill Bill
Ending In Units Of Measurement: Hedwig And The Angry Inch, My Left Foot, The Green Mile, The Longest Yard
Starting With Animals: Beetlejuice, Dogma, Foxy Brown, Octopussy

Connections 365 - 11/06/2024
Homophones: Bi, Buy, By, Bye
Muscles, Informally: Ab, Pec, Quad, Tri
Music Genres: Dub, Emo, Pop, Trap
Settings On An Appliance Knob: Hi, Lo, Med, Off

Connections 364 - 10/06/2024
Core: Crux, Essence, Heart, Substance
Complicated: Baroque, Complex, Elaborate, Involved
Symbols Used In Making Lists: Arrow, Bullet, Checkbox, Hyphen
What "Cross" Might Mean: Angry, Betray, Crucifix, Hybrid

Connections 363 - 09/06/2024
Feeling Some Type Of Way: Bitter, Salty, Sore, Upset
Throw Here And There: Pepper, Scatter, Sprinkle, Strew
Things With Layers: Cake, Earth, Onion, Plywood
___ Potato: Baked, Couch, Hot, Sweet

Connections 362 - 08/06/2024
Anagrams: Pastel, Petals, Pleats, Staple
Document With Video: Film, Record, Shoot, Tape
Grab One's Attention: Absorb, Engross, Hold, Rivet
Pretty ___: Good, Penny, Please, Woman

Connections 361 - 07/06/2024
Dream Up: Conceive. Envision, Imagine, Picture
Verbs For A Software Engineer: Code, Develop, Hack, Program
Remove, As Crumbs: Brush, Flick, Sweep, Wipe
Thin Covering: Coat, Film, Layer, Skin

Connections 360 - 06/06/2024
Move to action: Drive, Prompt, Propel, Push
Uno Cards: Draw, Reverse, Skip, Wild
Hail size comparisons: Baseball, Grapefruit, Marble, Pea
Places with benches: Courtroom, Dugout, Gym, Park

Connections 359 - 05/06/2024
"Awesome!": Cool, Nice, Sick, Sweet
Variety: Kind, Sort, Style, Type
Gist: Drift, Idea, Message, Point
Fried Appetizer, Informally: Ring, Stick, Tender, Wing

Connections 358 - 04/06/2024
Take home, as income: Clear, Earn, Make, Net
Parts of a wizard costume: Beard, Hat, Robe, Staff
Found on a ship: Bridge, Deck, Hatch, Keel
C-___: Clef, Section, Span, Suite

Connections 357 - 03/06/2024
Remove, As Body Hair: Laser, Pluck, Thread, Wax
Twist Around: Coil, Spool, Wind, Wrap
Things Made Of Cells: Honeycomb, Organism, Solar Panel, Spreadsheet
B-___: Ball, Movie, School, Vitamin

Connections 356 - 02/06/2024
Conformists: Followers, Lemmings, Puppets, Sheep
Company Ownership Offers: Equity, Options, Shares, Stocks
U.S. Cities: Billings, Buffalo, Mobile, Phoenix
What "Digs" Might Mean: Apartment, Insults, Likes, Shovels

Connections 355 - 01/06/2024
"Don't Delay!": Hurry, Now, Pronto, Stat
Ocean Phenomena: Current, Drift, Tide, Wave
Dumbbell Exercises: Curl, Fly, Press, Row
Philosopher Homophones: Lock, Marks, Pane, Rustle


May 2024

Connections 354 - 31/05/2024
Corpus: Body, Canon, Oeuvre, Works
Mount ___: Fuji, Hood, Olympus, Whitney
Components of an LP: Insert, Jacket, Record, Sleeve
Things People Shake: Hands, Maraca, Polaroid, Snowglobe

Connections 353 - 30/05/2024
Plunder: Loot, Raid, Rob, Sack
Influence: Clout, Pull, Sway, Weight
Hairstyles: Bob, Crop, Fade, Shag
___ Pin: Bobby, Hair, Push, Safety

Connections 352 - 29/05/2024
Food: Chow, Eats, Fare, Grub
Pilot: Direct, Guide, Lead, Steer
Intimidate: Bully, Cow, Daunt, Rattle
___ Market: Bull, Flea, Meat, Stock

Connections 351 - 28/05/2024
Amenable: Easy, Flexible, Open, Receptive
Anagrams: Evil, Live, Veil, Vile
Spelling Bee Ranks: Amazing, Beginner, Genius, Solid
Adjectives for a Candle: Lit, Scented, Waxy, Wicked

Connections 350 - 27/05/2024
Agency In Decisionmaking: Choice, Say, Voice, Vote
Dog Commands: Down, Heel, Shake, Speak
Kinds Of Notes: Flat, Natural, Quarter, Whole
___ Iron: Pump, Steam, Tire, Waffle

Connections 349 - 26/05/2024
Found On A Stove Top: Griddle, Kettle, Pan, Pot
Ornamental Border: Frill, Fringe, Ruffle, Trim
Deposit, With "Down": Lay, Place, Put, Set
Words That Sounds Like Plural Letters: Geez, Seize, Tease, Wise

Connections 348 - 25/05/2024
Advertising Format: Banner, Billboard, Poster, Sign
Inaugral: First, Initial, Maiden, Premier
Advocate For: Back, Champion, Endorse, Support
Pronoun Plus "E": Here, Theme, Use, Wee

Connections 347 - 24/05/2024
Conduits For Water Removal: Drain, Duct, Pipe, Sewer
Food Products Associated With Sentimentality: Cheese, Corn, Sap, Schmaltz
Things To Crack: Egg, Knuckles, Smile, Window
___ Change: Chump, Climate, Loose, Sea

Connections 346 - 23/05/2024
Take Advantage Of: Explot, Leverage, Milk, Use
Finished, As Time: Done, Over, Through, Up
Newspaper Desks: City, Copy, Culture, Sports
Words Beginning With Greetings: Heyday, Hijinks, Supper, Yogurt

Connections 345 - 22/05/2024
Car, Informally: Auto, Ride, Wheels, Whip
Body Parts In "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes": Heads, Shoulders, Knees, Toes
Removes The Covering Of: Pares, Peels, Shells, Shucks
"Buzzy" Things: Bees, Caffeine, Gossip, Intercoms

Connections 344 - 21/05/2024
Smidgen: Bit, Dash, Pinch, Touch
Bargain: Buy, Deal, Steal, Value
Billiards Equipment: Ball, Chalk, Cue, Rack
___ Book (That's not a Book): Face, Mac, Match, Pocket

Connections 343 - 20/05/2024
Sorcerer's Output: Charm, Hex, Magic, Spell
One Being Manipulated: Instrument, Pawn, Puppet, Tool
Classic Superhero Wear: Cape, Masks, Tights, Underwear
Action Movie Directors: Bay, Carpenter, Scott, Woo

Connections 342 - 19/05/2024
Affluent: Flush, Loaded, Rich, Wealthy
Cut Into Pieces: Chop, Cube, Dice, Mince
Old-Fashioned: Square, Straight, Stuffy, Traditional
Fruit Homophones: Bury, Current, Leachy, Pair

Connections 341 - 18/05/2024
Animals Whose Names Are Two Animals: Bulldog, Catfish, Horsefly, Turtledove
Sharp Turns: Dogleg, Hairpin, Switchback, Zag
Classic Party Games: Categories, Charades, Fishbowl, Werewolf
Things With Spring's: Clock, Mattress, Mousetrap, Trampoline

Connections 340 - 17/05/2024
Corrupt: Base, Dirty, Low, Vile
Reach Out To: Contact, Message, Ping, Text
Classic Still Life Components: Fruit, Pitcher, Skull, Tablecloth
Beer ___: Batter, Can, Garden, Pong

Connections 339 - 16/05/2024
Photo: Pic, Shot, Snap, Still
Assure, As Victory: Cinch, Ice, Lock, Secure
Move In An Effortless Way: Breeze, Coast, Glide, Sail
___ Blanket: Picnic, Security, Throw, Wet

Connections 338 - 15/05/2024
Bit Of Legislation: Act, Bill, Measure, Resolution
Grassland: Meadow, Plain, Prairie, Savanna
Forthright: Direct, Frank, Open, Straight
Car Companies Minus Letters: Aura, Buck, Doge, Hoda

Connections 337 - 14/05/2024
Early Iteration: Draft, Outline, Plan, Sketch
Enjoy A Meal: Dine, Feast, Feed, Sup
Spanish Pronouns: Ella, Me, Sus, Yo
Slim ___: Fit, Jim, Pickings, Shady

Connections 336 - 13/05/2024
Fashion Designer's Output: Brand, Collection, Label, Line
Playground Verbs: Dodge, Hide, Hop, Tag
Looney Tunes Figures: Bunny, Duck, Martian, Pig
Homophones of Musicals: Greece, Hare, Katz, Maim

Connections 335 - 12/05/2024
Playfully Poke Fun At: Kid, Needle, Rib, Tease
Cuts Of Beef: Chuck, Flank, Loin, Round
Acronyms: MIA, OMG, PIN, RAM
Cocktails Minus Place Names: Libre, Mama, Mule, Sling

Connections 334 - 11/05/2024
One With Top Billing: Headliner, Lead, Principal, Star
Vampire Vulnerabilities: Cross, Garlic, Silver, Sun
Satirical Publications, Familiarly: Cracked, Lampoon, Mad, Onion
Club ___: Med, Music, Sandwich, Soda

Connections 333 - 10/05/2024
Chutzpah: Brass, Cheek, Gall, Nerve
Accessories For Dog Walking: Collar, Halter, Harness, Lead
Things That Spin: Carousel, Globe, Record, Top
Lead Singers Of '70s Rock Bands: Ferry, Mercury, Nicks, Plant

Connections 332 - 09/05/2024
Container Closures: Cap, Cork, Lid, Tab
Duration: Period, Spell, Stretch, Time
Regulate: Check, Contain, Curb, Limit
Trademarks Of A Platypus: Bill, Egg, Fur, Venom

Connections 331 - 08/05/2024
Shades of red: Brick, Cherry, Rose, Ruby
Little bit of beverage: Drop, Splash, Spot, Sprinkle
Choicest: Best, Cream, Pick, Top
___ Bath: Bird, Bubble, Mud, Sponge

Connections 330 - 07/05/2024
Deli Bread Options: Bun, Hero, Roll, Wrap
Slang for Mouth: Chops, Kisser, Trap, Yap
Keep Rhythm with Music: Bob, Clap, Snap, Tap
Round of ___: Applause, Drinks, Funding, Golf

Connections 329 - 06/05/2024
Connect: Couple, Join, Link, Tie
Nuisance: Bother, Handful, Pain, Pest
Quantity Words: Few, Many, Several, Some
Tarot Cards, with "The": Fool, Lovers, Magician, Tower

Connections 328 - 05/05/2024
Something Gained From Hard Work: Benefit, Fruit, Return, Reward
Kinds Of Bagels: Egg, Everything, Plain, Poppy
Contribute To A Movie: Act, Direct, Produce, Write
Starts Of Monsters: Frank, Mum, Vamp, Were

Connections 327 - 04/05/2024
Enjoy: Fancy, Love, Relish, Savor
Filler Words: Like, Literally, Um, Well
Components Of A Lock: Cylinder, Spring, Lock, Tumbler
Homophones Of Units Of Measure: Carrot, Hurts, Jewel, Om

Connections 326 - 03/05/2024
___ Sale: Bake, Clearance, Garage, Sample
Cast Off: Ditch, Drop, Lose, Shed
Nightspots: Bar, Club, Disco, Lounge
Units Of Length: Fathom, Foot, Yard, League

Connections 325 - 02/05/2024
Highly Skilled: Ace, Crackerjack, Expert, Hotshot
Used To Fix A Flat: Chock, Jack, Tire, Wrench
Joaquin Phoenix Movies: Gladiator, Her, Joker, Signs
Words Starting With Music Genres: Popcorn, Rapture, Rocketry, Soulmate

Connections 324 - 01/05/2024
Features On A Pair Of Jeans: Button, Fly, Pocket, Rivet
Objects In 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-Dimensional Space: Line, Plane, Point, Solid
Web Browser Menus: File, History, View, Window
Member Of A '60s Band: Animal, Door, Kink, Supreme


April 2024

Connections 323 - 30/04/2024
Dipping sauces: Aioli, Barbecue, Marinara, Ranch
Interrogate: Examine, Grill, Probe, Question
Transaction Record: Bill, Invoice, Receipt, Statement
What "Stock" Might Mean: Ancestry, Broth, Cattle, Merchandise

Connections 322 - 29/04/2024
Exercises: Bridge, Crunch, Dip, Squat
Featured In Westerns: Bounty, Cowboy, Duel, Saloon
Leaders Who Received The Nobel Peace Prize: Carter, Gore, King, Tutu
___ Bee: Busy, Honey, Queen, Spelling

Connections 321 - 28/04/2024
Analog TV Interference: Noise, Fuzz, Snow, Static
Bang Into: Bump, Butt, Knock, Ram
Passionate, As A Feeling: Deep, Extreme, Fierce, Intense
___ Mary: Bloody, Hail, Proud, Virgin

Connections 320 - 27/04/2024
Trust As Real: Accept, Believe, Buy, Swallow
Power Issues: Outage, Short, Spike, Surge
Summary: Abstract, Brief, Digest, Outline
Name Homophones: Curt, Hairy, Kneel, Wane

Connections 319 - 26/04/2024
Refined Sensibility: Elegance, Grace, Style, Taste
Catch Some Rays: Bake, Bask, Sun, Tan
Emotionally Sway: Affect, Impact, Move, Touch
Numbers with first letters replaced by "S": Sen, Sight, Sine, Sour

Connections 318 - 25/04/2024
Lab Equipment: Beaker, Dropper, Goggles, Microscope
Nexus: Center, Heart, Hub, Nucleus
Spreadsheet Terms: Cell, Formula, Sheet, Sort
___ Language: Body, Love, Romance, Sign

Connections 317 - 24/04/2024
Taco Toppings: Cilantro, Lime, Onion, Salsa
Metric Prefixes: Kilo, Mega, Micro, Pico
Kinds of Skirts: Mini, Pencil, Poodle, Wrap
Words with 'hill': Capitol, Faith, Foot, Mole

Connections 316 - 23/04/2024
Terra Firma: Earth, Ground, Land, Soil
Throw Out: Boot, Bounce, Eject, Toss
Seas: Baltic, Black, Philippine, Red
Tom Hanks Movies: Big, Philadelphia, Splash, Sully

Connections 315 - 22/04/2024
Slang For Friend: Bud, Chum, Mate, Pal
Adjectives For Basement: Cold, Dank, Dark, Musty
Stubble: Fuzz, Scruff, Shadow, Whiskers
Collection Of Money: Fund, Kitty, Pool, Pot

Connections 314 - 21/04/2024
Embodiment: Example, Ideal, Model, Symbol
Related To Trains: Car, Conductor, Station, Track
Starting With The Same Sound: Cymbal, Scimitar, Simmer, Symphony
Ear___: Drum, Wax, Mark, Wig

Connections 313 - 20/04/2024
Balderdash: Bunk, Crock, Hogwash, Horsefeathers
Track and Field equipment: Baton, Hammer, Hurdle, Pole
Parts of a devil costume: Goatee, Horns, Pitchfork, Tail
Types of knots: Bend, Bowline, Hitch, Sheepshank

Connections 312 - 19/04/2024
Attach With Adhesive: Adhere, Glue, Paste, Stick
Diamond Qualities: Carat, Color, Clarity, Cut
Published Lines: Copy, Text, Words, Writing
A-___: List, Ok, Plus, Rod

Connections 311 - 18/04/2024
Sidewalk Sights: Curb, Grate, Gutter, Manhole
Have in Mind: Aim, Intend, Mean, Plan
Unit Abbreviations: Cal, Gal, In, Oz
Golden ___: Fleece, Girls, Parachute, Rule

Connections 310 - 17/04/2024
Heed, as Rules: Follow, Mind, Observe, Regard
Upright Support: Column, Pillar, Pole, Post
Allotment: Interest, Percentage, Share, Stake
Gathered by Spies: Dirt, Information, Intelligence, Secrets

Connections 309 - 16/04/2024
On the same plane: Even, Flat, Flush, Level
Bit of Journalism: Article, Feature, Report, Story
Flabbergast: Floor, Rock, Shock, Surprise
Theater Sections: Balcony, Box, Orchestra, Stage

Connections 308 - 15/04/2024
Invent as you go: Ad-Lib, Freestyle, Improv, Make Up
Things babies do: Babble, Coo, Crawl, Nurse
Superficial: Cosmetic, External, Shallows, Surface
___ Effect: Butterfly, Domino, Placebo, Side

Connections 307 - 14/04/2024
Bit of Repetitive Training: Drill, Excercise, Practice, Routine
U.S-Based Airlines: American, Frontier, Spirit, United
Pull Using Force: Rip, Tear, Wrench, Yank
Beginning with Day Abbreviations: Friar, Monkey, Sundry, Wedding

Connections 306 - 13/04/2024
Film Departments: Hair, Makeup, Props, Wardrobe
""The Wizard of Oz"" Figures: Lion, Scarecrow, Witch, Wizard
Seen at the Circus: Clown, Ring, Tent, Trapeze
""I'm a ___"" (Lyrics in ""The Joker""): Joker, Lover, Sinner, Smoker

Connections 305 - 12/04/2024
Orderly: Clean, Neat, Tidy, Trim
Augmentative Prefixes: Hyper, Super, Uber, Ultra
Become Larger: Balloon, Mushroom, Snowball, Swell
Items in Classic Kids' Games: Domino, Jack, Marble, Stick

Connections 304 - 11/04/2024
Haircuts, with "cut": Bowl, Buzz, Crew, Pixie
Measuring Instruments: Compass, Ruler, Scale, Watch
Water and Gas Conduits: Channel, Line, Main, Pipe
Fast Food Mascots: Clown, Colonel, King, Mermaid

Connections 303 - 10/04/2024
Grassy Area: Field, Green, Grounds, Lawn
Person In Charge: Chair, Chief, Director, Head
Words Before "Nut": Chest, Coco, Hazel, Pea
Second Words In Tarantino Movies: Brown, Dogs, Fiction, Unchained

Connections 302 - 09/04/2024
Breadth: Extent, Range, Reach, Scope
Hair Tools: Brush, Comb, Dryer, Iron
Heraldry Terms: Arms, Coat, Crest, Shield
Words Before "Drum": Ear, Kettle, Oil, Steel

Connections 301 - 08/04/2024
Brief Moment: Flash, Heartbeat, Jiff, WInk
Dispute: Clash, Scrap, Tangle, Tiff
Slang For Zero: Jack, Love, Squat, Zip
Accessories For Mr. Peanut: Cane, Monocle, Spat, Top Hat

Connections 300 - 07/04/2024
Found in Cracker Jacks: Caramel, Peanuts, Popcorn, Prize
Disorderly Place: Dump, Mess, Pigpen, Sty
Sturdy: Firm, Solid, Sound, Stable
___ Horse: Charley, Crazy, Dark, Gift

Connections 299 - 06/04/2024
Breadth: Extent, Range, Reach, Scope
Hair Tools: Brush, Comb, Dryer, Iron
Heraldry Terms: Arms, Coat, Crest, Shield
Words Before "Drum": Ear, Kettle, Oil, Steel

Connections 298 - 05/04/2024
Pieces Of Furniture: Bed, Chair, Couch, Table
Carry, As A Feeling: Bear, Harbor, Hold, Maintain
Wine Tasting Descriptors: Balanced, Dry, Full, Sweet
Starting With Metals: Goldilocks, Ironic, Leadership, Tinder

Connections 297 - 04/04/2024
Ways to Prepare Eggs: Boil, Fry, Poach, Scramble
Thrown in Target Games: Axe, Dart, Horseshoe, Ring
Exhilaration: Buzz, Kick, Rush, Thrill
___ Wrap: Body, Bubble, Gift, Shrink

Connections 296 - 03/04/2024
Poker Actions: Bet, Call, Check, Fold
Benchmark: Benchmark, Gauge, Standard, Yardstick
Skin Types: Combination, Dry, Normal, Oily
Starts Of U.S States: Kent, Mary, Mass, Wash

Connections 295 - 02/04/2024
"Thrust: Jab, Poke, Prod, Stick
Kinds of Snakes: Adder, Boa, Mamba, Moccasin
Seen in ""Cinderella"": Ball, Prince, Pumpkin, Slipper
Pasta Shapes: Bowtie, Elbow, Tube, Wheel"

Connections 294 - 01/04/2024
Food Slang for Money: Bread, Bacon, Lettuce, Cheese
Words That Rhyme: Plane, Rain, Train, Brain
Letter Homophones: Ewe, Bee, Eye, Tea


March 2024

Connections 293 - 31/03/2024
Take a Tumble: Fall, Slip, Spill, Trip
Kinds of Water: Mineral, Spring, Still, Tap
Things That Are Cinched in the Middle: Corset, Diabolo, Hourglass, Wasp
___ Bear: Boo-Boo, Brown, Honey, Teddy

Connections 292 - 30/03/2024
Breathes Heavily: Gasps, Huffs, Pants, Puffs
Preserved as Meat: Cans, Cures, Salts, Smokes
Predicaments: Binds, Jams, Pickles, Spots
Things in "My Favorite Things": Kettles, Mittens, Raindrops, Whiskers

Connections 291 - 29/03/2024
Especially: Mighty, Pretty, Really, Very
Disney Characters: Daisy, Goofy, Happy, Lady
Kinds of Blue: Baby, Navy, Sky, Tiffany
Body parts plus "Y": Army, Colony, Livery, Shiny

Connections 290 - 28/03/2024
One Flying An Airplane: Ace, Aviator, Flier, Pilot
Exited: Departed, Left, Split, Went
Kinds of Whales: Blue, Fin, Gray, Right
Things with Slots: ATM, Casino, Schedule, Spatula

Connections 289 - 27/03/2024
Update For Accuracy: Amend, Correct, Fix, Revise
Quarrel: Fight, Row, Scrap, Tiff
Games of Chance: Bingo, Lottery, Roulette, War
___ Chip: Blue, Computer, Poker, Potato

Connections 288 - 26/03/2024
Musical Instruments: Bass, Bassoon, Harp, Recorder
Plant Growths: Bloom, Bud, Shoot, Sprout
Bring Up: Foster, Nurse, Raise, Rear
Solar Emanations: Corona, Flare, Light, Radiation

Connections 287 - 25/03/2024
How Fast Something Is Going: Clip, Pace, Rate, Speed
"Step On It!": Faster, Go, Hurry, Move
N.B.A. Team Player: Clipper, Pacer, Rocket, Spur
Tele___: Commute, Medicine, Prompter, Vision

Connections 286 - 24/03/2024
Fail To Attend: Cut, Ditch, Miss, Skip
Yellow-Brown Shades: Beige, Camel, Khaki, Tan
Decisive Victory: Blowout, Romp, Rout, Sweep
___ Wheel: Cheese, Color, Hamster, Prayer

Connections 285 - 23/03/2024
Kudos: Credit, Glory, Praise, Props
Become Aware Of: Discover, Find, Learn, Realize
Pursue: Chase, Shadow, Tail, Track
Seen In A Passport: Name, Photo, Stamp, Visa

Connections 284 - 22/03/2024
Jumping Animals: Cricket, Frog, Hare, Kangaroo
Apply Pressure To: Crush, Mash, Press, Squash
Olympic Sports: Breaking, Hockey, Skeleton, Trampoline
Things You Can Set: Mood, Record, Table, Volleyball

Connections 283 - 21/03/2024
Chat, Informally: Gab, Jaw, Yak, Yap
Female Animals: Cow, Doe, Ewe, Hen
Palindromes: Bib, Eye, Gag, Pop
Starts Of Planet Names: Ear, Mar, Mer, Sat

Connections 282 - 20/03/2024
Seen At A Sports Stadium: Astroturf, Jumbotron, Scoreboard, Skybox
Camera Brands: Fujifilm, Hasselblad, Olympus, Polaroid
Italian Demonyms: Bolognese, Neapolitan, Parmesan, Venetian
Starting With Rock Bands: Creamsicle, Journeyman, Kisscam, Rushmore

Connections 281 - 19/03/2024
Movie Summary Info: Cast, Genre, Plot, Title
Pretense: Affect, Airs, Charade, Front
Famous Guitarists: Berry, King, Page, Waters
Second ___: Fiddle, Guess, Nature, Wind

Connections 280 - 18/03/2024
Segment Of A Process: Cycle, Phase, Round, Stage
Constellations: Cygnus, Gemini, Orion, Pegasus
Spirals In Nature: Cyclone, Galaxy, Snail, Sunflower
Associated With "One": Cyclops, Monologue, Solitaire, Unicycle

Connections 279 - 17/03/2024
Move Forward: Advance, March, Progress, Push
Foolishness: Absurdity, Folly, Madness, Nonsense
Things That Might Stink: Cheese, Feet, Garbage, Skunk
Words After "Deep": Cut, Fake, Freeze, Six

Connections 278 - 16/03/2024
Notable TV Episodes: Finale, Pilot, Premiere, Special
Get Smaller: Contract, Lessen, Reduce, Shrink
Airline Classes: Business, Coach, First, Premium
Examine, As An Applicant: Check, Review, Screen, Vet

Connections 277 - 15/03/2024
"My Mistake!": Apologies, Oops, Pardon, Sorry
Crticize: Blast, Knock, Slam, Trash
Alibi: Defense, Excuse, Out, Reason
Play ___: Date, Dead, Dirty, Doh

Connections 276 - 14/03/2024
Box Office Victory: Hit, Smash, Success, Winner
Volleyball Moves: Bump, Serve, Set, Spike
Homophones of Greek Letters: Moo, New, Pie, Row
___-O: Daddy, Day, Jackie, Jell

Connections 275 - 13/03/2024
Halloween Purchases: Candy, Costume, Decorations, Pumpkin
Plants With Similar Flavors: Anise, Fennel, Licorice, Tarragon
Food Slang For Head: Bean, Melon, Noodle, Nut
Gemstone Cuts: Baguette, Emerald, Princess, Radiant

Connections 274 - 12/03/2024
Section: Class, Division, Rank, Tier
Including: Also, And, Plus, With
Dog Breeds, Informally: Boston, Golden, Lab, Pit
Famous Poems: Daddy, Harlem, Howl, If

Connections 273 - 11/03/2024
Treat With Excessive Care: Baby, Mother, Pamper, Spoil
Backside: Booty, Bum, Can, Rear
Things in a Spa Locker Room: Robe, Slippers, Towel, Washcloth
Cat's ___: Cradle, Eye, Meow, Pajamas

Connections 272 - 10/03/2024
Things a Dog Can Fetch: Ball, Bone, Frisbee, Stick
Conceal: Block, Cover, Hide, Obscure
Mac Keyboard Keys: Command, Control, Option, Shift
Experience a Memory Lapse: Blank, Flake, Forget, Space

Connections 271 - 09/03/2024
"Eat Voraciously: Down, Inhale, Scarf, Wolf
Areas of Academic Focus: Concetration, Degree, Major, Minor
Universal: Blanket, Broad, General, Sweeping
Space ___: Bar, Cadet, Heater, Station"

Connections 270 - 08/03/2024
Things To Sew: Dart, Hem, Pleat, Seam
Ways To Preserve Food: Can, Cure, Dry, Freeze
Sharp Quality: Bite, Edge, Punch, Spice
Birds Minus Last Letter: Condo, Haw, Hero, Loo
Connections 269 - 07/03/2024
Shared: Collective, Common, Joint, Mutual
Rid Of Contents: Clear, Drain, Empty, Flush
Associated With "Stub": Cigarette, Pencil, Ticket, Toe
___ Dream: American, Fever, Lucid, Pipe
Connections 268 - 06/03/2024
Parts Of An Airport: Hangar, Runway, Tarmac, Terminal
Words Ending In Clothing: Foxglove, Gumshoe, Turncoat, Windsock
Legal Terms: Action, Claim, Complait, Lawsuit
Things a Juggler Juggles: Beanbag, Club, Ring, Torch
Connections 267 - 05/03/2024
Pop Megastars: Grande, Mars, Styles, Swift
Method: Channel, Means, Medium, Vehicle
Unlikely, As Chances: Outside, Slim, Small, Remote
Living ___: Large, Legend, Proof, Room
Connections 266 - 04/03/2024
Colleague: Assosiate, Fellow, Partner, Peer
Rooms In The Game Clue: Hall, Library, Lounge, Study
Seen During Easter: Bunny, Egg, Jelly Bean, Peep
What A Mole Can Be: Animal, Birthmark, Spy, Unit
Connections 265 - 03/03/2024
Large Amount: Mass, Sea, Slew, Ton
Fall In Under Pressure: Buckle, Cave, Collapse, Give
Ways To Get Attention: Shout, Snap, Wave, Whistle
Belly ____: Button, Dance, Flop, Laugh
Connections 264 - 02/03/2024
Intelligence Operative: Agent, Asset, Mole, Sleeper
What 'K' Might Mean: Kelvin, Okay, Potassium, Thousand
Units in Poetry: Foot, Line, Meter, Verse
Express Indirectly: Couch, Imply, Intimate, Suggest
Connections 263 - 01/03/2024
Wager: Bet, Gamble, Risk, Stake
Disneyland Lands: Adventure, Fantasy, Frontier, Tomorrow
Garlic Bread Ingredients: Bread, Butter, Garlic, Parsley
___ Bat: Baseball, Cricket, Fruit, Vampire


February 2024

Connections 262 - 29/02/2024
Propel Into The Air: Hop, Jump, Leap, Spring
Place to Store Valuables: Chest, Coffer, Safe, Vault
Perioid: Age, Day, Era, Time
Animals Backward: Drib, Flow, Reed, Tang

Connections 261 - 28/02/2024
Cheeses, Familiarly: American, Blue, Jack, Swiss
Track and Field Equipment: Hammer, Hurdle, Javelin, Pole
Kinds of Heels: Cuban, Kitten, Stiletto, Wedge
Double ___: Date, Dutch, Jeopardy, Space

Connections 260 - 27/02/2024
'80s Fashion Trends: Headband, Mullet, Neon, Spandex
Gymnastics Positions: Pike, Split, Straddle, Tuck
Kinds of Crackers: Animal, Goldfish, Oyster, Ritz
___ Ladder: Corporate, Rope, Salmon, Word

Connections 259 - 26/02/2024
Basic Tastes: Bitter, Salty, Sour, Sweet
Stand up to, As a Challenge: Brave, Confront, Face, Meet
ILK: Kind, Sort, Type, Variety
Art Movements, With -Ism: Expression, Manner, Romantic, Surreal

Connections 258 - 25/02/2024
Walk Heavily: Trudge, Stomp, Plod, Lumber
Flexible: Elastic, Limber, Plastic, Supple
Fencing Equipment: Foil, Glove, Jacket, Mask
Words Beginning With Instruments: Bassinet, Cellophane, Harpoon, Organism

Connections 257 - 24/02/2024
Parts Of Fruit You Might Not Eat: Core, Rind, Seed, Stem
Manufacturing Locations: Factory, Mill, Plant, Shop
Win + Letter: Wind, Wine, Wing, Wink
Weights In Boxing: Feather, Heavy, Light, Middle

Connections 256 - 23/02/2024
Procession: Caravan, Fleet, Parade, Train
Shades of Green: Forest, Lime, Mint, Olive
What 'Blue' Might Mean: Democratic, Erotic, Noble, Sad
Things with Spines: Book, Cactus, Hedgehog, Skeleton

Connections 255 - 22/02/2024
Dog Sounds: Bark, Growl, Howl, Whine
Department: Arm, Branch, Chapter, Wing
Origin: Cradle, Font, Root, Source
Colors With Their First Letters Changed: Clue, Frown, Mellow, Preen

Connections 254 - 21/02/2024
Pesters: Badgers, Bugs, Hounds, Nags
Tony Winners for Best Musical: Annie, Cabaret, Cats, Company
They have Keys: Computer, Piano, Super, Tests
School of ___: Fish, Hard Knocks, Rock, Thought

Connections 253 - 20/02/2024
Musical Sections: Brass, Rhythm, String, Wind
Party Pooper: Bore, Drag, Drip, Dud
Bit of Liquid: Bead, Drop, Glob, Tear
Vegetable Homophones: Beat, Charred, Leak, Pee

Connections 252 - 19/02/2024
Used In Building A Fire: Kindling, Log, Match, Tinder
Mess Up: Blow, Bumble, Fluff, Spoil
Workshop Tools: Drill, Grinder, Router, Saw
Parts Of A Door: Frame, Handle, Hinge, Lock

Connections 251 - 18/02/2024
Eat A Little: Graze, Nibble, Peck, Snack
Pursue: Hunt, Stalk, Track, Trail
Ingredients in Minestrone: Beans, Pasta, Stock, Vegetables
___ Cast: Broad, Fore, Pod, Type

Connections 250 - 17/02/2024
Bit Of Hair: Curl, Lock, Ringlet, Tress
Media Attention: Coverage, Exposure, Press, Publicity
Noun Suffixes: Dom, Ion, Ness, Ship
___ Circus: Media, Family, Flea, Flying

Connections 249 - 16/02/2024
Comfy Shoes: Croc, Loafer, Moccasin, Slipper
Programming Languages: Basic, Java, Python, Ruby
Things Made With Feathers: Boa, Headdress, Pillow, Shuttlecock
Things That Can Strike: Cobra, Inspiration, Lightning, Union

Connections 248 - 15/02/2024
Where You Might Find Sand: Beach, Desert, Hourglass, Playground
Follow Attentively: Monitor, Survey, Track, Watch
Oven Buttons: Bake, Broil, Light, Timer
Britpop Bands: Blur, Oasis, Pulp, Suede

Connections 247 - 14/02/2024
Touch Lightly: Brush, Graze, Kiss, Skim
Kinds Of Numbers: Odd, Perfect, Prime, Whole
Sauces In Chinese Cuisine: Oyster, Plum, Soy, XO
Bear ___: Claw, Fruit, Hug, Witness

Connections 246 - 13/02/2024
Grocery Store Aisles: Dairy, Frozen, Produce, Snack
Encourage, With "On": Egg, Goad, Spur, Urge
Spherical Foods: Jawbreaker, Meatball, Mozzarella, Orange
Go ___: Bananas, Figure, Fish, Steady

Connections 245 - 12/02/2024
Bad things for a video call to do: Drop, Echo, Freeze, Lag
Costumes with striped shirts: Mime, Prisoner, Referee, Sailor
Seen in "Alladin": Genie, Monkey, Parrot, Princess
Movies minus numbers: Apollo, Candles, Fantastic, Samurai

Connections 244 - 11/02/2024
Monotonous Sounds: Buzz, Drone, Hum, Purr
Boats: Barge, Dory, Scow, Sloop
Captains: Hook, American, Morgan, Nemo
Prefixes with -Cracy: Auto, Bureau, Demo, Pluto

Connections 243 - 10/02/2024
Stool Pigeon: Canary, Fink, Rat, Snitch
Cram into a tight Space: Jam, Pack, Squeeze, Stuff
Yoga Poses: Cat, Cow, Mountain, Triangle
___ Fly: Butter, Dragon, Fire, Horse

Connections 242 - 09/02/2024
Music Player Buttons: Rewind, Shuffle, Skip, Stop
Broadcast: Air, Run, Screen, Show
Things you can Draw: Bath, Card, Curtain, Picture
Number Anagrams: Eon, Ether, Net, Tow

Connections 241 - 08/02/2024
Archery Equipment: Arrow, Bow, Quiver, Target
Card Games: Bridge, Gin, Spit, War
Wallop: Belt, Clock, Deck, Slug
Classic Tattoos: Anchor, Dragon, Heart, Rose
Connections 240 - 07/02/2024
Basic two-dimensional Shapes: Circle, Diamond, Square, Triangle
Sea Creatures: Crab, Ray, Sponge, Squid
Boxing Maneuvers: Bob, Cross, Hook, Weave
Fancy___: Feast, Free, Pants, That
Connections 239 - 06/02/2024
Euphemisms for Flatulence: Gas, Stinker, Toot, Wind
Ostentatious, as an Outfit: Bright, Flashy, Garish, Loud
Kind of Blond: Dirty, Honey, Platinum, Strawberry
What "O" might Mean: Hug, OF, Oxygen, Zero
Connections 238 - 05/02/2024
Ecclesiastical Titles: Bishop, Cardinal, Pastor, Prior
"Give Me A Break": Brother, Lord, Please, Sheesh
Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Inductees: Heart, Madonna, Prince, Queen
City Homophones: Deli, Niece, Roam, Soul
Connections 237 - 04/02/2024
Unexciting: Boring, Dull, Mundane, Vanilla
Comedian's Performance: Act, Bit, Routine, Set
Drinks with Caffeine: Cocoa, Coffee, Mate, Tea
Martini Specifications: Dirty, Dry, Twist, Up
Connections 236 - 03/02/2024
Commercial Organization: Agency, Company, Enterprise, Firm
Farm Fixtures: Coop, Pen, Stable, Sty
Classic Dog Names: Fluffy, Rex, Rover, Spot
Colors Minus Their First Letters: Ink, Lack, Old, Range

Connections 235 - 02/02/2024
Time Off: Break, Holiday, Leave, Recess
Features of a Belt: Buckle, Hole, Loop, Strap
Homophones: Holey, Holi, Holy, Wholly
___ Wood: Dog, Drift, Holly, Sandal

Connections 234 - 01/02/2024
Muscular: Built, Jacked, Ripped, Swole
Make Shorter: Clip, Cut, Pare, Trim
Enthusiast: Buff, Fan, Lover, Nut
Wrinkly Things: Brain, Prune, Pug, Walnut


January 2024

Connections 233 - 31/01/2024
Booked For A Wedding: Band, Caterer, Florist, Officiant
Merriment: Cheer, Glee, Festivity, Mirth
Rhymes: Choir, Fire, Liar, Fryer
___ Pit: Barbecue, Orchestra, Snake, Tar

Connections 232 - 30/01/2024
Hit Hard: Bang, Hammer, Pound, Slam
Newspaper Names: Chronicle, Herald, Register, Sun
Crescent-Shaped Things: Banana, Croissant, Moon, Sickle
Power-Ups in Super Mario World: Feather, Flower, Mushroom, Star

Connections 232 - 29/01/2024
Do Some Marketing: Pitch, Plug, Promote, Push
Romantic Twosome: Couple, Item, Pair, Thing
Words with 'Fruit': Bread, Dragon, Jack, Passion
Tennis Scores: Ad, All, Deuce, Love

Connections 231 - 28/01/2024
Highest Point: Crest, Peak, Summit, Vertex
"Can I Get Your ___?" (Phone Info Request): Cell, Contact, Digits, Number
Modifiers Meaning "Small": Baby, Mini, Pocket, Toy
Inside a Scrabble Box: Bag, Board, Racks, Tiles

Connections 230 - 27/01/2024
Hurt: Ache, Burn, Smart, Sting
Look After: Guard, Mind, Tend, Watch
Sought After In "The Wizard of Oz": Brain, Courage, Heart, Home
Silent "W": Answer, Two, Wrist, Wrong

Connections 229 - 26/01/2024
Baseball Equipment: Ball, Base, Bat, Glove
Hard Hit: Blow, Lick, Sock, Strike
Original Monopoly Tokens: Boot, Iron, Thimble, Top Hat
___ Bunny: Bad, Bugs, Dust, Honey

Connections 228 - 25/01/2024
Pictograph: Character, Glyph, Icon, Symbol
Of-The-Moment: Big, Hot, In, Popular
Impose, As a Penalty: Assess, Charge, Fine, Levy
Word Beginnng with Body Parts: Handsome, Hippo, Legend, Lipid

Connections 227 - 24/01/2024
Parts of the Eye: Cone, Iris, Lens, Pupil
Smartphone Features Beginning with "C": Calculator, Clock, Calendar, Camera
Familial Nicknames: Dada, Grammy, Mum, Poppy
Words Pronounced Differently With Accent Marks: Expose, Pate, Resume, Rose

Connections 226 - 23/01/2024
Bring into Being: Coin, Create, Devise, Invent
Excellent: Fine, Prime, Quality, Sterling
Symbols above numbers on a Keyboard: At, Dollar, Percent, Pound
Pass The ___: Bar, Buck, Time, Torch

Connections 225 - 22/01/2024
Dental Terms: Cavity, Crown, Filling, Plaque
Year: Gap, Leap, Light, School
Rubber Stamp Words: Approved, Paid, Urgent, Void
Symbolic Rods: Baton, Scepter, Staff, Wand

Connections 224 - 21/01/2024
Parts of an airplane: Cabin, Engine, Nose, Wing
Rip off: Fleece, Hose, Rob, Stiff
Units of vegetables: Bulb, Ear, Head, Stalk
Things made of wax: Candle, Crayon, Honeycomb, Seal

Connections 223 - 20/01/2024
Decline: Dip, Drop, Fall, Sink
Move with Speed: Blaze, Fly, Race, Tear
Kinds of Dance: Modern, Salsa, Swing, Tap
Baby___: Boom, Carrot, Shower, Talk

Connections 222 - 19/01/2024
Sundae Toppings: Cherry, Fudge, Nuts, Sprinkles
Leave High and Dry: Desert, Ditch, Maroon, Strand
"Phooey!": Curses, Darn, Rats, Shoot
Words in Tongue Twisters: Fuzzy, Peppers, Seashells, Woodchuck

Connections 221 - 18/01/2024
Colors in Brazil's Flag: Blue, Green, White, Yellow
Foremost: Main, Paramount, Prime, Supreme
Show off: Grandstand, Peacock, Posture, Strut
___ Letter: Chain, Cover, Love, Scarlet

Connections 220 - 17/01/2024
Data set Data: Mean, Median, Mode, Range
Chemistry Terms: Base, Bond, Element, Solution
Adjective Intensifiers: Awful, Pretty, Rather, Real
Radio hall of fame Members: Glass, Gross, King, Stern

Connections 219 - 16/01/2024
Deceive: Con, Dupe, Fool, Trick
Inside Info: Dope, Scoop, Skinny, Word
Tilt to one Side: Cant, Lean, List, Slope
Words spelled with an Upside-Down Calculator: Boob, Eggshell, Giggle, Hello

Connections 218 - 15/01/2024
List Of Candidates: Ballot, Roster, Slate, Ticket
Protective Barrier: Buffer, Cushion, Pad, Shield
Medicine Formats: Capsule, Cream, Syrup, Tablet
Pea ___: Coat, Green, Pod, Soup

Connections 217 - 14/01/2024
Thieve: Pinch, Rob, Steal, Swipe
Things to Pay: Bill, Check, Invoice, Tab
Legwear, In the Singular: Jean, Pant, Short, Tight
Male Animals: Buck, Bull, Jack, Tom

Connections 216 - 13/01/2024
Credentials For Entry: Badge, Invite, Pass, Ticket
Preside Over: Chair, Direct, Lead, Run
American Football Positions: Center, End, Safety, Tackle
Postpone: Hold, Punt, Stall, Table

Connections 215 - 12/01/2024
Topic of Discussion: Issue, Matter, Point, Subject
Section of One's Life: Chapter, Period, Phase, Stage
Color Homophones: Blew, Choral, Read, Rows
Parts of a Car, Informally: Dash, Shock, Tank, Wheel

Connections 214 - 11/01/2024
States of Matter: Gas, Liquid, Plasma, Solid
All Timer: Great, Hero, Icon, Legend
"PH" Words that also work with "F": Phat, Phew, Philly, Phish
___ Pitch: Elevator, Fever, Perfect, Sales

Connections 213 - 10/01/2024
Bit of Magic: Charm, Curse, Hex, Spell
Found Aroumd A Fireplace: Flue, Grate, Log, Poker
Things Seen At A Casino: Cards, Chips, Dice, Slots
Ways To Prepare Cheese: Crumble, Melt, Shred, Slice

Connections 212 - 09/01/2024
Cleaning Supplies: Broom, Mop, Rag, Sponge
Things that make you Sneeze: Dust, Pepper, Pollen, Smoke
Elements of cooking, per samin Nosrat: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat
Titular Fictional Detectives: Magnum, Monk, Shaft, Tracy

Connections 211 - 08/01/2024
Shapes of Capital Greek Letters: Circle, Horseshoe, Pitchfork, Triangle
Long Skinny Objects: Pole, Rod, Staff, Stick
Seen on a Golf Course: Cart, Club, Hole, Tee
Things that are Orange: Basketball, Carrot, Goldfish, Pumpkin

Connections 210 - 07/01/2024
Tech Companies: Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, Apple
Something Exemplary: Beauty, Gem, Marvel, Peach
Kinds Of Exams: Bar, Final, Oral, Physical
___ Tooth: Baby, Eye, Sweet, Wisdom

Connections 209 - 06/01/2024
Strong Smell: Funk, Musk, Odor, Tang
Move Back And Forth: Rock, Sway, Swing, Wave
Things To Pick: Afro, Bone, Fight, Lock
___ Ball: Crystal, Disco, Foul, Gutter

Connections 208 - 05/01/2024
Apex: Height, Max, Peak, Top
Playfully Bother: Josh, Kid, Rib, Tease
Words for Specific Quantities: Dozen, Gross, Pair, Score
What "X" Might Mean: Adult, Kiss, Ten, Times

Connections 207 - 04/01/2024
Cool, In Slag: Fire, Lit, Sick, Tight
Gift-Giving Accessories: Bow, Box, Card, Wrapping
Dating App Actions: Block, Match, Message, Swipe
Lucky ___: Break, Charm, Duck, Strike

Connections 206 - 03/01/2024
Select, As A Box On A Form: Check, Mark, Tick, X
Move Through The Air: Float, Fly, Glide, Soar
Hidden Listening Devices: Bug, Mike, Tap, Wire
Rappers Minus First Letter: 40, Cole, Pain, Tip

Connections 205 - 02/01/2024
B.L.T Ingredients: Bread, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato
Obstruct: Block, Clog, Jam, Stop
Baseball Stats: Double, Hit, Run, Walk
Small ___: Fry, Talk, Wonder, World

Connections 204 - 01/01/2024
Gardening Nouns/Verbs: Plant, Seed, Water, Weed
Kinds of Salad: Caesar, Greek, Green, Wedge
Classic Game Shows, Familiarly: Feud, Pyramid, Wheel, Millionaire
W+ Vowel Sound: Way, Wee, Why, Whoa


December 2023

Connections 203 - 31/12/2023
Organization: Club, Group, Party, Team
Sharpness, As Of An Image: Clarity, Definition, Detail, Resolution
Places In France: Champagne, Dijon, Nice, Tours
Happy New Year!: Ball, Countdown, Fireworks, Kiss

Connections 202 - 30/12/2023
Black-and-White Animals: Orca, Skunk, Panda, Zebra
Sequence: Chain, Series, String, Train
Heteronyms: Bass, Dove, Desert, Wind
___ Trap: Bear, Sand, Speed, Tourist

Connections 201 - 29/12/2023
Shirts: Crop, Polo, Tank, Tee
Cool, In '80s Slang: Bad, Fly, Fresh, Rad
Letter Spellings: Bee, Ex, Gee, Jay
___ George: Boy, By, Curious, Saint

Connections 200 - 28/12/2023
Parts of a Car: Bumper, Hood, Tire, Trunk
Move Quickly: Bolt, Dash, Dart, Zip
Birds: Cardinal, Jay, Swift, Lark
Jazz Legends: Hancock, Holiday, Monk, Parker

Connections 199 - 27/12/2023
Art Mediums: Charcoal, Ink, Paint, Pastel
Name Prefixes: Gen, Ms, Prof, Rev
Indication of Things to Come: Message, Omen. Sign, Warning
___ Pepper: Bell, Black, Dr, Ghost

Connections 198 - 26/12/2023
Road Names: Alley, Drive, Lane, Street
Paper In A Book: Folio, Leaf, Page, Sheet
Restrain: Check, Curb, Limit, Stem
Things You Can Do To Your Nose: Blow, Hold, Pick, Thumb

Connections 197 - 25/12/2023
Darling: Baby, Boo, Dear, Love
Basic Geometric Objects: Line, Point, Ray, Segment
Oomph: Energy, Fire, Juice, Zip
Secret ___: Agent, Code, Santa, Sauce

Connections 196 - 24/12/2023
Gentle: Light, Mellow, Mild, Soft
Cuts Of Pork: Belly, Chop, Hock, Shoulder
Statue Of Liberty Features: Crown, Robe, Rablet, Torch
Things To Blow On For Wishes/Luck: Candle, Dandelion, Dice, Eyelash

Connections 195 - 23/12/2023
Means Of Transportation: Boat, Car, Plane, Train
Willing To Participate: Down, Game, In, On Board
Little Bit, In A Recipe: Dash, Drop, Pinch, Splash
___ Berry: Blue, Goose, Rasp, Straw

Connections 194 - 22/12/2023
Classic Halloween Costumes: Angel, Clown, Pirate, Witch
Bee Creations: Comb, Hive, Honey, Wax
Interval Of Time: Period, Spell, Stretch, While
Animal Homophones: Dear, Hair, Hoarse, Wail

Connections 193 - 21/12/2023
Seen In A Laundry Room: Dryer, Hamper, Iron, Washer
Shepherd: Direct, Guide, Lead, Steer
___ Valley: Death, Hidden, Silicon, Uncanny
What "I" Might Mean: Iodine, Iota, Myself, One

Connections 192 - 20/12/2023
Contact Via Phone: Buzz, Call, Dial, Ring
Wee: Dinky, Little, Minute, Slight
Book Sections: Appendix, Chapter, Index, Preface
Cartoon Mice: Itchy, Jerry, Pinky, Speedy

Connections 191 - 19/12/2023
Accessories: Belt, Bracelet, Tie, Watch
Comedian's Output: Bit, Joke, Routine, Sketch
Attraction: Appeal, Charm, Draw, Pull
Two Letters + Number: Canine, Freight, Often, Stone

Connections 190 - 18/12/2023
Brief Moment: Flash, Jiffy, Second, Wink
Primary: Chief, First, Main, Principal
Avenues In N.Y.C: Broadway, Fifth, Madison, Park
___ Hour: Amateur, Eleventh, Happy, Rush

Connections 189 - 17/12/2023
Reserve For Later: Bank, Save, Stash, Store
Used To Build A Snowman: Carrot, Coal, Snow, Sticks
Boldness, Figuratively: Gall, Guts, Nerve, Stones
Funny ___: Bone, Business, Girl, Pages
Connections 188 - 16/12/2023
Farm Tools: Hoe, Plow, Rake, Sickle
Onomatopoeia: Bang, Plop, Splash, Thud
Scheme: Plot, Ploy, Ruse, Trick
Make Happy: Amuse, Delight, Please, Tickle
Connections 187 - 15/12/2023
Get Low: Crouch, Duck, Squat, Stoop
Curmudgeon: Crab, Crank, Grouch, Grump
National Symbols: Anthem, Flag, Motto, Seal
Swindler: Cheat, Crook, Quack, Shark
Connections 186 - 14/12/2023
Sports Venues: Arena, Bowl, Dome, Field
Pester: Badger, Bug, Hound, Nag
Separate: Divide, Fork, Part, Split
Silver ___: Fox, Spoon, Lining, Screen
Connections 185 - 13/12/2023
Golf Course Parts: Bunker, Fairway, Green, Rough
"I Give!": Enough, Mercy, Stop, Uncle
Indecent: Bawdy, Blue, Coarse, Risque
"-Ough" Words That Don't Rhyme: Bough, Cough, Dough, Tough
Connections 184 - 12/12/2023
Murky Condition: Cloud, Fog, Haze, Mist
Follow: Shadow, Tail, Track, Trail
Pinball Machine Components: Ball, Bumper, Flipper, Plunger
___Land Countries: Ice, Ire, Fin, Nether
Connections 183 - 11/12/2023
Luxurious Fabrics: Chiffon, Satin, Silk, Velvet
Shoe Parts: Eyelet, Lace, Sole, Tongue
Come Down To Rest: Perch, Roost, Settle, Land
Things That Are Delivered: Baby, Blow, Package, Speech
Connections 182 - 10/12/2023
Wrap Around in a Circle: Coil, Spiral, Twist, Wind
Jump into the Air: Bound, Leap, Spring, Vault
Parts of a River: Bank, Bed, Delta, Mouth
Something easy to do: Breeze, Cinch, Picnic, Snap
Connections 181 - 09/12/2023
Hardware Fasteners: Bolt, Nail, Rivet, Screw
Ice Cream Treats: Float, Shake, Split, Sundae
Kinds of Cooking Oil: Corn, Olive, Palm, Peanut
Sticky ___: Fingers, Note, Rice, Wicket
Connections 180 - 08/12/2023
Decline: Ebb, Fade, Flag, Wane
Absolute: Pure, Sheer, Total, Utter
Express: Air, Speak, Voice, State
Superhero Last Names: Banner, Prince, Stark, Wayne
Connections 179 - 07/12/2023
In The NATO Alphabet: Alfa, Bravo, Romeo, Tango
State Abbreviations: Hi, La, Ma, Ok
Cable Channels: Bet, E, Hallmark, USA
___ - ___: Boo, Pom, Tom, Yo
Connections 178 - 06/12/2023
Found On Sheet Music: Clef, Note, Rest, Staff
Zodiac Symbols: Bull, Crab, Scales, Twins
Record Labels: Capitol, Columbia, Virgin, Island
Zodiac Sign Beginnings: Can, Gem, Lib, Tau
Connections 177 - 05/12/2023
Enormous: Big, Giant, Great, Huge
Bookstore Sections: Fiction, Humour, Poetry, Travel
TV Shows with Happy-Sounding Names: Cheers, Euphoria, Felicity, Glee
___ Crane: Construction, Frasier, Paper, Whooping
Connections 176 - 04/12/2023
Unit of Bread: Baguette, Bun, Loaf, Roll
Small Imperfection: Chip, Mark, Nick, Scratch
Assure, As a Win: Clinch, Guarentee, Lock, Secure
Head of ___: Hair, Lettuce, State, Steam
Connections 175 - 03/12/2023
Monthly Bills: Cable, Electric, Gas, Water
Related To Sound/Hearing: Acoustic, Auditory, Heard, Sonic
Connect: Couple, Hitch, Link, Tie
Excite, With "Up": Amp, Fire, Hype, Pump
Connections 174 - 02/12/2023
Containers: Basket, Bin, Chest, Hamper
Circular Shapes: Band, Circle, Hoop, Ring
Restrict: Cap, Check, Curb, Limit
___ Jam: NBA, Paper, Pearl, Traffic
Connections 173 - 01/12/2023
Places to Shop: Mall, Market, Outlet, Store
Ways to Remove Hair: Shave, Thread, Tweeze, Wax
Portion of Profit: Cut, Piece, Share, Take
Kinds of Wrenches: Allen, Crescent, Monkey, Socket


November 2023

Connections 172 - 30/11/2023
Avoid: Dodge, Duck, Escape, Skirt
Hitchcock Movies: Birds, Notorious, Rebecca, Rope
Sidekicks: Goose, Hobbes, Robin, Watson
___ Cheese: Cottage, Cream, Say, String
Connections 171 - 29/11/2023
Musical Instruments: Bass, Harp, Horn, Organ
Dog Commands: Come, Down, Sit, Stay
Foot Parts: Arch, Ball, Sole, Toe
Baddie: Dog, Heel, Jerk, Snake
Connections 170 - 28/11/2023
Rooms in a House: Bedroom, Den, Kitchen, Study
Land Surrounded by Water: Atoll, Bar, Island, Key
Fill to Excess: Cram, Jam, Pack, Stuff
Bean ___: Bag, Counter, Dip, Sprout
Connections 169 - 27/11/2023
Carry A Tune: Hum, Sing, Scat, Whistle
Whole Amount: Count, Gross, Sum, Total
Mojito Ingredients: Lime, Mint, Rum, Soda
Things That Are "Sticky": Glue, Gum, Tape, Stick
Connections 168 - 26/11/2023
Municipalities: City, County, Town, Village
Financial Terms: Capital, Equity, Interest, Stock
Blender Buttons: Chop, Grind, Pulse, Puree
___ League: Ivy, Justice, Little, Premier
Connections 167 - 25/11/2023
Secluded: Hidden, Private, Remote, Secret
Aggregate Size: Amount, Number, Quantity, Volume
Bodies of Water: Canal, Channel, Sound, Strait
Reads the same Rotated 180°: 96, Mow, Noon, Sis
Connections 166 - 24/11/2023
Car Brands: Fiat, Jaguar, Mini, Ram
Criticize: Knock, Pan, Roast, Slam
Reality Shows: Alone, Catfish, Chopped, Survivor
___ Pad: Bachelor, Lily, Maxi, Mouse
Connections 165 - 23/11/2023
Countries With Red and White Flags: Japan, Poland, Tunisia, Turkey
N.B.A Greats: Bird, Curry, James, Jordan
Foods With Crusts: Pasty, Pie, Tart, Turnover
Ending In A Silent "T": Bouquet, Parfait, Ragout, Rapport
Connections 164 - 22/11/2023
Areas Between Mountains And Hills: Canyon, Gulch, Pass, Ravine
Eat Voraciously: Gorge, Gulp, Scarf, Wolf
Featured in 'Snow White': Apple, Bashful, Mirror, Queen
'C' + Bird: Chen, Clark, Cowl, Craven
Connections 163 - 21/11/2023
Types of Teeth: Canine, Fang, Molar, Tusk
Things That Suck: Leech, Straw, Vacuum, Vampire
Fashionable: Chic, Hip, Hot, In
Dance Moves: Floss, Robot, Vogue, Worm
Connections 162 - 20/11/2023
Primates: Baboon, Bonobo, Gibbon, Gorilla
Religious Figures: Cardinal, Lama, Monk, Pastor
Chutney Varieties: Mango, Mint, Tamarind, Tomato
Imitate: Ape, Mime, Mirror, Parrot
Connections 161 - 19/11/2023
Walk: March, Step, Stride, Tread
Onset: Birth, Creation, Dawn, Start
Venerable: August, Grand, Noble, Regal
___ Day Holidays: Earth, Groundhog, Labor, May
Connections 160 - 18/11/2023
Quick Peek: Gander, Glance, Glimpse, Look
Homophones: Peak, Peek, Peke, Pique
Deceit: Act, Bluff, Charade, Front
Parts of a Mountain: Cliff, Crag, Ledge, Ridge
Connections 159 - 17/11/2023
Bodyweight Exercises: Dips, Lunges, Planks, Squats
Email Sign-Offs: Best, Cheers, Regards, Thanks
Elizabeths (And One Elisabeth): Banks, Moss, Taylor, Warren
M.L.B Teams, for Short: Cards, Jays, Nats, Yanks
Connections 158 - 16/11/2023
Balderdash: Bull, Hogwash, Nonsense, Rot
Helm: Direct, Guide, Lead, Steer
Single/Plural Animals: Buffalo, Deer, Fish, Moose
Great: Dane, Lake, Seal, White
Connections 157 - 15/11/2023
Homophones: Oui, We, Wee, Wii
"Yes" in Different Languages: Hai, Ja, Si, Da
"Gross!": Ew, Ick, Pu, Ugh
Magazines: O, Ok, US, W
Connections 156 - 14/11/2023
Bit of Vocal Fanfare: Behold, Presto, Tada, Voila
Basic Emotions: Anger, Fear, Happiness, Surprise
Obtain: Get, Land, Secure, Win
___ Ant: Adam, Carpenter, Fire, Red
Connections 155 - 13/11/2023
Unit of Language: Letter, Paragraph, Sentence, Word
Trademark: Feature, Hallmark, Stamp, Trait
Funny Person: Card, Clown, Cutup, Joker
Things With Leaves: Book, Table, Tea, Tree
Connections 154 - 12/11/2023
Car Companies: BMW, Honda, Jaguar, Subaru
Presidents: Ford, Grant, Lincoln, Wilson
Sports Professionals: Coach, GM, Player, Scout
Common Prefixes: Auto, Post, Semi, SUB
Connections 153 - 11/11/2023
Sparse/Lacking: Light, Short, Spare, Thin
Fun Time: Ball, Blast, Kick, Riot
Filmmaking Equipment: Boom, Dolly, Lens, Tripod
"Get a ___!": Clue, Grip, Life, Room
Connections 152 - 10/11/2023
Spices: Anise, Dill, Nutmeg, Sage
Intelligent: Bright, Quick, Sharp, Smart
Deodorants: Axe, Degree, Old Spice, Secret
Medieval Weapons: Club, Mace, Spear, Sword
Connections 151 - 09/11/2023
Doctors' Orders: Diet, Excercise, Fresh Air, Sleep
Email Actions: Compose, Forward, Reply All, Send
Podcasts: Radiolab, Serial, Up First, WTF
___ Comedy: Black, Divine, Prop, Sketch
Connections 150 - 08/11/2023
Brought to the beach: Flip-Flop, Sunscreen, Towel, Umbrella
Second words of vodka cocktails: Breeze, Mary, Mule, Russian
Types of french fries: Curly, Shoestring, Waffle, Wedge
Equivocate: Hedge, See-saw, Waver, Yo-yo
Connections 149 - 07/11/2023
Digital Notifcation Sounds: Chime, Ding, Ping, Ring
Group Within a Group: Camp, Division, Faction, Wing
Tattle: Rat, Sing, Snitch, Squel
Microsoft Products: Bing, Edge, Surface, Word
Connections 148 - 06/11/2023
Investments: Bond, CD, Option, Stock
Terms for records: LP, Platter, Vinyl, Wax
Cube-shaped: Bouillon, Die, Ice, Sugar
Words that go with "Bone": Funny, Herring, Soup, Wish
Connections 147 - 05/11/2023
Unchanging: Even, Level, Stable, Steady
Long, sharp objects: Lance, Pin, Skewer, Spit
Music publications: Billboard, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, Spin
Words with numerical prefixes: Uniform, Bicycle, Trilogy, Quadrant
Connections 146 - 04/11/2023
Ways to prepare: Drill, Practice, Study, Train
Hollow Cylinders: Hose, Pipe, Straw, Tube
Weapons in the game clue: Candlestick, Knife, Rope, Wrench
"E-"Things: Cigarette, Bike, Ticket, Sports
Connections 145 - 03/11/2023
Nevertheless: However, Still, Though, Yet
Repeated Words In Expressions: Hear, Knock, There, Tut
Words Abbreviated With Letters: Are, See, Why, You
Royal ___: Family, Flush, Jelly, We
Connections 144 - 02/11/2023
Ignite: Burn, Kindle, Light, Torch
Information: Data, Info, Intel, News
Small Wooded Area: Dell, Glen, Hollow, Valley
Things with Cores: Apple, Computer, Planet, Reactor
Connections 143 - 01/11/2023
Social Media Actions: Follow, Like, Share, Subscribe
Use A Needle And Thread: Darn, Hem, Sew, Seam
Shows Set In Hospitals: ER, House, Ratched, Scrubs
Expressions Of Hesitation: Erm, Uh, Um, Well


October 2023

Connections 142 - 31/10/2023
Flowers: Daisy, Rose, Tulip, Violet
Seen on a Farm: Barn, Chicken, Farmer, Tractor
Horror Directors: Aster, Carpenter, Craven, Wan
___ Jacket: Dust, Life, Sports, Yellow
Connections 141 - 30/10/2023
Bird Features: Beak, Feather, Talon, Wing
Blink of an Eye: Flash, Heartbeat, Second, Wink
Mahjong Tiles: Bamboo, Dragon, Season, Wind
___ Button: Belly, Hot, Panic, Snooze
Connections 140 - 29/10/2023
Mishmash: Hash, Jumble, Medley, Stew
Go Up Against: Challenge, Confront, Face, Oppose
Group Of Offspring: Brood, Clutch, Hatch, Litter
Guitar Parts: Body, Bridge, Fret, Neck
Connections 139 - 28/10/2023
Senses: Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch
Appearance: Dress, Look, Manner, Style
"Agree!": Ditto, Likewise, Same, Second
___ Moon: Blue, Harvest, New, Sailor
Connections 138 - 27/10/2023
Metal Elements: Copper, Gold, Nickel, Silver
Shameless Boldness: Brass, Cheek, Gall, Nerve
W.N.B.A. Teams: Mercury, Sky, Sparks, Liberty
Things With Trunks: Cars, Elephants, Swimmers, Trees
Connections 137 - 26/10/2023
Increase: Build, Grow, Swell, Mount
Excellent, in old Slang: Aces, Keen, Neato, Nifty
Fine Bubbles: Foam, Froth, Head, Leather
Spherical Things: Bubble, Globe, Marble, Pearl
Connections 136 - 25/10/2023
Grammar Tense Terms: Future, Past, Perfect, Present
"Gracious Me!": Goodness, Heavens, Lord, Mercy
12 Days Of Christmas: Drummer, Lady, Ring, Swan
___ Syrup: Corn, Cough, Maple, Simple
Connections 135 - 24/10/2023
Animal Groups: Colony, Herd, Pride, School
Small Opening: Cranny, Niche, Nook, Recess
Paradigmatic: Classic, Definitive, Model, Textbook
Rhyming Compound Words: Backpack, Bigwig, Downtown, Ragtag
Connections 134 - 23/10/2023
Impel: Drive. Inspire, Motivate, Spur
Romantic Beginnings: Connection, Feelings, Spark, Vibe
Cell Phone Modes: Focus, Ring, Silent, Vibrate
Hard ___: Candy, Copy, Knocks, Seltzer
Connections 133 - 22/10/2023
Relax: Chill, Hang, Loaf, Lounge
Catchy Song: Banger, Bop, Groove, Jam
British Cuisine: Mash, Roast, Scone, Trifle
Sticky Situation: Bind, Pickle, Scrape, Spot
Connections 132 - 21/10/2023
Tableware: Bowl, Dish, Plate, Saucer
Nonsense: Baloney, Bunk, Crock, Tripe
Bra Parts: Cup, Hook, Strap, Wire
Acronyms: Laser, Radar, Scuba, Spam
Connections 131 - 20/10/2023
Animal Homes: Den, Hive, Lair, Nest
Virtual Spaces: Cloud, Metaverse, Net, Web
Equitable: Equal, Even, Fair, Just
___ Burger: Good, Impossible, Nothing, Warren
Connections 130 - 19/10/2023
Falsify: Fabricate, Fake, Fix, Forge
Mild Oaths: Fiddlesticks, Fie, Frick, Fudge
TV Shows: Fargo, Firefly, Fleabag, Flipper
Fast ___: Fashion, Food, Forward, Friends
Connections 129 - 18/10/2023
Something Tiresome: Bore, Drag, Snooze, Yawn
Bit of Wind: Breeze, Draft, Gust, Puff
Piquancy: Bite, Kick, Tang, Zip
Singular of Things seen in Paris: Boxer, Goggle, Pant, Tong
Connections 128 - 17/10/2023
Taunts: Boo, Hiss, Jeer, Raspberry
Failure: Bomb, Dud, Flop, Lemon
Rudely Break off Contact: Desert, Ghost, Ignore, Jilt
Rock ___: Bottom, Candy, Garden, Star
Connections 127 - 16/10/2023
Go Bad: Rot, Sour, Spoil, Turn
'The Addams Family" Characters: Fester, Lurch, Thing, Wednesday
Days of the Week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday
Fat ___: Cat, Chance, Lip, Tuesday
Connections 126 - 15/10/2023
Tools: File, Hammer, Level, Saw
Pull: Jerk, Tug, Wrench, Yank
Shortcut Commands: Copy, Find, Print, Save
Title Movie Animals: Babe, Beethoven, Charlotte, Willy
Connections 125 - 14/10/2023
Butt: Bottom, Buns, Seat, Tail
Rotary Phone Parts: Cord, Cradle, Dial, Handset
Slang For Home: Crib, Digs, Joint, Pad
Plunder: Booty, Loot, Spoils, Swag
Connections 124 - 13/10/2023
Beans: Fava, Kidney, Lima, Pinto
Cities Beginning With "L": Lagos, Limerick, Lincoln, Luxor
Poetry Terms: Line, Meter, Rhyme, Verse
The(E)___ Rappers: Creator, Dude, Rapper, Stallion
Connections 123 - 12/10/2023
Conceal: Block, Cover, Hide, Mask
Parts of a Watch: Crown, Dial, Hand, Strap
Wonder Woman's Costume: Lasso, Shield, Sword, Tiara
Things That Can Run: Candidate, Faucet, Mascara, Nose
Connections 122 - 11/10/2023
Film Set Directives: Action, Camera, Cut, Lights
Conditional Words: Can, Could, May, Might
Foremost: Head, Lead, Prime, Top
___ Paper: Butcher, Scrap, Toilet, Wax
Connections 121 - 10/10/2023
Origin: Genesis, Germ, Seed, Source
Bible Book: Acts, Job, Kings, Mark
N.H.L. Teams: Flames, Kraken, Stars, Wild
Power ___: Nap, Plant, Ranger, Trip
Connections 120 - 09/10/2023
Crops: Corn, Cucumber, Pepper, Tomato
Slang For Head: Crown, Dome, Melon, Noodle
Song: Cut, Number, Single, Track
Things That Whistle: Bird, Kettle, Referee, Train
Connections 119 - 08/10/2023
Phone Connectivity: Bars, Reception, Service, Signal
Celebratory Occasions: Anniversary, Birthday, Shower, Wedding
Cities and Towns in England: Bath, Derby, Reading, Sandwich
__ Opera: Comic, Met, Rock and Soap.
Connections 118 - 07/10/2023
Rhymes: Darren, Karen, Sharon, Aaron
Natural Features: Dale, Brook, Savanna, Cliff
Past Tense Verbs: Drew, Rose, Will, May
Palindromes: Eve, Hannah, Otto, Natan
Connections 117 - 06/10/2023
Laughter, In A Text: Dead, Haha, LOL, ROFL
Art Movements: Dada, Deco, Gothic, Pop
"Peter Pan" Characters: Hook, Nana, Peter, Wendy
Lady ___: Bird, Gaga, Luck, Macbeth
Connections 116 - 05/10/2023
Division: Arm, Branch, Chapter, Wing
Imperial Units: Bushel, Peck, Stone, Ton
M.L.B Team Member: Angel, Cub, Met, Red
Insect Homophones: Aunt, Beatle, Flee, Nat
Connections 115 - 04/10/2023
Christmas-Related: Mistletoe, Reindeer, Snowman, Stocking
Make Public: Display, Exhibit, Present, Show
Torus-Shaped Food: Bagel, Cheerio, Donut, Lifesaver
Things with Stripes: Candy Cane, Crosswalk, Referee, Tiger
Connections 114 - 03/10/2023
Long-Haired Animals: Afghan, Alpaca, Angora, Yak
Prattle On: Blather, Chat, Jabber, Gab
Sneaker Brands: Converse, Jordan, Puma, Vans
___ Balloon: Lead, Speech, Trial, Water
Connections 113 - 02/10/2023
Ways to show respect: Bow, Kneel, Salute, Stand
IPhone Apps: Clock, Mail, Maps, Notes
Animal Coverings: Down, Fur, Scales, Shell
"Pointers": Arrow, Dog, Finger, Hint
Connections 112 - 01/10/2023
Coffee Counter Items: Cup, Lid, Stirrer, Straw
Nocturnal Animals: Bat, Moth, Owl, Wolf
Things That Are Red: Beet, Brick, Cardinal, Poppy
___ Figure: Action, Ballpark, Go, Stick


September 2023

Connections 111 - 30/09/2023
Playing Card Suits: Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade
Gold Clubs: Iron, Putter, Wedge, Wood
Yearn: Ache, Long, Pine, Thirst
Insufficient: Low, Short, Shy, Wanting
Connections 110 - 29/09/2023
Very Important: Central, Critical, Key, Vital
Recycling Caregories: Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic
Hudsons: Henry, Jennifer, Kate, Rock
What "Beat" May Mean: Assignment, Defeat, Tempo, Tired
Connections 109 - 28/09/2023
Reflect Light: Flash, Gleam, Glitter, Sparkle
Ways to Gather Food: Fish, Forage, Hunt, Trap
Rap Subgenres: Bounce, Crunk, Drill, Grime
Light ___: Beer, Bulb, Rail, Year
Connections 108 - 27/09/2023
Produced By Trees: Acorn, Cone, Pollen, Sap
Candy Store Treats: Chocolate, Gum, Licorice, Lollipop
Target of a Scheme: Chump, Fool, Mark, Sucker
Things with Eye(S):
Face, Hurricane, Needle, Potato
Connections 107 - 26/09/2023
Snakes: Boa, Mamba, Python, Viper
Lingerie: Garter, Slip, Teddy, Thong
Summary: Abstract, Brief, Digest, Rundown
Full ___: Circle, House, Monty, Moon
Connections 106 - 25/09/2023
Bridal Accessories: Bouquet, Ring, Train, Veil
"C" Words For "Envelop": Cake, Coat, Cover, Crust
Jacks: Black, Frost, Ma, Sparrow
Social Media App Endings: Book, Gram, In, Tube
Connections 105 - 24/09/2023
Vertebraes: Bird, Fish, Mammal, Reptile
Kitchen Utensils: Grater, Ladle, Peeler, Whisk
Super Mario-related: Dinosaur, Mushroom, Plumber, Princess
Sitcom Families: Bunker, Cleaver, Partridge, Tanner
Connections 104 - 23/09/2023
Water Sources: Fountain, Spring, Tap, Well
Robust: Fit, Healthy, Sound, Strong
Decline: Dip, Drop, Fall, Sink
Women Singers: Keys, Nicks, Summer, Swift
Connections 103 - 22/09/2023
Soda Fountain Orders: Float, Malt, Shake, Sundae
Set, As Plans: Concrete, Firm, Solid, Tangible
M. Night Shyamalan Movies: Glass, Old, Signs, Split
___ Board: Dash, Hover, Key, Star
Connections 102 - 21/09/2023
Restaurant Workers: Bartender, Chef, Host, Server
Motor Vehicles: Bus, Car, Motorcycle, Truck
Muppets: Animal, Beaker, Gonzo, Scooter
Hand-And Foot-Related Slang: Digit, Dog, Mitt, Piggy
Connections 101 - 20/09/2023
Number Homophones: Ate, For, Too, Won
Replacement: Backup, Copy, Extra, Spare
Bowling: Alley, Ball, Lane, Pin
Common Merch Items: Mug, Pen, Tee, Tote
Connections 100 - 19/09/2023
Shirt Features: Button, Collar, Cuff, Pocket
Web Browser-related: Bookmark, History, Tab, Window
Connection: Bond, Link, Relation, Tie
Dirty ___: Dozen, Joke, Laundry, Martini
Connections 99 - 18/09/2023
Intelligent: Bright, Clever, Quick, Sharp
Airlines: Alaska, Frontier, Southwest, Spirit
Western Tropes: Cowboy, Drifter, Outlaw, Sheriff
TV Show Title Surnames: Lasso, Mars, Rogers, Smart
Connections 98 - 17/09/2023
Fruits: Apricot, Fig, Grape, Lime
Luxurious: Deluxe, Grand, Lavish, Opulent
Best Actress Oscar Winners: Berry, Foster, Stone, Swank
What "Green" Might Mean: Envious, Fresh, Naive, Unwell
Connections 97 - 16/09/2023
Fairy Tale Figures: Giant, Princess, Witch, Wolf
Chess Terms: Bishop, Mate, Gambit, Queen
"Peanuts" Characters: Charlie, Peppermint Patty, Pigpen, Woodstock
I Love ___: Lucy, New York, Rock 'N Roll, You
Connections 96 - 15/09/2023
Bovids: Buffalo, Cow, Goat, Sheep
Emit Light: Beam, Glow, Radiate, Shine
Gymnastics Apparatus: Floor, Horse, Rings, Vault
Words That Sound Like Two Letters: Cutie, Envy, Excel, Seedy
Connections 95 - 14/09/2023
Eye Parts: Iris, Lens, Pupil, Retina
Counterfeit: Bogus, Fake, Phony, Sham
Radio Lingo: Copy, Out, Over, Roger
Songs That Are Names: Alejandro, Lola, Michelle, Stan
Connections 94 - 13/09/2023
"Skedaddle!": Get Out. Go, Leave, Scram
Pronouns: Me, Them, Us, You
Anagrams: Nope, Open, Peon, Pone
___ Baby: Beanie, Fur, Nepo, Santa
Connections 93 - 12/09/2023
Hot Drinks: Chai, Cocoa, Coffee, Tea
Animal Sounds: Buzz, Cluck, Meow, Oink
Tree Features: Bark, Branch, Root, Trunk
Inside Info: Dirt, Dish, Scoop, Skinny
Connections 92 - 11/09/2023
Halloween Decorations: Bat, Cobweb, Pumpkin, Tombstone
TV Shows: 24, Bones, Firefly, Weeds
Slot Machine Symbols: 7, Bar, Bell, Cherry
Numbers In Book Titles: 22, 451, 2001, 20,000
Connections 91 - 10/09/2023
Amazon Animals: Anaconda, Capybara, Jaguar, Toucan
Lowest Point: Base, Bottom, Foot, Foundation
Musicals: Company, Grease, Hair, Rent
Sea ___: Change, Cucumber, Legs, Lion
Connections 90 - 09/09/2023
Heat Sources: Forge, Furnace, Kiln, Oven
Baseball Calls: Ball, Out, Safe, Strike
Fish That Are Verbs: Carp, Catfish, Flounder, Smelt
Silent "L": Colonel, Salmon, Walk, Yolk
Connections 89 - 08/09/2023
Inherent Nature: Essence, Heart, Spirit, Soul
Fermented Alcoholic Beverages: Cider, Port, Sake, Stout
Pixar Movies: Brave, Cars, Coco, Up
___ Tape: Demo, Red, Scotch, Ticker
Connections 88 - 07/09/2023
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Horror, Picture, Rocky, Show
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Framed, Rabbit, Roger, Who
When Harry Met Sally: Harry, Met. Sally, When
Mad Max Fury Road: Fury, Mad, Max, Road
Connections 87 - 06/09/2023
Creatures in Folklore: Gnome, Goblin, Ogre, Troll
Flower Parts: Bud, Leaf, Petal, Stalk
One Involved In Espionage: Agent, Mole, Plant, Spy
Chinese Zodiac Animals: Dragon, Horse, Rabbit, Tiger
Connections 86 - 05/09/2023
Thanksgiving Food: Gravy, Pie, Stuffing, Turkey
Information Displays: Chart, Diagram, Graph, Map
Additions Benefit: Bonus, Extra, Icing, Perk
Song Titles With Parenthesis: I Ran, Istanbul, Montero, Satisifaction
Connections 85 - 04/09/2023
Painting Accessories: Brush, Canvas, Easel, Palette
Automatic Transmission Settings: Drive, Neutral, Park, Reverse
Things With Teeth: Comb, Gear, Saw, Zipper
___ Chair: Easy, First, High, Lawn
Connections 84 - 03/09/2023
Homophones: Ewe, U, Yew, You
Female Animals: Cow, Doe, Hen, Mare
Pronouns: I, It, They, We
Roman Numerals: D, L, M, V
Connections 83 - 02/09/2023
AU Natural: Bare, Naked, Nude, Unclad
Baked Goods: Bun, Danish, Muffin, Turnover
American Football Actions: Fumble, Punt, Sack, Snap
Manicure Steps: Buff, Clip, File, Polish
Connections 82 - 01/09/2023
Woodwinds: Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Saxophone
Consecutive Double Letters: Balloon, Bassoon, Coffee, Fricassee
American Poets: Bishop, Frost, Olds, Pound
Drink Vessels: Goblet, Snifter, Tumbler, Stein


August 2023

Connections 81 - 31/08/2023
Appetizer Unit: Fry, Nacho, Popper, Wing
Response To A Correct Answer: Bingo, Correct, Right, Yes
Mar: Chip, Ding, Nick, Scratch
___ Jack: Apple, Cracker, Flap, Lumber
Connections 80 - 30/08/2023
Playground Fixtures: Sandbox, Seesaw, Slide, Swing
Influence: Clout, Pull, Sway, Weight
Egyptian Symbols: Ankh, Crook, Eye, Scarab
Fonts: Courier, Impact, Papyrus, Times
Connections 79 - 29/08/2023
Depart Quickly: Book, Bounce, Run, Split
Animals That End With X: Fox, Ibex, Lynx, Oryx
Shades of Black: Ebony, Jet, Onyx, Raven
Words Before Days of the Week: Ash, Black, Cyber, Fat
Connections 78 - 28/08/2023
States of Elation: Bliss, Cloud Nine, Heaven, Paradise
Scam: Con, Fast One, Hustle, Racket
Greeting Gestures: High Five, Hug, Shake, Wave
___ List: Bucket, Guest, Top Ten, Wish
Connections 77 - 27/08/2023
Pieces of Chicken: Breast, Drumstick, Tender, Wing
Golf Terms: Driver, Eagle, Hole, Stroke
Associated With "Crawl": Infant, Pub, Swimming, Ticker
Drum Set Components: Cymbal, Kick, Snare, Tom
Connections 76 - 26/08/2023
Board Games: Risk, Sorry, Taboo, Trouble
Newspaper Sections: Business, National, Opinion, Style
Figures In Greek Myth: Atlas, Hermes, Nike, Paris
First Word In Rappers' Names: Foxy, Gucci, Killer, Notorious
Connections 75 - 25/08/2023
Social Gathering: Bash, Blowout, Party, Shindig
"Pinocchio" Figures: Cricket, Puppet, Whale, Woodcarver
Found In A Kitchen: Counter, Mixer, Range, Sink
Easter ___: Bunny, Egg, Island, Sunday
Connections 74 - 24/08/2023
Kiss: Peck, Smack, Smooch, X
Extinct Animals: Dodo, Mammoth, Mastodon, Trilobite
Failures: Busts, Flops, Misses, Turkeys
Slang For Clothes: Duds, Getup, Outfit, Threads
Connections 73 - 23/08/2023
Facial Hair: Beard, Goatee, Mustache, Stubble
Bike Parts: Gear, Handlebar, Pedal, Wheel
Pursue: Dog, Follow, Tail, Track
Things That Are Cast: Doubt, Movie, Shadow, Vote
Connections 72 - 22/08/2023
Performing Artists: Actor, Dancer, Singer, Stand-Up
Santa's Reindeer: Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Vixen
Seen on Valetine's Day: Card, Chocolate, Heart, Rose
"Bad ___" Movies: Boys, Lieutenant, Santa, Taste
Connections 71 - 21/08/2023
U.S. Moutain States: Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah
Soda Brands: Crush, Mug, Sprite, Squirt
Classic Rock Bands: Genesis, Kansas, Rush, Yes
Tony ___: Hawk, Montana, Soprano, Stark
Connections 70 - 20/08/2023
Insult: Barb, Dig, Diss, Jab
Camping Supplies: Cooler, Lantern, Sleeping Bag, Tent
Tiny: Minute, Slight, Small, Wee
Happy ___: Camper, Hour, Meal, Medium
Connections 69 - 19/08/2023
Friend: Bud, Chum, Mate, Pal
Cookwear: Crock, Pot, Skillet, Wok
Shoes: Clog, Plump, Slide, Wedge
Slang For Cannabis: Grass, Herb, Mary Jane, Weed
Connections 68 - 18/08/2023
World Currencies: Rand, Real, Sterling, Won
Units of Volume: Cup, Gallon, Pint, Quart
Extremely: Awful, Quite, Super, Very
___ Cake: Carrot, Coffee, Pound, Sponge
Connections 67 - 17/08/2023
Desserts: Cake, Cobbler, Pie, Tart
Occupational Surnames: Fisher, Mason, Miller, Smith
Alter Deceptively: Distort, Doctor, Fudge, Twist
Square ___: Dance, Meal, One, Root
Connections 66 - 16/08/2023
Time Periods: Century, Decade, Millennium, Year
Breakfast Foods: Cereal, Omelet, Pancake, Waffle
Painters: Bacon, Close, Munch, Whistler
One in a Dozen: Egg, Juror, Month, Rose
Connections 65 - 15/08/2023
States of Matter: Gas, Liquid, Plasma, Solid
Energy: Juice, Spirit, Steam, Vigor
Classical Elements: Air, Earth, Fire Water
Things with Rings: Circus, Saturn, Tree, Wedding
Connections 64 - 14/08/2023
Classic Dog Names: Fido, Lucky, River, Spot
Perceive: Catch, Notice, Observe, See
Fishing Terms: Bait, Chum. Fly, Sinker
T-___: Bone, Rex, Shirt, Storm
Connections 63 - 13/08/2023
Fastening Verbs: Buckle, Button, Snap, Zip
Slang For Zero: Jack, Nada, Nothing, Squat
Gym Exercises: Curl, Lunge, Plank, Press
Captains: Crunch, Kangaroo, Obvious, Planet
Connections 62 - 12/08/2023
State Abbreviations: CO, MA, ME, PA
Musical Notes: DO, FA, LA, TI
Greek Letters: MU, NU, PI, XI
Periodic Table Symbols: FE, HE NA, NI
Connections 61 - 11/08/2023
Theoretical Physicists: Einstein, Feynman, Hawking, Oppenheimer
Talent: Faculty, Flair, Genius, Gift
Australian Terms: Barbie, Bush, Crikey, Mate
___ Point: Match, Moot, Selling, West
Connections 60 - 10/08/2023
Horror Franchises: Purge, Ring, Saw, Scream
Sports Venues: Court, Diamond, Field, Rink
Make Happy: Charm, Delight, Please, Tickle
Jewelry: Anklet, Bangle, Brooch, Pendant
Connections 59 - 09/08/2023
Unspecified Quantities: Few, Handful, Several, Some
Newspapers: Globe, Journal, Post, Sun
Celestial Objects: Asteroid, Comet, Moon, Planet
Fruit Homophones: Lyme, Mellon, Pair, Plumb
Connections 58 - 08/08/2023
Superheroes: Black Widow, Blade, Flash, Storm
Arachnids: Mite, Scorpion, Spider, Tick
Fish: Char, Eel, Perch, Shark
MTV Shows: Catfish, Cribs, Jackass, State
Connections 57 - 07/08/2023
Movie Genres: Horror, Musical, Romance, Western
Patterns: Houndstooth, Paisley, Plaid, Stripes
Synonyms for Falsehood: Fib, Faction, Lie, Tale
Candy Pieces: Dot, Goober, Kiss, Whopper
Connections 56 - 06/08/2023
Dances: Hustle, Salsa, Swing, Tango
Touchscreen Gestures: Pinch, Spread, Swipe, Tap
Classic Arcade Games: Asteroids, Breakout, Frogger, Pong
Rappers Minus Numbers: Cent, Chainz, Pac, Savage
Connections 55 - 05/08/2023
Classic Toys: Blocks, Doll, Top, Yo-Yo
Words With Three G's: Baggage, Eggnog, Giggle, Leggings
Shakespeare Characters: Dunca, Juliet, Puck, Viola
___ Stick: Fish, Hockey, Memory, Selfie
Connections 54 - 04/08/2023
Places For Worship: Altar, Reliquary, Shrine, Temple
___ Road: Abbey, High, Rocky, Silk
Presidential First Names: Calvin, Chester, Grover, Harry
Cartoon Cats: Felix, Garfield, Sylvester, Tom
Connections 53 - 03/08/2023
Animal Group Names: Colony, Herd, Pride, Swarm
Stoned: Baked, Blazed, High, Lit
AP Classes: Bio, Chem, Gov, Stats
Taxonomy Ranks: Class, Domain, Family, Order
Connections 52 - 02/08/2023
Computer Equipment: Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse, Speaker
Rodents: Gerbil, Hamster, Rat, Vole
Musical Instruments: Harp, Horn, Organ, Triangle
Synonyms For Complain: Carp, Gripe, Grouse, Moan
Connections 51 - 01/08/2023
Long Sandwiches: Hero, Hoagie, Grinder, Sub
Adams: Ant, Driver, Scott, West
Vampire Movies: Blade, Lost Boys, Near Dark, Twilight
Dating Apps: Bumble, Hinge, Match, Tinder


July 2023

Connections 50 - 31/07/2023
Units of Length: Foot, Inch, Mile, Yard
Deep-Fried Food: Falafel, Katsu, Samosa, Schnitzel
Starts of U.S. Coins: Dim, Nick, Pen, Quart
Types of Paint: Acrylic, Oil, Tempura, Watercolor
Connections 49 - 30/07/2023
Relatives: Aunt, Cousin, Mother, Nephew
Synonyms For Offbeat: Daffy, Kooky, Quirky, Wacky
Disney Ducks: Daisy, Dewey, Donald, Scrooge
___ Clock: Alarm, Biological, Cuckoo, Grandfather
Connections 48 - 29/07/2023
Fabrics: Corduroy, Denim, Linen, Tweed
Apparitions: Ghost, Phantom, Specter, Spirit
Synonyms For Bother: Needle, Poke, Rib, Tease
Disney Characters: Beast, Genie, Scar, Stitch
Connections 47 - 28/07/2023
Biomes: Desert, Forest, Grassland, Tundra
Lizards: Chameleon, Gecko, Iguana, Monitor
Yoga Poses: Cobra, Lotus, Tree, Warrior
Dances When Doubled: Can, Cha, Go, Nae
Connections 46 - 27/07/2023
Movie Title Cities: Chicago, Munich, Philadelphia, Rio
Fashion Magazines: Allure, Elle, Glamour, W
Storms: Blizzard, Cyclone, Squall, Tornado
Cocktails: Cosmopolitan, Hurricane, Manhattan, Screwdriver
Connections 45 - 26/07/2023
Modes of Transportation: Boat, Car, Plane, Train
NBA Players: King, Magic, Sun, Thunder
Band Names Minus Colors: Day, Floyd, Sabbath, Stripes
Fast Food Chains: Checkers, Outback, Sonic, Subway
Connections 44 - 25/07/2023
Edit Menu Commands: Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo
States of Matter: Liquid, Gas, Solid, Plasma
Defeat Badly: Crush, Rout, Shellac, Trash
Anagrams: Least, Slate, Tesla, Stale
Connections 43 - 24/07/2023
Synonym's For Angry: Furious, Incensed, Irate, Livid
Things That Are Yellow: Banana, Canary, School Bus, Sunflower
Marine Birds: Booby, Gull, Pelican, Puffin
___ Boys: Beach, Beastie, Hardy, Lost
Connections 42 - 23/07/2023
Punctuation Marks: Colon, Comma, Hyphen, Period
Run Quickly: Bolt, Dash, Race, Sprint
Scuba Gear: Fins, Mask, Snorkel, Tank
___ Cat: Doja, Fat, House, Jungle
Connections 41 - 22/07/2023
Bottled Water Brands: Dasani, Evian, Fiji, Voss
Slang for Coffee: Brew, Java, Joe, Mud
Island Countries: Cuba, Japan, Malta, Palau
Cereal Mascots: Lucky, Pop, Sam, Tony
Connections 40 - 21/07/2023
Coverings: Cap, Cover, Lid, Top
Woodwinds: Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe
Sunglasses: Aviator, Cat Eye, Wayfarer, Wraparound
Seals: Harbor, Harp, Hooded, Monk
Connections 39 - 20/07/2023
Timekeeping Devices: Clock, Hourglass, Sundial, Watch
Hairstyles: Bob, Crop, Pixie, Shag
Units of Measure: Hertz, Mole, Newton, Second
Dr. ___: Evil, J, No, Pepper
Connections 38 - 19/07/2023
Land Formations: Hill, Mountain, Plateau, Valley
Trees: Ash, Cedar, Maple, Pine
Bagel Flavours: Everthing, Onion, Plain, Poppy
Streets on Screen: Elm, Fear, Jump, Sesame
Connections 37 - 18/07/2023
Marine Mammals: Dolphin, Manatee, Otter, Seal
Bike Parts: Brake, Chain, Saddle, Spoke
Synonyms for Sell: Hawk, Move, Peddle, Vend
Countries when "A" is added: Chin, Cub, Malt, Tong
Connections 36 - 17/07/2023
Marsupials: Kangaroo, Koala, Wallaby, Wombat
Chocolate Bars: Chunky, Crunch, Mars, Mounds
Slang For Money: Cheddar, Dough, Paper, Stacks
Naked ___: Eye, Gun, Mole Rat. Truth
Connections 35 - 16/07/2023
U.S. Coins: Dime, Nickel, Penny, Quarter
Metal Elements: Iron, Lead, Tin, Zinc
Lucky Charms Marshmallows: Clover, Horseshoe, Moon, Rainbow
___ And ___: Again, Half, Neck, So
Connections 34 - 15/07/2023
Rock Paper Scissors: Paper, Rock, Scissors, Shoot
Music Genres: Blues, Country, Funk, Soul
Pleasant Smells: Aroma, Bouquet, Fragrance, Scent
Male Animals: Boar, Buck, Bull, Jack
Connections 33 - 14/07/2023
Boats: Ferry, Junk, Tug, Yacht
Sandwiches: Club, Cuban, Melt, Sub
Cuts of Beef: Flank, Loin, Round, Shank
Nicknames that are verbs: Chuck, Josh, Rub, Sue
Connections 32 - 13/07/2023
Shoe Parts: Heel, Lace, Sole, Tongue
Board Games: Clue, Risk, Sorry, Trouble
Fictional Spies: Bond, Hunt, Ryan, Smart
Rubber ___: Band, Cement, Duckie, Soul
Connections 31 - 12/07/2023
3-D Shapes: Cone, Cube, Pyramid, Sphere
Vegetables that are also fruits: Cucumber, Eggplant, Pepper, Tomato
Words with "I": Mac, Pad, Phone, Pod
Words with two pronunciations: Job, Lima, Mobile, Polish
Connections 30 - 11/07/2023
NFL Players: Bronco, Cowboy, Packer, Raven
Pasta Shapes: Bowtie, Elbow, Shell, Spiral
Joints: Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Wrist
Movies with "!": Airplane, Mother, Oklahoma, Them
Connections 29 - 10/07/2023
Arithmetic Operations: Add, Divide, Multiply, Subtract
Winged Insects: Fly, Gnat, Moth, Wasp
Fish: Tang, Tetra, Skate, Sole
___ Cat: Alley, Cool, Copy, Lap
Connections 28 - 09/07/2023
Seven Dwarfs: Bashful, Doc, Grumpy, Happy
File Extensions: GIF, PDF, TIFF, ZIP
Flightless Birds: Emu, Kiwi, Ostrich, Penguin
Tropical Fruits: Banana, Coconut, Mango, Pineapple
Connections 27 - 08/07/2023
Organs: Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung
Hats: Beret, Bowler, Fedora, Fez
Jack: Ass, Knife, Pot, Rabbit
Parts of a Book: Cover, Jacket, Page, Spine
Connections 26 - 07/07/2023
European Countries: Denmark, Greece, Poland, Portugal
Synonyms For Imitate: Copy, Echo, Mimic, Parrot
Toms: Cruise, Holland, Petty, Waits
Words Spelled With Roman Numerals: Dill, Livid, Mild, Mix
Connections 25 - 06/07/2023
Desserts: Cheesecake, Flan, Mousse, Tiramisu
Mild Oaths: Darn, Fudge, Heck, Shoot
Animals With Tusks: Elephant, Hippo, Narwhal, Warthog
Mustaches: Handlebar, Horseshoe, Pencil, Walrus
Connections 24 - 05/07/2023
Candy Bars: Bounty, Crunch, Heath, Milky Way
Video Game Consoles: Dreamcast, Genesis, Switch, WII
Ear Parts: Anvil. Cochlea, Hammer, Stirrup
Band Names Minus Numbers: Blink, Maroon, Sum, U
Connections 23 - 04/07/2023
60s Band Members: Beach Boy, Beatle, Byrd, Monkee
Dance Fads: Dougie, Macarena, Mashed Potato, Twist
Magazines: Fortune, Rolling Stone, Vogue, Wired
Things with Links: Chain, Golf Course, Sausage, Website
Connections 22 - 03/07/2023
Dog Breeds: Boxer, Dalmatian, Husky, Poodle
Animal Noses: Beak, Muzzle, Snout, Trunk
Traffic Signs: Detour, Slow, Stop, Yield
Sound ___: Asleep, Barrier, Bite, Wave
Connections 21 - 02/07/2023
Music Genres: Jazz, Pop, Punk, Rap
Web Browsers: Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera
"Little Women" Sisters: Amy, Beth, Jo, Meg
Lil ___ Rappers: Baby, Jon, Kim, Wayne
Connections 20 - 01/07/2023
Royal Titles: Baron, Earl, King, Prince
Grains: Barley, Oat, Rye, Spelt
Universities: Brown, Duke, Howard, Rice
Best Director Oscar Winners: Bong, Ford, Lee, Stone


June 2023

Connections 19 - 30/06/2023
Kinds of Meat: Beef, Pork, Poultry, Venison
Synonyms for Arguement: Row, Quarrel, Spat, Tiff
Anti-Vampire: Crucifix, Garlic, Mirror, Stake
Off-White Shades: Cream, Eggshell, Ivory, Vanilla
Connections 18 - 29/06/2023
Awards: Cup, Medal, Ribbon, Trophy
Muscles Informally: Lat, Pec, Quad, Tri
NFL Players: Bear, Bill, Brown, Commander
Title TV Doctors: Grey, House, Howser, Quinn
Connections 17 - 28/06/2023
Ship Directions: Bow, Port, Starboard, Stern
Neckwear: Ascot, Bolo, Scarf, Tie
___ Triangle: Acute, Bermuda, Love, Right
Detergents: All, Era, Gain, Tide
Connections 16 - 27/06/2023
Coffee Drinks: Americano, Cappuccino, Espresso, Latte
Tree Nuts: Almond, Pecan, Walnut, Cashew
Shades of Green: Emerald, Forest, Kelly, Olive
Mr ___: Bean, Clean, Fox, Peanut
Connections 15 - 26/06/2023
Bird Sounds: Caw, Chirp, Cluck, Tweet
Colors: Brown, Pink, Turquoise, Violet
Fishing Gear: Lure, Reel, Rod, Tackle
Fictional Pirates: Hook, Jones, Silver, Sparrow
Connections 14 - 25/06/2023
Beds: Bunk, Canopy, Murphy, Trundle
Famous Brothers: Jonas, Marx, Warner, Wright
Hondas: Accord, Civic, Passport, Pilot
Video Game Characters: Crash, Link, Mario, Sonic
Connections 13 - 24/06/2023
Homophones: Gnu, Knew, New, Nu
Airlines: Frontier, Spirit, United, Virgin
Greek Letters: Beta, Chi, Delta, Iota
Silent "G": Gnat, Gnaw, Gnocci, Gnome
Connections 12 - 23/06/2023
Deadly Sins: Envy, Greed, Lust, Pride
Slow Animals: Loris, Sloth, Snail, Tortoise
Animal Group Names: Flock, Pad, School, Pod
Trig Functions: Cot, Sec, Sin, Tan
Connections 11 - 22/06/2023
Spices Beginning With "C": Cardamom, Clove, Coriander, Cumin
Terms Of Endearment: Boo, Honey, Sugar, Sweetie
Things With Wings: Airplane, Angel, Bird, Pegasus
Spice Girls: Baby, Ginger, Posh, Scary
Connections 10 - 21/06/2023
Fruit: Date, Kiwi, Lemon, Orange
Countries: Chad, Georgia, Jordan, Togo
Birds: Crane, Jay, Swallow, Turkey
Zodiac Symbols: Fish, Goat, Scales, Twins
Connections 9 - 20/06/2023
Sports: Cricket, Fencing, Polo, Squash
Tops: Cami, Halter, Tank, Tee
Vegetables: Beet, Carrot, Corn, Onion
Insects: Ant, Beetle, Mantis, Termite
Connections 8 - 19/06/2023
Board Games: Backgammon, Checkers, Chess, Go
Mattress Sizes: Full, King, Queen, Twin
Things That Are Red: Cherry, Fire Truck, Ruby, Stop Sign
Things With Keys: Cryptography, Florida, Locksmith, Piano
Connections 7 - 18/06/2023
Leg Parts: Ankle, Knee, Shin, Thigh
Baby Animals: Calf, Cub, Joey, Kid
Slang For Toilet: Can, Head, John, Throne
___ Fish That Aren'T Fish: Cray, Jelly, Silver, Star
Connections 6 - 17/06/2023
Monopoly Squares: Boardwalk, Chance, Go, Jail
Shades Of Blue: Baby, Midnight, Powder, Royal
Rappers: Common, Future, Ice Cube, Q-Tip
Members Of A Septet: Sea, Sin, Sister, Wonder
Connections 5 - 16/06/2023
Streaming Services: Hulu, Netflix, Peacock, Prime
Condiments: Ketchup, Mayo, Relish, Tartar
Synonyms For Sad: Blue, Down, Glum, Low
Clue Characters: Green, Mustard, Plum, Scarlet
Connections 4 - 15/06/2023
Sneaker Brands: Adidas, Nike, Puma, Reebok
Musicals Beginning With "C": Cabaret, Carousel, Cats, Chicago
Cleaning Verbs: Dust, Mop, Sweep, Vacuum
___ Man Superheroes: Bat, Iron, Spider, Super
Connections 3 - 14/06/2023
Facial Features: Cheek, Eye, Mouth, Nose
Synonyms For Eat: Chow, Gobble, Scarf, Wolf
Dog Breeds, Informally: Lab, Peke, Pit, Pom
Members Of A Trio: Amigo, King, Stooge, Tenor
Connections 2 - 13/06/2023
Footwear: Boot, Loafer, Pump, Sneaker
Units Of Length: Foot, League, Mile, Yard
Magazines: Essence, People, Time, Us
Letter Homophones: Are, Queue, Sea, Why
Connections 1 - 12/06/2023
Wet Weather: Hail, Rain, Sleet, Snow
Nba Teams: Bucks, Heat, Jazz, Nets
Keyboard Keys: Option, Return, Shift, Tab
Palindromes: Kayak, Level, Mom, Race Car
Jake Bannister

About The Author

Jake Bannister

Jake is GGRecon's Co-Founder and Operations Director. You'll find him covering our word game brain teasers, as well as sports games such as Football Manager and EA FC. He's also that teammate on your Rocket League team spamming "Wow!".


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